mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 02:57:09 +01:00
Update CHANGELOG and bump version to 2018.10.20
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,451 @@
vcpkg (2018.10.20)
* Add ports:
- 3fd 2.6.2
- argtable2 2.13-1
- asyncplusplus 1.0-1
- bde
- boost-hana-msvc 1.67.0-1
- boost-yap 1.68.0
- check 0.12.0-1
- concurrentqueue 1.0.0-beta
- crossguid 0.2.2-2018-06-16
- darts-clone 1767ab87cffe
- dcmtk 3.6.3
- docopt 2018-04-16-2
- egl-registry 2018-06-30
- embree2 2.16.4-3
- embree3 3.2.0-2
- esaxx ca7cb332011ec37
- fastfeat 391d5e9
- fmilib 2.0.3
- fruit 3.4.0-1
- getopt 0
- getopt-win32 0.1
- gmmlib 18.3.pre2-1
- graphqlparser v0.7.0
- ideviceinstaller
- idevicerestore 1.0.12-1
- inih 42
- intelrdfpmathlib 20U2
- io2d 0.1-1
- json11 2017-06-20
- kangaru 4.1.2
- kf5archive 5.50.0
- kf5holidays 5.50.0
- laszip 3.2.2-1
- libdshowcapture 0.6.0
- libideviceactivation 1.0.38-1
- libimobiledevice
- libirecovery 1.0.25-2
- liblemon 1.3.1-2
- libmaxminddb 1.3.2-1
- libmodbus 3.1.4-1
- libmorton 2018-19-07
- libplist
- libusbmuxd 1.0.107-2
- libyaml 0.2.1-1
- linenoise-ng 4754bee2d8eb3
- luabridge 2.1-1
- milerius-sfml-imgui 1.1
- minisat-master-keying 2.2-mod-1
- mio 2018-10-18-1
- modp-base64
- morton-nd 2.0.0
- nanorange 0.0.0
- nng 1.0.1
- ogdf 2018-03-28-2
- opengl-registry 2018-06-30
- openssl-unix 1.0.2p
- openssl-uwp 1.0.2l-winrt
- openssl-windows 1.0.2p-1
- osg-qt 3.5.7
- parquet 1.4.0
- pcg 0.98.1
- pegtl 2.7.1
- plib 1.8.5-2
- pngwriter 0.7.0-1
- python2 2.7.15-1
- qt5-activeqt 5.9.2-0
- qt5-script 5.9.2
- readerwriterqueue 1.0.0
- readline 0
- readline-win32 5.0-2
- restbed 4.16-07-28-2018
- safeint 3.19.2
- sais 2.4.1
- selene 0.1.1
- shiva 1.0
- shiva-sfml 1.0
- simpleini 2018-08-31-1
- soil 2008.07.07-1
- sol2 2.20.4
- spaceland 7.8.2-0
- spirv-cross 2018-08-07-1
- tinyfiledialogs 3.3.7-1
- tinyobjloader 1.2.0-1
- tinyspline 0.2.0-1
- tinyutf8 2.1.1-1
- tl-expected 0.3-1
- tmx 1.0.0
- tmxparser 2.1.0-1
- usbmuxd
- usrsctp 35c1d97020a
- uvw 1.11.2
- vtk-dicom 0.8.8-alpha-1
- vulkan-memory-allocator 2.1.0-1
- wangle v2018.07.30.00-1
- woff2 1.0.2
* Update ports:
- abseil 2018-05-01-1 -> 2018-09-18-3
- ace 6.4.8 -> 6.5.2
- alembic 1.7.8 -> 1.7.9
- allegro5 ->
- angle 2017-06-14-8d471f-4 -> 2017-06-14-8d471f-5
- apr 1.6.3 -> 1.6.5
- args 2018-05-17 -> 2018-06-28
- arrow 0.6.0-1 -> 0.9.0-1
- asio 1.12.0-2 -> 1.12.1
- assimp 4.1.0-1 -> 4.1.0-2
- aws-sdk-cpp 1.4.52 -> 1.6.12-1
- azure-c-shared-utility 1.1.3 -> 1.1.5
- azure-storage-cpp 4.0.0 -> 5.1.1
- azure-uhttp-c 2018-02-09 -> LTS_01_2018_Ref01
- azure-umqtt-c 1.1.3 -> 1.1.5
- benchmark 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1
- blaze 3.3 -> 3.4-1
- boost 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-accumulators 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-algorithm 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-align 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-any 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-array 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-asio 1.67.0-1 -> 1.68.0-1
- boost-assert 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-assign 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-atomic 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-beast 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-bimap 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-bind 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-build 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-callable-traits 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-chrono 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-circular-buffer 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-compatibility 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-compute 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-concept-check 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-config 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-container 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-container-hash 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-context 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0-1
- boost-contract 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-conversion 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-convert 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-core 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-coroutine 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-coroutine2 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-crc 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-date-time 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-detail 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-di 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2
- boost-disjoint-sets 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-dll 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-dynamic-bitset 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-endian 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-exception 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-fiber 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-filesystem 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-flyweight 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-foreach 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-format 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-function 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-function-types 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-functional 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-fusion 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-geometry 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-gil 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-graph 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-graph-parallel 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-hana 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0-1
- boost-heap 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-hof 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-icl 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-integer 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-interprocess 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-interval 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-intrusive 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-io 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-iostreams 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-iterator 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-lambda 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-lexical-cast 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-local-function 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-locale 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-lockfree 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0-1
