elias.bachaalany 109158fabb - IDA Pro 6.1 support
- Added AskUsingForm() with embedded forms support (check ex_askusingform.py example and formchooser.py in the SDK)
- Added idautils.DecodePreviousInstruction() / DecodePrecedingInstruction()
- Added idc.BeginTypeUpdating() / EndTypeUpdating() for fast batch type update operations
- Added more IDP callbacks
- Added UI_Hooks with a few notification events
- Added idaapi.process_ui_action() / idc.ProcessUiAction()
- Added netnode.index() to get netnode number
- Better handling of ea_t values with bitwise negation
- Execute statement hotkey (Ctrl-F3), script timeout, and other options are now configurable with Python.cfg
- bugfix: idaapi.msg() / error() and warning() so they don't accept vararg
- bugfix: processor_t.id constants were incorrect
- bugfix: get_debug_names() was broken with IDA64
- Various bugfixes
2011-04-18 16:07:00 +00:00

87 lines
1.8 KiB
OpenEdge ABL

%ignore wchar2char;
%ignore hit_counter_t;
%ignore reg_hit_counter;
%ignore create_hit_counter;
%ignore hit_counter_timer;
%ignore print_all_counters;
%ignore incrementer_t;
%ignore reloc_info_t; // swig under mac chokes on this
%ignore qmutex_create;
%ignore qmutex_free;
%ignore qmutex_lock;
%ignore qmutex_t;
%ignore qmutex_unlock;
%ignore qsem_create;
%ignore qsem_free;
%ignore qsem_post;
%ignore qsem_wait;
%ignore qsemaphore_t;
%ignore qthread_cb_t;
%ignore qthread_create;
%ignore qthread_free;
%ignore qthread_join;
%ignore qthread_kill;
%ignore qthread_self;
%ignore qthread_same;
%ignore qthread_t;
%ignore qhandle_t;
%ignore qpipe_create;
%ignore qpipe_read;
%ignore qpipe_write;
%ignore qpipe_close;
%ignore qwait_for_handles;
%ignore qstrlen;
%ignore qstrcmp;
%ignore qstrstr;
%ignore qstrchr;
%ignore qstrrchr;
%ignore qstring;
%ignore qvector;
%ignore bytevec_t;
%ignore reloc_info_t;
%ignore relobj_t;
%ignore wchar2char;
%ignore u2cstr;
%ignore c2ustr;
%ignore base64_encode;
%ignore base64_decode;
%ignore utf8_unicode;
%ignore win_utf2idb;
%ignore char2oem;
%ignore oem2char;
%ignore set_codepages;
%ignore get_codepages;
%ignore convert_codepage;
%ignore test_bit;
%ignore set_bit;
%ignore clear_bit;
%ignore set_all_bits;
%ignore clear_all_bits;
%ignore interval::overlap;
%ignore interval::includes;
%ignore interval::contains;
%ignore qrotl;
%ignore qrotr;
%ignore setflag;
%ignore read2bytes;
%ignore rotate_left;
%ignore qswap;
%ignore swap32;
%ignore swap16;
%ignore swap_value;
%ignore qalloc_or_throw;
%ignore qrealloc_or_throw;
%ignore get_buffer_for_sysdir;
%ignore get_buffer_for_winerr;
%ignore call_atexits;
%ignore launch_process_params_t;
%ignore launch_process;
%ignore term_process;
%ignore get_process_exit_code;
%ignore parse_command_line;
%rename (parse_command_line) py_parse_command_line;
%include "pro.h"