#!/usr/bin/env python #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # IDAPython - Python plugin for Interactive Disassembler # # (c) The IDAPython Team # # All rights reserved. # # For detailed copyright information see the file COPYING in # the root of the distribution archive. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # build.py - Custom build script #--------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import platform import shutil import sys import types import zipfile import glob from distutils import sysconfig # Start of user configurable options VERBOSE = True IDA_MAJOR_VERSION = 6 IDA_MINOR_VERSION = 8 if 'IDA' in os.environ: IDA_SDK = os.environ['IDA'] else: IDA_SDK = os.path.join("..", "..", "include") if not os.path.exists(IDA_SDK): IDA_SDK = os.path.join("..", "swigsdk-versions", ("%d.%d" % (IDA_MAJOR_VERSION, IDA_MINOR_VERSION))) assert os.path.exists(IDA_SDK), "Could not find IDA SDK include path" # End of user configurable options # IDAPython version VERSION_MAJOR = 1 VERSION_MINOR = 7 VERSION_PATCH = 0 # Determine Python version PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION = int(platform.python_version()[0]) PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION = int(platform.python_version()[2]) # Find Python headers PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY = sysconfig.get_config_var('INCLUDEPY') S_EA64 = 'ea64' S_WITH_HEXRAYS = 'with-hexrays' S_NO_OPT = 'no-opt' S_DEBUG = 'debug' # Swig command-line parameters SWIG_OPTIONS = '-modern -python -threads -c++ -w451 -shadow -D__GNUC__' # Common macros for all compilations COMMON_MACROS = [ ("VER_MAJOR", "%d" % VERSION_MAJOR), ("VER_MINOR", "%d" % VERSION_MINOR), ("VER_PATCH", "%d" % VERSION_PATCH), "__IDP__", ("MAXSTR", "1024"), "USE_DANGEROUS_FUNCTIONS", "USE_STANDARD_FILE_FUNCTIONS" ] # Common includes for all compilations COMMON_INCLUDES = [ ".", "swig" ] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # List files for the binary distribution BINDIST_MANIFEST = [ "README.txt", "COPYING.txt", "CHANGES.txt", "AUTHORS.txt", "STATUS.txt", "python.cfg", "docs/notes.txt", "examples/chooser.py", "examples/colours.py", "examples/ex_idphook_asm.py", "examples/ex_uirequests.py", "examples/debughook.py", "examples/ex_cli.py", "examples/ex1.idc", "examples/ex_custdata.py", "examples/ex1_idaapi.py", "examples/ex1_idautils.py", "examples/hotkey.py", "examples/structure.py", "examples/ex_gdl_qflow_chart.py", "examples/ex_strings.py", "examples/ex_actions.py", "examples/ex_func_chooser.py", "examples/ex_choose2.py", "examples/ex_debug_names.py", "examples/ex_graph.py", "examples/ex_hotkey.py", "examples/ex_patch.py", "examples/ex_expr.py", "examples/ex_timer.py", "examples/ex_dbg.py", "examples/ex_custview.py", "examples/ex_prefix_plugin.py", "examples/ex_pyside.py", "examples/ex_pyqt.py", "examples/ex_askusingform.py", "examples/ex_uihook.py", "examples/ex_idphook_asm.py", "examples/ex_imports.py" ] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # List files for the source distribution (appended to binary list) SRCDIST_MANIFEST = [ "BUILDING.txt", "python.cpp", "basetsd.h", "build.py", "python.cfg", "swig/allins.i", "swig/area.i", "swig/auto.i", "swig/bytes.i", "swig/dbg.i", "swig/diskio.i", "swig/entry.i", "swig/enum.i", "swig/expr.i", "swig/fixup.i", "swig/frame.i", "swig/funcs.i", "swig/gdl.i", "swig/ida.i", "swig/idaapi.i", "swig/idd.i", "swig/idp.i", "swig/ints.i", "swig/kernwin.i", "swig/lines.i", "swig/loader.i", "swig/moves.i", "swig/nalt.i", "swig/name.i", "swig/netnode.i", "swig/offset.i", "swig/pro.i", "swig/queue.i", "swig/search.i", "swig/segment.i", "swig/srarea.i", "swig/strlist.i", "swig/struct.i", "swig/typeconv.i", "swig/typeinf.i", "swig/ua.i", "swig/xref.i", "swig/graph.i", "swig/fpro.i", "swig/hexrays.i", ] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_options(args): """Parse arguments and returned a dictionary of options""" no_opt = '--' + S_NO_OPT in sys.argv ea64 = '--' + S_EA64 in sys.argv with_hexrays = '--' + S_WITH_HEXRAYS in sys.argv debug = '--' + S_DEBUG in sys.argv return { S_EA64: ea64, S_WITH_HEXRAYS: with_hexrays, S_NO_OPT: no_opt, S_DEBUG: debug } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class BuilderBase: """ Base class for builders """ def __init__(self): pass def compile(self, source, objectname=None, includes=[], macros=[]): """ Compile the source file """ allmacros = [] allmacros.extend(COMMON_MACROS) allmacros.extend(self.basemacros) allmacros.extend(macros) macrostring = self._build_command_string(allmacros, self.macro_delimiter) allincludes = [] allincludes.extend(COMMON_INCLUDES) allincludes.extend(includes) includestring = self._build_command_string(allincludes, self.include_delimiter) if not objectname: objectname = source + self.object_extension cmdstring = "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (self.compiler, self.compiler_parameters, self.compiler_out_string(objectname), self.compiler_in_string(source + self.source_extension), includestring, macrostring) if VERBOSE: print cmdstring return os.system(cmdstring) def link(self, objects, outfile, libpaths=[], libraries=[], extra_parameters=None): """ Link the binary from objects and libraries """ cmdstring = "%s %s %s" % (self.linker, self.linker_parameters, self.linker_out_string(outfile)) for objectfile in objects: cmdstring = "%s %s" % (cmdstring, objectfile + self.object_extension) for libpath in libpaths: cmdstring = "%s %s%s" % (cmdstring, self.libpath_delimiter, libpath) for library in libraries: cmdstring = "%s %s" % (cmdstring, library) if extra_parameters: cmdstring = "%s %s" % (cmdstring, extra_parameters) if VERBOSE: print cmdstring return os.system(cmdstring) def _build_command_string(self, macros, argument_delimiter): macrostring = "" for item in macros: if type(item) == types.TupleType: macrostring += '%s%s="%s" ' % (argument_delimiter, item[0], item[1]) else: macrostring += '%s%s ' % (argument_delimiter, item) return macrostring # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class GCCBuilder(BuilderBase): """ Generic GCC compiler class """ def __init__(self): self.include_delimiter = "-I" self.macro_delimiter = "-D" self.libpath_delimiter = "-L" self.compiler_parameters = "-fpermissive -Wno-write-strings" self.linker_parameters = "-shared" self.basemacros = [ ] self.compiler = "g++ -m32" self.linker = "g++ -m32" self.source_extension = ".cpp" self.object_extension = ".o" def compiler_in_string(self, filename): return "-c %s" % filename def compiler_out_string(self, filename): return "-o %s" % filename def linker_out_string(self, filename): return "-o %s" % filename # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class MSVCBuilder(BuilderBase): """ Generic Visual C compiler class """ def __init__(self): self.include_delimiter = "/I" self.macro_delimiter = "/D" self.libpath_delimiter = "/LIBPATH:" self.compiler_parameters = "/nologo /EHsc" self.linker_parameters = "/nologo /dll /export:PLUGIN" self.basemacros = [ "WIN32", "_USRDLL", "__NT__" ] self.compiler = "cl" self.linker = "link" self.source_extension = ".cpp" self.object_extension = ".obj" def compiler_in_string(self, filename): return "/c %s" % filename def compiler_out_string(self, filename): return "/Fo%s" % filename def linker_out_string(self, filename): return "/out:%s" % filename # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def build_distribution(manifest, distrootdir, ea64, nukeold): """ Create a distibution to a directory and a ZIP file """ # (Re)create the output directory if os.path.exists(distrootdir): if nukeold: shutil.rmtree(distrootdir) os.makedirs(distrootdir) else: os.makedirs(distrootdir) # Also make a ZIP archive of the build zippath = distrootdir + ".zip" zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zippath, nukeold and "w" or "a", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) # Copy files, one by one for f in manifest: if type(f) == types.TupleType: srcfilepath = f[0] srcfilename = os.path.basename(srcfilepath) dstdir = os.path.join(distrootdir, f[1]) dstfilepath = os.path.join(dstdir, srcfilename) else: srcfilepath = f srcfilename = os.path.basename(f) srcdir = os.path.dirname(f) if srcdir == "": dstdir = distrootdir else: dstdir = os.path.join(distrootdir, srcdir) if