%ignore mutable_graph_t; %ignore graph_visitor_t; %ignore abstract_graph_t; %include "graph.hpp" %{ // class py_graph_t : public py_customidamemo_t { typedef py_customidamemo_t inherited; protected: virtual void node_info_modified(int n, const node_info_t *ni, uint32 flags) { if ( ni == NULL ) { node_cache.erase(n); } else { nodetext_cache_t *c = node_cache.get(n); if ( c != NULL ) { if ( (flags & NIF_TEXT) == NIF_TEXT ) c->text = ni->text; if ( (flags & NIF_BG_COLOR) == NIF_BG_COLOR ) c->bgcolor = ni->bg_color; } } } void collect_class_callbacks_ids(callbacks_ids_t *out); private: enum { GRCODE_HAVE_USER_HINT = 0x00010000, GRCODE_HAVE_CLICKED = 0x00020000, GRCODE_HAVE_DBL_CLICKED = 0x00040000, GRCODE_HAVE_GOTFOCUS = 0x00080000, GRCODE_HAVE_LOSTFOCUS = 0x00100000, GRCODE_HAVE_CHANGED_CURRENT = 0x00200000, GRCODE_HAVE_COMMAND = 0x00400000, GRCODE_HAVE_CREATING_GROUP = 0x00800000, GRCODE_HAVE_DELETING_GROUP = 0x01000000, GRCODE_HAVE_GROUP_VISIBILITY = 0x02000000, }; struct nodetext_cache_t { qstring text; bgcolor_t bgcolor; nodetext_cache_t(const nodetext_cache_t &rhs): text(rhs.text), bgcolor(rhs.bgcolor) { } nodetext_cache_t(const char *t, bgcolor_t c): text(t), bgcolor(c) { } nodetext_cache_t() { } }; class nodetext_cache_map_t: public std::map { public: nodetext_cache_t *get(int node_id) { iterator it = find(node_id); if ( it == end() ) return NULL; return &it->second; } nodetext_cache_t *add(const int node_id, const char *text, bgcolor_t bgcolor = DEFCOLOR) { return &(insert(std::make_pair(node_id, nodetext_cache_t(text, bgcolor))).first->second); } }; class cmdid_map_t: public std::map { private: Py_ssize_t uid; public: cmdid_map_t() { // We start by one and keep zero for error id uid = 1; } void add(py_graph_t *pyg) { (*this)[uid] = pyg; ++uid; } const Py_ssize_t id() const { return uid; } void clear(py_graph_t *pyg) { iterator e = end(); for (iterator it=begin();it!=end();) { if ( it->second == pyg ) { iterator temp = it++; erase(temp); } else ++it; } } py_graph_t *get(Py_ssize_t id) { iterator it = find(id); return it == end() ? NULL : it->second; } }; static cmdid_map_t cmdid_pyg; bool refresh_needed; nodetext_cache_map_t node_cache; // instance callback int gr_callback(int code, va_list va); // static callback static int idaapi s_callback(void *obj, int code, va_list va) { QASSERT(30453, py_customidamemo_t::lookup_info.find_by_py_view(NULL, NULL, (py_graph_t *) obj)); PYW_GIL_GET; return ((py_graph_t *)obj)->gr_callback(code, va); } static bool idaapi s_menucb(void *ud) { PYW_GIL_GET; Py_ssize_t id = (Py_ssize_t)ud; py_graph_t *_this = cmdid_pyg.get(id); if ( _this != NULL ) _this->on_command(id); return true; } void on_command(Py_ssize_t id) { // Check return value to OnRefresh() call PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t ret(PyObject_CallMethod(self.o, (char *)S_ON_COMMAND, "n", id)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_COMMAND); } // Refresh user-defined graph node number and edges // It calls Python method and expects that the user already filled // the nodes and edges. The nodes and edges are retrieved and passed to IDA void on_user_refresh(mutable_graph_t *g); // Retrieves the text for user-defined graph node // It expects either a string or a tuple (string, bgcolor) bool on_user_text(mutable_graph_t * /*g*/, int node, const char **str, bgcolor_t *bg_color); // Retrieves the hint for the user-defined graph // Calls Python and expects a string or None int on_user_hint(mutable_graph_t *, int mousenode, int /*mouseedge_src*/, int /*mouseedge_dst*/, char **hint); // graph is being destroyed void on_graph_destroyed(mutable_graph_t * /*g*/ = NULL) { refresh_needed = true; node_cache.clear(); } // graph is being clicked int on_clicked( graph_viewer_t * /*view*/, selection_item_t * /*item1*/, graph_item_t *item2) { // in: graph_viewer_t *view // selection_item_t *current_item1 // graph_item_t *current_item2 // out: 0-ok, 1-ignore click // this callback allows you to ignore some clicks. // it occurs too early, internal graph variables are not updated yet // current_item1, current_item2 point to the same thing // item2 has more information. // see also: kernwin.hpp, custom_viewer_click_t if ( item2->n == -1 ) return 1; PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t result( PyObject_CallMethod( self.o, (char *)S_ON_CLICK, "i", item2->n)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_CLICK); return result == NULL || !PyObject_IsTrue(result.o); } // a graph node has been double clicked int on_dblclicked(graph_viewer_t * /*view*/, selection_item_t *item) { // in: graph_viewer_t *view // selection_item_t *current_item // out: 0-ok, 1-ignore click //graph_viewer_t *v = va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *); //selection_item_t *s = va_arg(va, selection_item_t *); if ( item == NULL || !item->is_node ) return 1; PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t result( PyObject_CallMethod( self.o, (char *)S_ON_DBL_CLICK, "i", item->node)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_DBL_CLICK); return result == NULL || !PyObject_IsTrue(result.o); } // a graph viewer got focus void on_gotfocus(graph_viewer_t * /*view*/) { if ( self.o == NULL ) return; PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t result( PyObject_CallMethod( self.o, (char *)S_ON_ACTIVATE, NULL)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_ACTIVATE); } // a graph viewer lost focus void on_lostfocus(graph_viewer_t * /*view*/) { if ( self.o == NULL ) return; PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t result( PyObject_CallMethod( self.o, (char *)S_ON_DEACTIVATE, NULL)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_DEACTIVATE); } // a new graph node became the current node int on_changed_current(graph_viewer_t * /*view*/, int curnode) { // in: graph_viewer_t *view // int curnode // out: 0-ok, 1-forbid to change the current node if ( curnode < 0 ) return 0; PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t result( PyObject_CallMethod( self.o, (char *)S_ON_SELECT, "i", curnode)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_SELECT); return !(result != NULL && PyObject_IsTrue(result.o)); } // a group is being created int on_creating_group(mutable_graph_t *my_g, intvec_t *my_nodes) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t py_nodes(PyList_New(my_nodes->size())); int i; intvec_t::const_iterator p; for ( i = 0, p=my_nodes->begin(); p != my_nodes->end(); ++p, ++i ) PyList_SetItem(py_nodes.o, i, PyInt_FromLong(*p)); newref_t py_result( PyObject_CallMethod( self.o, (char *)S_ON_CREATING_GROUP, "O", py_nodes.o)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_CREATING_GROUP); return (py_result == NULL || !PyInt_Check(py_result.o)) ? 1 : PyInt_AsLong(py_result.o); } // a group is being deleted int on_deleting_group(mutable_graph_t * /*g*/, int old_group) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); // TODO return 0; } // a group is being collapsed/uncollapsed int on_group_visibility(mutable_graph_t * /*g*/, int group, bool expand) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); // TODO return 0; } void show() { TForm *form; if ( lookup_info.find_by_py_view(&form, NULL, this) ) open_tform(form, FORM_TAB|FORM_MENU|FORM_QWIDGET); } void jump_to_node(int nid) { ref_t nodes(PyW_TryGetAttrString(self.o, S_M_NODES)); if ( nid >= PyList_Size(nodes.o) ) return; viewer_center_on(view, nid); int x, y; // will return a place only when a node was previously selected place_t *old_pl = get_custom_viewer_place(view, false, &x, &y); if ( old_pl != NULL ) { user_graph_place_t *new_pl = (user_graph_place_t *) old_pl->clone(); new_pl->node = nid; jumpto(view, new_pl, x, y); delete new_pl; } } virtual void refresh() { refresh_needed = true; inherited::refresh(); } int