#ifndef __PYWRAPS_CUSTVIEWER__ #define __PYWRAPS_CUSTVIEWER__ // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Base class for all custviewer place_t providers class custviewer_data_t { public: virtual void *get_ud() = 0; virtual place_t *get_min() = 0; virtual place_t *get_max() = 0; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class cvdata_simpleline_t: public custviewer_data_t { private: strvec_t lines; simpleline_place_t pl_min, pl_max; public: void *get_ud() { return &lines; } place_t *get_min() { return &pl_min; } place_t *get_max() { return &pl_max; } strvec_t &get_lines() { return lines; } void set_minmax(size_t start=0, size_t end=size_t(-1)) { if ( start == 0 && end == size_t(-1) ) { end = lines.size(); pl_min.n = 0; pl_max.n = end == 0 ? 0 : end - 1; } else { pl_min.n = start; pl_max.n = end; } } bool set_line(size_t nline, simpleline_t &sl) { if ( nline >= lines.size() ) return false; lines[nline] = sl; return true; } bool del_line(size_t nline) { if ( nline >= lines.size() ) return false; lines.erase(lines.begin()+nline); return true; } void add_line(simpleline_t &line) { lines.push_back(line); } void add_line(const char *str) { lines.push_back(simpleline_t(str)); } bool insert_line(size_t nline, simpleline_t &line) { if ( nline >= lines.size() ) return false; lines.insert(lines.begin()+nline, line); return true; } bool patch_line(size_t nline, size_t offs, int value) { if ( nline >= lines.size() ) return false; qstring &L = lines[nline].line; L[offs] = (uchar) value & 0xFF; return true; } const size_t to_lineno(place_t *pl) const { return ((simpleline_place_t *)pl)->n; } bool curline(place_t *pl, size_t *n) { if ( pl == NULL ) return false; *n = to_lineno(pl); return true; } simpleline_t *get_line(size_t nline) { return nline >= lines.size() ? NULL : &lines[nline]; } simpleline_t *get_line(place_t *pl) { return pl == NULL ? NULL : get_line(((simpleline_place_t *)pl)->n); } const size_t count() const { return lines.size(); } void clear_lines() { lines.clear(); set_minmax(); } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class customviewer_t { protected: qstring _title; TForm *_form; TCustomControl *_cv; custviewer_data_t *_data; int _features; enum { HAVE_HINT = 0x0001, HAVE_KEYDOWN = 0x0002, HAVE_POPUP = 0x0004, HAVE_DBLCLICK = 0x0008, HAVE_CURPOS = 0x0010, HAVE_CLICK = 0x0020, HAVE_CLOSE = 0x0040 }; private: struct cvw_popupctx_t { size_t menu_id; customviewer_t *cv; cvw_popupctx_t(): menu_id(0), cv(NULL) { } cvw_popupctx_t(size_t mid, customviewer_t *v): menu_id(mid), cv(v) { } }; typedef std::map cvw_popupmap_t; static cvw_popupmap_t _global_popup_map; static size_t _global_popup_id; qstring _curline; intvec_t _installed_popups; static bool idaapi s_popup_cb(void *ud) { PYW_GIL_GET; customviewer_t *_this = (customviewer_t *)ud; return _this->on_popup(); } static bool idaapi s_popup_menu_cb(void *ud) { size_t mid = (size_t)ud; cvw_popupmap_t::iterator it = _global_popup_map.find(mid); if ( it == _global_popup_map.end() ) return false; PYW_GIL_GET; return it->second.cv->on_popup_menu(it->second.menu_id); } static bool idaapi s_cv_keydown( TCustomControl * /*cv*/, int vk_key, int shift, void *ud) { PYW_GIL_GET; customviewer_t *_this = (customviewer_t *)ud; return _this->on_keydown(vk_key, shift); } // The popup menu is being constructed static void idaapi s_cv_popup(TCustomControl * /*cv*/, void *ud) { PYW_GIL_GET; customviewer_t *_this = (customviewer_t *)ud; _this->on_popup(); } // The user clicked static bool idaapi s_cv_click(TCustomControl * /*cv*/, int shift, void *ud) { PYW_GIL_GET; customviewer_t *_this = (customviewer_t *)ud; return _this->on_click(shift); } // The user double clicked static bool idaapi s_cv_dblclick(TCustomControl * /*cv*/, int shift, void *ud) { PYW_GIL_GET; customviewer_t *_this = (customviewer_t *)ud; return _this->on_dblclick(shift); } // Cursor position has been changed static void idaapi s_cv_curpos(TCustomControl * /*cv*/, void *ud) { PYW_GIL_GET; customviewer_t *_this = (customviewer_t *)ud; _this->on_curpos_changed(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int idaapi s_ui_cb(void *ud, int code, va_list va) { // This hook gets called from the kernel. Ensure we hold the GIL. PYW_GIL_GET; customviewer_t *_this = (customviewer_t *)ud; switch ( code ) { case ui_get_custom_viewer_hint: { TCustomControl *viewer = va_arg(va, TCustomControl *); place_t *place = va_arg(va, place_t *); int *important_lines = va_arg(va, int *); qstring &hint = *va_arg(va, qstring *); if ( (_this->_features & HAVE_HINT) == 0 || place == NULL || _this->_cv != viewer ) return 0; else return _this->on_hint(place, important_lines, hint) ? 