not os.path.exists(dstdir): os.makedirs(dstdir) dstfilepath = os.path.join(dstdir, srcfilename) shutil.copyfile(srcfilepath, dstfilepath) zip.write(dstfilepath) zip.close() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def build_plugin( platform, idasdkdir, plugin_name, options): """ Build the plugin from the SWIG wrapper and plugin main source """ global SWIG_OPTIONS # Get the arguments ea64 = options[S_EA64] with_hexrays = options[S_WITH_HEXRAYS] # Path to the IDA SDK headers ida_include_directory = os.path.join(idasdkdir, "include") builder = None # Platform-specific settings for the Linux build if platform == "linux": builder = GCCBuilder() platform_macros = [ "__LINUX__" ] python_libpath = os.path.join(sysconfig.EXEC_PREFIX, "lib") python_library = "-Bdynamic -lpython%d.%d" % (PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION, PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION) ida_libpath = os.path.join(idasdkdir, "lib", ea64 and "x86_linux_gcc_64" or "x86_linux_gcc_32") ida_lib = "" extra_link_parameters = " -s" builder.compiler_parameters += " -O2" # Platform-specific settings for the Windows build elif platform == "win32": builder = MSVCBuilder() platform_macros = [ "__NT__" ] python_libpath = os.path.join(sysconfig.EXEC_PREFIX, "libs") python_library = "python%d%d.lib" % (PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION, PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION) ida_libpath = os.path.join(idasdkdir, "lib", ea64 and "x86_win_vc_64" or "x86_win_vc_32") ida_lib = "ida.lib" SWIG_OPTIONS += " -D__NT__ " extra_link_parameters = "" if options[S_DEBUG]: builder.compiler_parameters += " /Zi" builder.linker_parameters += " /DEBUG" if not options[S_NO_OPT] and not options[S_DEBUG]: builder.compiler_parameters += " -Ox" # Platform-specific settings for the Mac OS X build elif platform == "macosx": builder = GCCBuilder() builder.linker_parameters = "-dynamiclib" platform_macros = [ "__MAC__" ] python_libpath = "." python_library = "-framework Python" ida_libpath = os.path.join(idasdkdir, "lib", ea64 and "x86_mac_gcc_64" or "x86_mac_gcc_32") ida_lib = ea64 and "-lida64" or "-lida" extra_link_parameters = " -s" builder.compiler_parameters += " -O3" assert builder, "Unknown platform! No idea how to build here..." # Enable EA64 for the compiler if necessary if ea64: platform_macros.append("__EA64__") # Build with Hex-Rays decompiler if with_hexrays: platform_macros.append("WITH_HEXRAYS") SWIG_OPTIONS += ' -DWITH_HEXRAYS ' platform_macros.append("NDEBUG") if not '--no-early-load' in sys.argv: platform_macros.append("PLUGINFIX") # Turn off obsolete functions #platform_macros.append("NO_OBSOLETE_FUNCS") # Build the wrapper from the interface files ea64flag = ea64 and "-D__EA64__" or "" swigcmd = "swig %s -Iswig -o idaapi.cpp %s -I%s idaapi.i" % (SWIG_OPTIONS, ea64flag, ida_include_directory) if VERBOSE: print swigcmd res = os.system(swigcmd) assert res == 0, "Failed to build the wrapper with SWIG" # If we are running on windows, we have to patch some directors' # virtual methods, so they have the right calling convention. # Without that, compilation just won't succeed. if platform == "win32": res = os.system("python patch_directors_cc.py -f idaapi.h") assert res == 0, "Failed to patch directors' calling conventions" # Compile the wrapper res = builder.compile("idaapi", includes=[ PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY, ida_include_directory ], macros=platform_macros) assert res == 0, "Failed to build the wrapper module" # Compile the main plugin source res = builder.compile("python", includes=[ PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY, ida_include_directory ], macros=platform_macros) assert res == 0, "Failed to build the main plugin object" # Link the final binary res = builder.link( ["idaapi", "python"], plugin_name, [ python_libpath, ida_libpath ], [ python_library, ida_lib ], extra_link_parameters) assert res == 0, "Failed to link the plugin binary" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def detect_platform(ea64): # Detect the platform system = platform.system() if system == "Windows" or