initialize(PyObject *self, const char *title) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); if ( !collect_pyobject_callbacks(self) ) return -1; // Create form HWND hwnd = NULL; TForm *form = create_tform(title, &hwnd); if ( hwnd != NULL ) // Created new tform { lookup_info_t::entry_t &e = lookup_info.new_entry(this); // get a unique graph id netnode id; char grnode[MAXSTR]; qsnprintf(grnode, sizeof(grnode), "$ pygraph %s", title); id.create(grnode); graph_viewer_t *pview = create_graph_viewer(form, id, s_callback, this, 0); open_tform(form, FORM_TAB | FORM_MENU | FORM_QWIDGET); if ( pview != NULL ) viewer_fit_window(pview); bind(self, pview); install_custom_viewer_handlers(); refresh(); lookup_info.commit(e, form, view); } else { show(); } viewer_fit_window(view); return 0; } Py_ssize_t add_command(const char *title, const char *hotkey) { if ( !has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_COMMAND) || view == NULL) return 0; Py_ssize_t cmd_id = cmdid_pyg.id(); bool ok = viewer_add_menu_item(view, title, s_menucb, (void *)cmd_id, hotkey, 0); if ( !ok ) return 0; cmdid_pyg.add(this); return cmd_id; } public: py_graph_t() { // form = NULL; refresh_needed = true; } virtual ~py_graph_t() { // Remove all associated commands from the list cmdid_pyg.clear(this); } static void SelectNode(PyObject *self, int nid) { if ( nid < 0 ) return; py_graph_t *_this = view_extract_this(self); if ( _this == NULL || !lookup_info.find_by_py_view(NULL, NULL, _this) ) return; _this->jump_to_node(nid); } static Py_ssize_t AddCommand(PyObject *self, const char *title, const char *hotkey) { py_graph_t *_this = view_extract_this(self); if ( _this == NULL || !lookup_info.find_by_py_view(NULL, NULL, _this) ) return 0; return _this->add_command(title, hotkey); } static void Close(PyObject *self) { TForm *form; py_graph_t *_this = view_extract_this(self); if ( _this == NULL || !lookup_info.find_by_py_view(&form, NULL, _this) ) return; close_tform(form, FORM_CLOSE_LATER); } static py_graph_t *Show(PyObject *self) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); py_graph_t *py_graph = view_extract_this(self); // New instance? if ( py_graph == NULL ) { qstring title; if ( !PyW_GetStringAttr(self, S_M_TITLE, &title) ) return NULL; // Form already created? try to get associated py_graph instance // so that we reuse it graph_viewer_t *found_view; TForm *form = find_tform(title.c_str()); if ( form != NULL ) lookup_info.find_by_form(&found_view, (py_customidamemo_t**) &py_graph, form); if ( py_graph == NULL ) { py_graph = new py_graph_t(); } else { // unbind so we are rebound py_graph->unbind(false); py_graph->refresh_needed = true; } if ( py_graph->initialize(self, title.c_str()) < 0 ) { delete py_graph; py_graph = NULL; } } else { py_graph->show(); } return py_graph; } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void py_graph_t::collect_class_callbacks_ids(callbacks_ids_t *out) { inherited::collect_class_callbacks_ids(out); out->add(S_ON_REFRESH, 0); out->add(S_ON_GETTEXT, 0); out->add(S_M_EDGES, -1); out->add(S_M_NODES, -1); out->add(S_ON_HINT, GRCODE_HAVE_USER_HINT); out->add(S_ON_CLICK, GRCODE_HAVE_CLICKED); out->add(S_ON_DBL_CLICK, GRCODE_HAVE_DBL_CLICKED); out->add(S_ON_COMMAND, GRCODE_HAVE_COMMAND); out->add(S_ON_SELECT, GRCODE_HAVE_CHANGED_CURRENT); out->add(S_ON_ACTIVATE, GRCODE_HAVE_GOTFOCUS); out->add(S_ON_DEACTIVATE, GRCODE_HAVE_LOSTFOCUS); out->add(S_ON_CREATING_GROUP, GRCODE_HAVE_CREATING_GROUP); out->add(S_ON_DELETING_GROUP, GRCODE_HAVE_DELETING_GROUP); out->add(S_ON_GROUP_VISIBILITY, GRCODE_HAVE_GROUP_VISIBILITY); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void py_graph_t::on_user_refresh(mutable_graph_t *g) { if ( !refresh_needed || self == NULL /* Happens at creation-time */ ) return; // Check return value to OnRefresh() call PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t ret(PyObject_CallMethod(self.o, (char *)S_ON_REFRESH, NULL)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_REFRESH); if ( ret != NULL && PyObject_IsTrue(ret.o) ) { // Refer to the nodes ref_t nodes(PyW_TryGetAttrString(self.o, S_M_NODES)); if ( ret != NULL && PyList_Check(nodes.o) ) { // Refer to the edges ref_t edges(PyW_TryGetAttrString(self.o, S_M_EDGES)); if ( ret != NULL && PyList_Check(edges.o) ) { // Resize the nodes int max_nodes = abs(int(PyList_Size(nodes.o))); g->clear(); g->resize(max_nodes); // Mark that we refreshed already refresh_needed = false; // Clear cached nodes node_cache.clear(); // Get the edges for ( int i=(int)PyList_Size(edges.o)-1; i>=0; i-- ) { // Each list item is a sequence (id1, id2) borref_t item(PyList_GetItem(edges.o, i)); if ( !PySequence_Check(item.o) ) continue; // Get and validate each of the two elements in the sequence int edge_ids[2]; int j; for ( j=0; j max_nodes ) break; edge_ids[j] = v; } // Incomplete? if ( j != qnumber(edge_ids) ) break; // Add the edge g->add_edge(edge_ids[0], edge_ids[1], NULL); } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool py_graph_t::on_user_text(mutable_graph_t * /*g*/, int node, const char **str, bgcolor_t *bg_color) { // If already cached then return the value nodetext_cache_t *c = node_cache.get(node); if ( c != NULL ) { *str = c->text.c_str(); if ( bg_color != NULL ) *bg_color = c->bgcolor; return true; } // Not cached, call Python PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t result(PyObject_CallMethod(self.o, (char *)S_ON_GETTEXT, "i", node)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_GETTEXT); if ( result == NULL ) return false; bgcolor_t cl = bg_color == NULL ? DEFCOLOR : *bg_color; const char *s; // User returned a string? if ( PyString_Check(result.o) ) { s = PyString_AsString(result.o); if ( s == NULL ) s = ""; c = node_cache.add(node, s, cl); } // User returned a sequence of text and bgcolor else if ( PySequence_Check(result.o) && PySequence_Size(result.o) == 2 ) { newref_t py_str(PySequence_GetItem(result.o, 0)); newref_t py_color(PySequence_GetItem(result.o, 1)); if ( py_str == NULL || !PyString_Check(py_str.o) || (s = PyString_AsString(py_str.o)) == NULL ) s = ""; if ( py_color != NULL && PyNumber_Check(py_color.o) ) cl = bgcolor_t(PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(py_color.o)); c = node_cache.add(node, s, cl); } *str = c->text.c_str(); if ( bg_color != NULL ) *bg_color = c->bgcolor; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- int py_graph_t::on_user_hint(mutable_graph_t *, int mousenode, int /*mouseedge_src*/, int /*mouseedge_dst*/, char **hint) { // 'hint' must be allocated by qalloc() or qstrdup() // out: 0-use default hint, 1-use proposed hint // We dispatch hints over nodes only if ( mousenode == -1 ) return 0; PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t result(PyObject_CallMethod(self.o, (char *)S_ON_HINT, "i", mousenode)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_HINT); bool ok = result != NULL && PyString_Check(result.o); if ( ok ) *hint = qstrdup(PyString_AsString(result.o)); return ok; // use our hint } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- int py_graph_t::gr_callback(int code, va_list va) { int ret; switch ( code ) { // case grcode_user_text: { mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *); int node = va_arg(va, int); const char **result = va_arg(va, const char **); bgcolor_t *bgcolor = va_arg(va, bgcolor_t *); ret = on_user_text(g, node, result, bgcolor); break; } // case grcode_destroyed: on_graph_destroyed(va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *)); ret = 0; break; // case grcode_clicked: if ( has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_CLICKED) ) { graph_viewer_t *view = va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *); selection_item_t *item = va_arg(va, selection_item_t *); graph_item_t *gitem = va_arg(va, graph_item_t *); ret = on_clicked(view, item, gitem); } else { // Ignore the click ret = 1; } break; // case grcode_dblclicked: if ( has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_DBL_CLICKED) ) { graph_viewer_t *view = va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *); selection_item_t *item = va_arg(va, selection_item_t *); ret = on_dblclicked(view, item); } else ret = 0; // We don't want to ignore the double click, but rather // fallback to the default behavior (e.g., double-clicking // on an edge will to jump to the node on the other side // of that edge.) break; // case grcode_gotfocus: if ( has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_GOTFOCUS) ) on_gotfocus(va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *)); ret = 0; break; // case grcode_lostfocus: if ( has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_LOSTFOCUS) ) on_lostfocus(va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *)); ret = 0; break; // case grcode_user_refresh: on_user_refresh(va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *)); ret = 1; break; // case grcode_user_hint: if ( has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_USER_HINT) ) { mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *); int mousenode = va_arg(va, int); int mouseedge_src = va_arg(va, int); int mouseedge_dest = va_arg(va, int); char **hint = va_arg(va, char **); ret = on_user_hint(g, mousenode, mouseedge_src, mouseedge_dest, hint); } else { ret = 0; } break; // case grcode_changed_current: if ( has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_CHANGED_CURRENT) ) { graph_viewer_t *view = va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *); int cur_node = va_arg(va, int); ret = on_changed_current(view, cur_node); } else ret = 0; // allow selection change break; // case grcode_creating_group: // a group is being created if ( has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_CREATING_GROUP) ) { mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t*); intvec_t *nodes = va_arg(va, intvec_t*); ret = on_creating_group(g, nodes); } else { ret = 0; // Ok to create } break; // case grcode_deleting_group: // a group is being deleted if ( has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_DELETING_GROUP) ) { mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t*); int old_group = va_arg(va, int); ret = on_deleting_group(g, old_group); } else { ret = 0; // Ok to delete } break; // case grcode_group_visibility: // a group is being collapsed/uncollapsed if ( has_callback(GRCODE_HAVE_GROUP_VISIBILITY) ) { mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t*); int group = va_arg(va, int); bool expand = bool(va_arg(va, int)); ret = on_group_visibility(g, group, expand); } else { ret = 0; // Ok. } break; // default: ret = 0; break; } //grcode_changed_graph, // new graph has been set //grcode_user_size, // calculate node size for user-defined graph //grcode_user_title, // render node title of a user-defined graph //grcode_user_draw, // render node of a user-defined graph return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- py_graph_t::cmdid_map_t py_graph_t::cmdid_pyg; bool pyg_show(PyObject *self) { return py_graph_t::Show(self) != NULL; } void pyg_close(PyObject *self) { py_graph_t::Close(self); } PyObject *pyg_add_command(PyObject *self, const char *title, const char *hotkey) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); return Py_BuildValue("n", py_graph_t::AddCommand(self, title, hotkey)); } void pyg_select_node(PyObject *self, int nid) { py_graph_t::SelectNode(self, nid); } // %} %inline %{ // void pyg_close(PyObject *self); PyObject *pyg_add_command(PyObject *self, const char *title, const char *hotkey); void pyg_select_node(PyObject *self, int nid); bool pyg_show(PyObject *self); // %} %pythoncode %{ # class GraphViewer(CustomIDAMemo): """This class wraps the user graphing facility provided by the