1 : 0; } case ui_tform_invisible: { TForm *form = va_arg(va, TForm *); if ( _this->_form != form ) break; } // fallthrough... case ui_term: unhook_from_notification_point(HT_UI, s_ui_cb, _this); _this->on_close(); _this->on_post_close(); break; } return 0; } void on_post_close() { init_vars(); clear_popup_menu(); } public: // // All the overridable callbacks // // OnClick virtual bool on_click(int /*shift*/) { return false; } // OnDblClick virtual bool on_dblclick(int /*shift*/) { return false; } // OnCurorPositionChanged virtual void on_curpos_changed() { } // OnHostFormClose virtual void on_close() { } // OnKeyDown virtual bool on_keydown(int /*vk_key*/, int /*shift*/) { return false; } // OnPopupShow virtual bool on_popup() { return false; } // OnHint virtual bool on_hint(place_t * /*place*/, int * /*important_lines*/, qstring &/*hint*/) { return false; } // OnPopupMenuClick virtual bool on_popup_menu(size_t menu_id) { return false; } void init_vars() { _data = NULL; _features = 0; _curline.clear(); _cv = NULL; _form = NULL; } customviewer_t() { init_vars(); } ~customviewer_t() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void close() { if ( _form != NULL ) close_tform(_form, FORM_SAVE | FORM_CLOSE_LATER); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool set_range( const place_t *minplace = NULL, const place_t *maxplace = NULL) { if ( _cv == NULL ) return false; set_custom_viewer_range( _cv, minplace == NULL ? _data->get_min() : minplace, maxplace == NULL ? _data->get_max() : maxplace); return true; } place_t *get_place( bool mouse = false, int *x = 0, int *y = 0) { return _cv == NULL ? NULL : get_custom_viewer_place(_cv, mouse, x, y); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool refresh() { if ( _cv == NULL ) return false; refresh_custom_viewer(_cv); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool refresh_current() { int x, y; place_t *pl = get_place(false, &x, &y); if ( pl == NULL ) return false; return jumpto(pl, x, y); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool get_current_word(bool mouse, qstring &word) { // query the cursor position int x, y; if ( get_place(mouse, &x, &y) == NULL ) return false; // query the line at the cursor const char *line = get_current_line(mouse, true); if ( line == NULL ) return false; if ( x >= (int)strlen(line) ) return false; // find the beginning of the word const char *ptr = line + x; while ( ptr > line && !qisspace(ptr[-1]) ) ptr--; // find the end of the word const char *begin = ptr; ptr = line + x; while ( !qisspace(*ptr) && *ptr != '\0' ) ptr++; word.qclear(); word.append(begin, ptr-begin); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *get_current_line(bool mouse, bool notags) { const char *r = get_custom_viewer_curline(_cv, mouse); if ( r == NULL || !notags ) return r; size_t sz = strlen(r); if ( sz == 0 ) return r; _curline.resize(sz + 5, '\0'); tag_remove(r, &_curline[0], sz + 1); return _curline.c_str(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool is_focused() { return get_current_viewer() == _cv; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool jumpto(place_t *place, int x, int y) { return ::jumpto(_cv, place, x, y); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void clear_popup_menu() { if ( _cv != NULL ) set_custom_viewer_popup_menu(_cv, NULL); for (intvec_t::iterator it=_installed_popups.begin(), it_end=_installed_popups.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { _global_popup_map.erase(*it); } _installed_popups.clear(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t add_popup_menu( const char *title, const char *hotkey) { size_t menu_id = _global_popup_id + 1; // Overlap / already exists? if (_cv == NULL || // No custviewer? // Overlap? menu_id == 0 || // Already exists? _global_popup_map.find(menu_id) != _global_popup_map.end()) { return 0; } add_custom_viewer_popup_item(_cv, title, hotkey, s_popup_menu_cb, (void *)menu_id); // Save global association _global_popup_map[menu_id] = cvw_popupctx_t(menu_id, this); _global_popup_id = menu_id; // Remember what menu IDs are set with this form _installed_popups.push_back(menu_id); return