system == "Microsoft": system = "Windows" platform_string = "win32" plugin_name = ea64 and "python.p64" or "python.plw" elif system == "Linux": platform_string = "linux" plugin_name = ea64 and "python.plx64" or "python.plx" elif system == "Darwin": platform_string = "macosx" plugin_name = ea64 and "python.pmc64" or "python.pmc" else: print "Unknown platform!" sys.exit(-1) return (system, platform_string, plugin_name) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def build_binary_package(options, nukeold): ea64 = options[S_EA64] system, platform_string, plugin_name = detect_platform(ea64) BINDISTDIR = "idapython-%d.%d.%d_ida%d.%d_py%d.%d_%s" % (VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH, IDA_MAJOR_VERSION, IDA_MINOR_VERSION, PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION, PYTHON_MINOR_VERSION, platform_string) # Build the plugin build_plugin(platform_string, IDA_SDK, plugin_name, options) # Build the binary distribution binmanifest = [] if nukeold: binmanifest.extend(BINDIST_MANIFEST) if not ea64 or nukeold: binmanifest.extend([(x, "python") for x in "python/init.py", "python/idc.py", "python/idautils.py", "idaapi.py"]) binmanifest.append((plugin_name, "plugins")) build_distribution(binmanifest, BINDISTDIR, ea64, nukeold) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def build_source_package(): """ Build a directory and a ZIP file with all the sources """ SRCDISTDIR = "idapython-%d.%d.%d" % (VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH) # Build the source distribution srcmanifest = [] srcmanifest.extend(BINDIST_MANIFEST) srcmanifest.extend(SRCDIST_MANIFEST) srcmanifest.extend([(x, "python") for x in "python/init.py", "python/idc.py", "python/idautils.py"]) build_distribution(srcmanifest, SRCDISTDIR, ea64=False, nukeold=True) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def gen_docs(z = False): print "Generating documentation....." old_dir = os.getcwd() try: curdir = os.getcwd() + os.sep docdir = 'idapython-reference-%d.%d.%d' % (VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH) sys.path.append(curdir + 'python') sys.path.append(curdir + 'tools') sys.path.append(curdir + 'docs') import epydoc.cli import swigdocs os.chdir('docs') PYWRAPS_FN = 'pywraps' swigdocs.gen_docs(outfn = PYWRAPS_FN + '.py') epydoc.cli.optparse.sys.argv = [ 'epydoc', '--no-sourcecode', '-u', 'http://code.google.com/p/idapython/', '--navlink', 'IDAPython Reference', '--no-private', '--simple-term', '-o', docdir, '--html', 'idc', 'idautils', PYWRAPS_FN, 'idaapi'] # Generate the documentation epydoc.cli.cli() print "Documentation generated!" # Clean temp files for f in [PYWRAPS_FN + '.py', PYWRAPS_FN + '.pyc']: if os.path.exists(f): os.unlink(f) if z: z = docdir + '-doc.zip' zip = zipfile.ZipFile(z, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for fn in glob.glob(docdir + os.sep + '*'): zip.write(fn) zip.close() print "Documentation compressed to", z except Exception, e: print 'Failed to generate documentation:', e finally: os.chdir(old_dir) return # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def usage(): print """IDAPython build script. Available switches: --doc: Generate documentation into the 'docs' directory --zip: Used with '--doc' switch. It will compress the generated documentation --ea64: Builds also the 64bit version of the plugin --with-hexrays: Build with the Hex-Rays Decompiler wrappings --no-early-load: The plugin will be compiled as normal plugin This switch disables processor, plugin and loader scripts """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): if '--help' in sys.argv: return usage() elif '--doc' in sys.argv: return gen_docs(z = '--zip' in sys.argv) if '--debug' in sys.argv: debug = True # Parse options options = parse_options(sys.argv) ea64 = options[S_EA64] # Always build the non __EA64__ version options[S_EA64] = False build_binary_package(options, nukeold=True) # Rebuild package with __EA64__ if needed if ea64: options[S_EA64] = True build_binary_package(options, nukeold=False) # Always build the source package build_source_package() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main()