elias.bachaalany ac5d88a83b IDAPython 1.4.3:
- IDA 6.0 support
- Python CLI now prints expression evaluation result (no need to use print())
- Changed Alt-8 to Ctrl-F3 (because it conflicts with window switching key Alt+n)
- Added get_highlighted_identifier()
- Added PluginForm class to allow UI development with either PyQt4 or PySide
- Added idautils.Entries() to enumerate entrypoints
- idc / AddConst() was broken
- Minor fixes
2010-11-10 13:58:08 +00:00

90 lines
2.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# IDAPython - Python plugin for Interactive Disassembler Pro
# Copyright (c) The IDAPython Team <idapython@googlegroups.com>
# All rights reserved.
# For detailed copyright information see the file COPYING in
# the root of the distribution archive.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# init.py - Essential init routines
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import sys
import time
import warnings
import _idaapi
# __EA64__ is set if IDA is running in 64-bit mode
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Take over the standard text outputs
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class IDAPythonStdOut:
Dummy file-like class that receives stout and stderr
def write(self, text):
# Swap out the unprintable characters
text = text.decode('ascii', 'replace').encode('ascii', 'replace')
# Print to IDA message window
_idaapi.msg(text.replace("%", "%%"))
def flush(self):
def isatty(self):
return False
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def runscript(script):
Executes a script.
This function is present for backward compatiblity. Please use idaapi.IDAPython_ExecScript() instead
@param script: script path
@return: Error string or None on success
import idaapi
return idaapi.IDAPython_ExecScript(script, globals())
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
def print_banner():
banner = [
"Python %s " % sys.version,
"IDAPython" + (" 64-bit" if __EA64__ else "") + " v%d.%d.%d %s (serial %d) (c) The IDAPython Team <idapython@googlegroups.com>" % IDAPYTHON_VERSION
sepline = '-' * (max([len(s) for s in banner])+1)
print sepline
print "\n".join(banner)
print sepline
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Redirect stderr and stdout to the IDA message window
sys.stdout = sys.stderr = IDAPythonStdOut()
# Assign a default sys.argv
sys.argv = [""]
# Have to make sure Python finds our modules
# Import all the required modules
from idaapi import Choose, get_user_idadir, cvar, Choose2, Appcall
from idc import *
from idautils import *
import idaapi
# Load the users personal init file
userrc = get_user_idadir() + os.sep + "idapythonrc.py"
if os.path.exists(userrc):
idaapi.IDAPython_ExecScript(userrc, globals())
# All done, ready to rock.