menu_id; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool create(const char *title, int features, custviewer_data_t *data) { // Already created? (in the instance) if ( _form != NULL ) return true; // Already created? (in IDA windows list) HWND hwnd(NULL); TForm *form = create_tform(title, &hwnd); if ( hwnd == NULL ) return false; _title = title; _data = data; _form = form; _features = features; // Create the viewer _cv = create_custom_viewer( title, (TWinControl *)_form, _data->get_min(), _data->get_max(), _data->get_min(), 0, _data->get_ud()); // Set user-data set_custom_viewer_handler(_cv, CVH_USERDATA, (void *)this); // // Set other optional callbacks // if ( (features & HAVE_KEYDOWN) != 0 ) set_custom_viewer_handler(_cv, CVH_KEYDOWN, (void *)s_cv_keydown); if ( (features & HAVE_POPUP) != 0 ) set_custom_viewer_handler(_cv, CVH_POPUP, (void *)s_cv_popup); if ( (features & HAVE_DBLCLICK) != 0 ) set_custom_viewer_handler(_cv, CVH_DBLCLICK, (void *)s_cv_dblclick); if ( (features & HAVE_CURPOS) != 0 ) set_custom_viewer_handler(_cv, CVH_CURPOS, (void *)s_cv_curpos); if ( (features & HAVE_CLICK) != 0 ) set_custom_viewer_handler(_cv, CVH_CLICK, (void *)s_cv_click); // Hook to UI notifications (for TForm close event) hook_to_notification_point(HT_UI, s_ui_cb, this); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool show() { // Closed already? if ( _form == NULL ) return false; open_tform(_form, FORM_TAB|FORM_MENU|FORM_RESTORE|FORM_QWIDGET); return true; } }; customviewer_t::cvw_popupmap_t customviewer_t::_global_popup_map; size_t customviewer_t::_global_popup_id = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class py_simplecustview_t: public customviewer_t { private: cvdata_simpleline_t data; PyObject *py_self, *py_this, *py_last_link; int features; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convert a tuple (String, [color, [bgcolor]]) to a simpleline_t static bool py_to_simpleline(PyObject *py, simpleline_t &sl) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); if ( PyString_Check(py) ) { sl.line = PyString_AsString(py); return true; } Py_ssize_t sz; if ( !PyTuple_Check(py) || (sz = PyTuple_Size(py)) <= 0 ) return false; PyObject *py_val = PyTuple_GetItem(py, 0); if ( !PyString_Check(py_val) ) return false; sl.line = PyString_AsString(py_val); if ( (sz > 1) && (py_val = PyTuple_GetItem(py, 1)) && PyLong_Check(py_val) ) sl.color = color_t(PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(py_val)); if ( (sz > 2) && (py_val = PyTuple_GetItem(py, 2)) && PyLong_Check(py_val) ) sl.bgcolor = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(py_val); return true; } // // Callbacks // virtual bool on_click(int shift) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t py_result(PyObject_CallMethod(py_self, (char *)S_ON_CLICK, "i", shift)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_CLICK); return py_result != NULL && PyObject_IsTrue(py_result.o); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnDblClick virtual bool on_dblclick(int shift) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t py_result(PyObject_CallMethod(py_self, (char *)S_ON_DBL_CLICK, "i", shift)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_DBL_CLICK); return py_result != NULL && PyObject_IsTrue(py_result.o); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnCurorPositionChanged virtual void on_curpos_changed() { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t py_result(PyObject_CallMethod(py_self, (char *)S_ON_CURSOR_POS_CHANGED, NULL)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_CURSOR_POS_CHANGED); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnHostFormClose virtual void on_close() { // Call the close method if it is there and the object is still bound if ( (features & HAVE_CLOSE) != 0 && py_self != NULL ) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t py_result(PyObject_CallMethod(py_self, (char *)S_ON_CLOSE, NULL)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_CLOSE); // Cleanup Py_DECREF(py_self); py_self = NULL; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnKeyDown virtual bool on_keydown(int vk_key, int shift) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t py_result( PyObject_CallMethod( py_self, (char *)S_ON_KEYDOWN, "ii", vk_key, shift)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_KEYDOWN); return py_result != NULL && PyObject_IsTrue(py_result.o); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnPopupShow virtual bool on_popup() { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t py_result( PyObject_CallMethod( py_self, (char *)S_ON_POPUP, NULL)); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_POPUP); return py_result != NULL && PyObject_IsTrue(py_result.o); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnHint virtual bool on_hint(place_t *place, int *important_lines, qstring &hint) { size_t ln = data.to_lineno(place); PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t py_result( PyObject_CallMethod( py_self, (char *)S_ON_HINT, PY_FMT64, pyul_t(ln))); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_HINT); bool ok = py_result != NULL && PyTuple_Check(py_result.o) && PyTuple_Size(py_result.o) == 2; if ( ok ) { if ( important_lines != NULL ) *important_lines = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(py_result.o, 0)); hint = PyString_AsString(PyTuple_GetItem(py_result.o, 1)); } return ok; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnPopupMenuClick virtual bool on_popup_menu(size_t menu_id) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); newref_t py_result( PyObject_CallMethod( py_self, (char *)S_ON_POPUP_MENU, PY_FMT64, pyul_t(menu_id))); PyW_ShowCbErr(S_ON_POPUP_MENU); return py_result != NULL && PyObject_IsTrue(py_result.o); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void refresh_range() { data.set_minmax(); set_range(); } public: py_simplecustview_t() { py_this = py_self = py_last_link = NULL; } ~py_simplecustview_t() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edits an existing line bool edit_line(size_t nline, PyObject *py_sl) { simpleline_t sl; if ( !py_to_simpleline(py_sl, sl) ) return false; return data.set_line(nline, sl); } // Low level: patches a line string directly bool patch_line(size_t nline, size_t offs, int value) { return data.patch_line(nline, offs, value); } // Insert a line bool insert_line(size_t nline, PyObject *py_sl) { simpleline_t sl; if ( !py_to_simpleline(py_sl, sl) ) return false; return data.insert_line(nline, sl); } // Adds a line tuple bool add_line(PyObject *py_sl) { simpleline_t sl; if ( !py_to_simpleline(py_sl, sl) ) return false; data.add_line(sl); refresh_range(); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool del_line(size_t nline) { bool ok = data.del_line(nline); if ( ok ) refresh_range(); return ok; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets the position and returns a tuple (lineno, x, y) PyObject *get_pos(bool mouse) { place_t *pl; int x, y; pl = get_place(mouse, &x, &y); PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); if ( pl == NULL ) Py_RETURN_NONE; return Py_BuildValue("(" PY_FMT64 "ii)", pyul_t(data.to_lineno(pl)), x, y); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the line tuple PyObject *get_line(size_t nline) { simpleline_t *r = data.get_line(nline); PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); if ( r == NULL ) Py_RETURN_NONE; return Py_BuildValue("(sII)", r->line.c_str(), (unsigned int)r->color, (unsigned int)r->bgcolor); } // Returns the count of lines const size_t count() const { return data.count(); } // Clears lines void clear() { data.clear_lines(); refresh_range(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool jumpto(size_t ln, int x, int y) { simpleline_place_t l(ln); return customviewer_t::jumpto(&l, x, y); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initializes and links the Python object to this class bool init(PyObject *py_link, const char *title) { // Already created? if ( _form != NULL ) return true; // Probe callbacks features = 0; static struct { const char *cb_name; int feature; } const cbtable[] = { {S_ON_CLICK, HAVE_CLICK}, {S_ON_CLOSE, HAVE_CLOSE}, {S_ON_HINT, HAVE_HINT}, {S_ON_KEYDOWN, HAVE_KEYDOWN}, {S_ON_POPUP, HAVE_POPUP}, {S_ON_DBL_CLICK, HAVE_DBLCLICK}, {S_ON_CURSOR_POS_CHANGED, HAVE_CURPOS} }; PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); for ( size_t i=0; i //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // Pywraps Simple Custom Viewer functions // PyObject *pyscv_init(PyObject *py_link, const char *title) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); py_simplecustview_t *_this = new py_simplecustview_t(); bool ok = _this->init(py_link, title); if ( !ok ) { delete _this; Py_RETURN_NONE; } return _this->get_pythis(); } #define DECL_THIS py_simplecustview_t *_this = py_simplecustview_t::get_this(py_this) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool pyscv_refresh(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this == NULL ) return false; return _this->refresh(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool pyscv_delete(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this == NULL ) return false; _this->close(); delete _this; return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool pyscv_refresh_current(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this == NULL ) return false; return _this->refresh_current(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PyObject *pyscv_get_current_line(PyObject *py_this, bool mouse, bool notags) { DECL_THIS; PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); const char *line; if ( _this == NULL || (line = _this->get_current_line(mouse, notags)) == NULL ) Py_RETURN_NONE; return PyString_FromString(line); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool pyscv_is_focused(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this == NULL ) return false; return _this->is_focused(); } void pyscv_clear_popup_menu(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this != NULL ) _this->clear_popup_menu(); } size_t pyscv_add_popup_menu(PyObject *py_this, const char *title, const char *hotkey) { DECL_THIS; return _this == NULL ? 0 : _this->add_popup_menu(title, hotkey); } size_t pyscv_count(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; return _this == NULL ? 0 : _this->count(); } bool pyscv_show(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; return _this == NULL ? false : _this->show(); } void pyscv_close(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this != NULL ) _this->close(); } bool pyscv_jumpto(PyObject *py_this, size_t ln, int x, int y) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this == NULL ) return false; return _this->jumpto(ln, x, y); } // Returns the line tuple PyObject *pyscv_get_line(PyObject *py_this, size_t nline) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this == NULL ) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); Py_RETURN_NONE; } return _this->get_line(nline); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets the position and returns a tuple (lineno, x, y) PyObject *pyscv_get_pos(PyObject *py_this, bool mouse) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this == NULL ) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); Py_RETURN_NONE; } return _this->get_pos(mouse); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PyObject *pyscv_clear_lines(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this != NULL ) _this->clear(); PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); Py_RETURN_NONE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adds a line tuple bool pyscv_add_line(PyObject *py_this, PyObject *py_sl) { DECL_THIS; return _this == NULL ? false : _this->add_line(py_sl); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool pyscv_insert_line(PyObject *py_this, size_t nline, PyObject *py_sl) { DECL_THIS; return _this == NULL ? false : _this->insert_line(nline, py_sl); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool pyscv_patch_line(PyObject *py_this, size_t nline, size_t offs, int value) { DECL_THIS; return _this == NULL ? false : _this->patch_line(nline, offs, value); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool pyscv_del_line(PyObject *py_this, size_t nline) { DECL_THIS; return _this == NULL ? false : _this->del_line(nline); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PyObject *pyscv_get_selection(PyObject *py_this) { DECL_THIS; if ( _this == NULL ) { PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); Py_RETURN_NONE; } return _this->py_get_selection(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PyObject *pyscv_get_current_word(PyObject *py_this, bool mouse) { DECL_THIS; PYW_GIL_CHECK_LOCKED_SCOPE(); if ( _this != NULL ) { qstring word; if ( _this->get_current_word(mouse, word) ) return PyString_FromString(word.c_str()); } Py_RETURN_NONE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edits an existing line bool pyscv_edit_line(PyObject *py_this, size_t nline, PyObject *py_sl) { DECL_THIS; return _this == NULL ? false : _this->edit_line(nline, py_sl); } #undef DECL_THIS // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // __PYWRAPS_CUSTVIEWER__