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"""sparse switch ( value table present ) otherwise lowcase present"""
SWI_V32 = 0x2
"""32-bit values in table"""
SWI_J32 = 0x4
"""32-bit jump offsets"""
"""value table is split (only for 32-bit values)"""
"""default case is present"""
"""switchend in table (default entry)"""
SWI_JMP_INV = 0x40
"""jumptable is inversed (last entry is for first entry in values table)"""
"""use formula (element*shift + elbase) to find jump targets"""
SWI_ELBASE = 0x200
"""elbase is present (if not and shift!=0, endof(jumpea) is used)"""
SWI_JSIZE = 0x400
"""jump offset expansion bit"""
SWI_VSIZE = 0x800
"""value table element size expansion bit"""
"""do not create an array of individual dwords"""
SWI_SIGNED = 0x2000
"""jump table entries are signed"""
SWI_CUSTOM = 0x4000
"""custom jump table - ph.create_switch_xrefs will be called to create code xrefs for the table. it must return 2. custom jump table must be created by the module"""
"""this is switch_info_ex_t"""
SWI2_INDIRECT = 0x0001
"""value table elements are used as indexes into the jump table"""
SWI2_SUBTRACT = 0x0002
"""table values are subtracted from the elbase instead of being addded"""
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class switch_info_ex_t(py_clinked_object_t):
def __init__(self, lnk = None):
py_clinked_object_t.__init__(self, lnk)
def _create_clink(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_create()
def _del_clink(self, lnk):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_destroy(lnk)
def assign(self, other):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_assign(self, other)
def is_indirect(self):
return (self.flags & SWI_EXTENDED) != 0 and (self.flags2 & SWI2_INDIRECT) != 0
def is_subtract(self):
return (self.flags & SWI_EXTENDED) != 0 and (self.flags2 & SWI2_SUBTRACT) != 0
def get_jtable_size(self):
return self.jcases if self.is_indirect() else self.ncases
def get_lowcase(self):
return self.ind_lowcase if self.is_indirect() else self.lowcase
def set_expr(self, r, dt):
self.regnum = r
self.regdtyp = dt
def get_shift(self):
return (self.flags & SWI_SHIFT_MASK) >> 7
def set_shift(self, shift):
self.flags &= ~SWI_SHIFT_MASK
self.flags |= ((shift & 3) << 7)
def get_jtable_element_size(self):
code = self.flags & (SWI_J32|SWI_JSIZE)
if code == 0: return 2
elif code == SWI_J32: return 4
elif code == SWI_JSIZE: return 1
else: return 8
def set_jtable_element_size(self, size):
self.flags &= ~(SWI_J32|SWI_JSIZE)
if size == 4: self.flags |= SWI_J32
elif size == 1: self.flags |= SWI_JSIZE
elif size == 8: self.flags |= SWI_J32|SWI_JSIZE
elif size != 2: return False
return True
def get_vtable_element_size(self):
code = self.flags & (SWI_V32|SWI_VSIZE)
if code == 0: return 2
elif code == SWI_V32: return 4
elif code == SWI_VSIZE: return 1
return 8
def set_vtable_element_size(self, size):
self.flags &= ~SWI_V32|SWI_VSIZE
if size == 4: self.flags |= SWI_V32
elif size == 1: self.flags |= SWI_VSIZE
elif size == 8: self.flags |= SWI_V32|SWI_VSIZE
elif size != 2: return False
return True
# Autogenerated
def __get_regdtyp__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_regdtyp(self)
def __set_regdtyp__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_regdtyp(self, v)
def __get_flags2__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_flags2(self)
def __set_flags2__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_flags2(self, v)
def __get_jcases__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_jcases(self)
def __set_jcases__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_jcases(self, v)
def __get_regnum__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_regnum(self)
def __set_regnum__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_regnum(self, v)
def __get_flags__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_flags(self)
def __set_flags__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_flags(self, v)
def __get_ncases__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_ncases(self)
def __set_ncases__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_ncases(self, v)
def __get_defjump__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_defjump(self)
def __set_defjump__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_defjump(self, v)
def __get_jumps__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_jumps(self)
def __set_jumps__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_jumps(self, v)
def __get_elbase__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_elbase(self)
def __set_elbase__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_elbase(self, v)
def __get_startea__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_startea(self)
def __set_startea__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_startea(self, v)
def __get_custom__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_custom(self)
def __set_custom__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_custom(self, v)
def __get_ind_lowcase__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_ind_lowcase(self)
def __set_ind_lowcase__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_ind_lowcase(self, v)
def __get_values_lowcase__(self):
return _idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_get_values_lowcase(self)
def __set_values_lowcase__(self, v):
_idaapi.switch_info_ex_t_set_values_lowcase(self, v)
regdtyp = property(__get_regdtyp__, __set_regdtyp__)
"""size of the switch expression register as dtyp"""
flags2 = property(__get_flags2__, __set_flags2__)
jcases = property(__get_jcases__, __set_jcases__)
"""number of entries in the jump table (SWI2_INDIRECT)"""
regnum = property(__get_regnum__, __set_regnum__)
"""the switch expression as a register number"""
flags = property(__get_flags__, __set_flags__)
"""the switch expression as a register number"""
ncases = property(__get_ncases__, __set_ncases__)
"""number of cases (excluding default)"""
defjump = property(__get_defjump__, __set_defjump__)
"""default jump address"""
jumps = property(__get_jumps__, __set_jumps__)
"""jump table address"""
elbase = property(__get_elbase__, __set_elbase__)
"""element base"""
startea = property(__get_startea__, __set_startea__)
"""start of switch idiom"""
custom = property(__get_custom__, __set_custom__)
"""information for custom tables (filled and used by modules)"""
ind_lowcase = property(__get_ind_lowcase__, __set_ind_lowcase__)
values = property(__get_values_lowcase__, __set_values_lowcase__)
lowcase = property(__get_values_lowcase__, __set_values_lowcase__)
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