graph.hpp file""" def __init__(self, title, close_open = False): """ Constructs the GraphView object. Please do not remove or rename the private fields @param title: The title of the graph window @param close_open: Should it attempt to close an existing graph (with same title) before creating this graph? """ self._title = title self._nodes = [] self._edges = [] self._close_open = close_open def AddNode(self, obj): """Creates a node associated with the given object and returns the node id""" id = len(self._nodes) self._nodes.append(obj) return id def AddEdge(self, src_node, dest_node): """Creates an edge between two given node ids""" self._edges.append( (src_node, dest_node) ) def Clear(self): """Clears all the nodes and edges""" self._nodes = [] self._edges = [] def __iter__(self): return (self._nodes[index] for index in xrange(0, len(self._nodes))) def __getitem__(self, idx): """Returns a reference to the object associated with this node id""" if idx >= len(self._nodes): raise KeyError else: return self._nodes[idx] def Count(self): """Returns the node count""" return len(self._nodes) def Close(self): """ Closes the graph. It is possible to call Show() again (which will recreate the graph) """ _idaapi.pyg_close(self) def Show(self): """ Shows an existing graph or creates a new one @return: Boolean """ if self._close_open: frm = _idaapi.find_tform(self._title) if frm: _idaapi.close_tform(frm, 0) return _idaapi.pyg_show(self) def Select(self, node_id): """Selects a node on the graph""" _idaapi.pyg_select_node(self, node_id) def AddCommand(self, title, hotkey): """ Deprecated: Use - register_action() - attach_action_to_popup() """ return _idaapi.pyg_add_command(self, title, hotkey) def OnRefresh(self): """ Event called when the graph is refreshed or first created. From this event you are supposed to create nodes and edges. This callback is mandatory. @note: ***It is important to clear previous nodes before adding nodes.*** @return: Returning True tells the graph viewer to use the items. Otherwise old items will be used. """ self.Clear() return True # # def OnGetText(self, node_id): # """ # Triggered when the graph viewer wants the text and color for a given node. # This callback is triggered one time for a given node (the value will be cached and used later without calling Python). # When you call refresh then again this callback will be called for each node. # # This callback is mandatory. # # @return: Return a string to describe the node text or return a tuple (node_text, node_color) to describe both text and color # """ # return str(self[node_id]) # # def OnActivate(self): # """ # Triggered when the graph window gets the focus # @return: None # """ # print "Activated...." # # def OnDeactivate(self): # """Triggered when the graph window loses the focus # @return: None # """ # print "Deactivated...." # # def OnSelect(self, node_id): # """ # Triggered when a node is being selected # @return: Return True to allow the node to be selected or False to disallow node selection change # """ # # allow selection change # return True # # def OnHint(self, node_id): # """ # Triggered when the graph viewer wants to retrieve hint text associated with a given node # # @return: None if no hint is avail or a string designating the hint # """ # return "hint for " + str(node_id) # # def OnClose(self): # """Triggered when the graph viewer window is being closed # @return: None # """ # print "Closing......." # # def OnClick(self, node_id): # """ # Triggered when a node is clicked # @return: False to ignore the click and True otherwise # """ # print "clicked on", self[node_id] # return True # # def OnDblClick(self, node_id): # """ # Triggerd when a node is double-clicked. # @return: False to ignore the click and True otherwise # """ # print "dblclicked on", self[node_id] # return True # # def OnCommand(self, cmd_id): # """ # Deprecated # """ # pass # # %}