- boost-log 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-logic 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-math 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-metaparse 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-modular-build-helper 2018-05-14 -> 2018-08-21
- boost-move 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-mp11 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-mpi 1.67.0-1 -> 1.68.0-1
- boost-mpl 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-msm 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-multi-array 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-multi-index 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-multiprecision 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-numeric-conversion 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-odeint 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-optional 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-parameter 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-phoenix 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-poly-collection 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-polygon 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-pool 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-predef 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-preprocessor 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-process 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-program-options 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-property-map 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-property-tree 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-proto 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-ptr-container 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-python 1.67.0-1 -> 1.68.0-2
- boost-qvm 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-random 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-range 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-ratio 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-rational 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-regex 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-scope-exit 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-serialization 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-signals 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-signals2 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-smart-ptr 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-sort 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-spirit 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-stacktrace 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-statechart 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-static-assert 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-system 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-test 1.67.0-2 -> 1.68.0-2
- boost-thread 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-throw-exception 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-timer 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-tokenizer 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-tti 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-tuple 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-type-erasure 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-type-index 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-type-traits 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-typeof 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-ublas 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-units 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-unordered 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-utility 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-uuid 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-variant 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-vmd 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-wave 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-winapi 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- boost-xpressive 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
- botan 2.0.1 -> 2.8.0
- breakpad 2018-04-17 -> 2018-09-18
- brotli 1.0.2-3 -> 1.0.2-4
- cairo 1.15.8-1 -> 1.15.8-3
- cartographer 0.3.0-4 -> 0.3.0-5
- catch2 2.2.2 -> 2.4.0
- celero 2.1.0-2 -> 2.3.0-1
- cgal 4.12 -> 4.13-1
- chaiscript 6.0.0 -> 6.1.0
- chakracore 1.8.4 -> 1.11.1-1
- cimg 2.2.3 -> 2.3.6
- clockutils 1.1.1-3651f232c27074c4ceead169e223edf5f00247c5-1 -> 1.1.1-3651f232c27074c4ceead169e223edf5f00247c5-2
- cmark 0.28.3-1 -> 0.28.3-2
- coolprop 6.1.0-3 -> 6.1.0-4
- cpprestsdk 2.10.2-1 -> 2.10.6-1
- crc32c 1.0.5 -> 1.0.5-1
- cryptopp 6.1.0-2 -> 7.0.0
- curl 7.60.0 -> 7.61.1-1
- cxxopts 1.3.0 -> 2.1.0-1
- dimcli 3.1.1-1 -> 3.1.1-2
- directxmesh may2018 -> aug2018
- directxtex may2018 -> aug2018b
- directxtk may2018 -> aug2018
- discord-rpc 3.3.0 -> 3.3.0-1
- dlib 19.10-1 -> 19.16
- doctest 1.2.9 -> 2.0.0
- double-conversion 3.0.0-2 -> 3.1.0
- draco 1.2.5 -> 1.3.3
- eastl 3.09.00 -> 3.12.01
- ecm 5.40.0 -> 5.50.0
- eigen3 3.3.4-2 -> 3.3.5
- entt 2.5.0 -> 2.7.3
- exiv2 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- expat 2.2.5 -> 2.2.6
- exprtk 2018.04.30-46877b6 -> 2018.09.30-9836f21
- fastrtps 1.5.0 -> 1.5.0-1
- fdk-aac 2018-05-17 -> 2018-07-08
- flatbuffers 1.8.0-2 -> 1.9.0-2
- fmt 4.1.0 -> 5.2.0
- folly 2018.05.14.00 -> 2018.09.17.00
- fontconfig 2.12.4-1 -> 2.12.4-7
- forest 7.0.7 -> 9.0.5
- freeglut 3.0.0-4 -> 3.0.0-5
- freetype-gl 2018-02-25 -> 2018-09-18
- gdal 2.3.0-1 -> 2.3.2
- gdcm2 2.8.6 -> 2.8.7
- geogram 1.6.0-1 -> 1.6.4
- geos 3.6.2-3 -> 3.6.3-2
- glbinding 2.1.1-3 -> 3.0.2-3
- glfw3 3.2.1-2 -> 3.2.1-3
- glib 2.52.3-9 -> 2.52.3-11
- glm ->
- globjects 1.0.0-1 -> 1.1.0-2018-09-19
- glslang 2018-03-02 -> 2018-03-02-1
- google-cloud-cpp 0.1.0 -> 0.1.0-1
- graphicsmagick 1.3.28 -> 1.3.30-1
- graphite2 1.3.10 -> 1.3.12
- grpc 1.10.1-2 -> 1.14.1
- gtest 1.8.0-8 -> 1.8.0-9
- guetzli 2017-09-02-cb5e4a86f69628-1 -> 2018-07-30
- gumbo 0.10.1-1 -> 0.10.1-2
- harfbuzz 1.7.6-1 -> 1.8.4-2
- http-parser 2.7.1-3 -> 2.8.1
- hwloc 1.11.7-2 -> 1.11.7-3
- icu 61.1-1 -> 61.1-4
- imgui 1.60 -> 1.65
- json-dto 0.2.5 -> 0.2.6
- jsonnet 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- kf5plotting 5.37.0 -> 5.50.0
- lcms 2.8-4 -> 2.8-5
- leptonica 1.74.4-3 -> 1.76.0
- libarchive 3.3.2-1 -> 3.3.3-2
- libflac 1.3.2-5 -> 1.3.2-6
- libgeotiff 1.4.2-3 -> 1.4.2-4
- libgit2 0.26.0 -> 0.27.4-2
- libgo 2.7 -> 2.8-2
- liblzma 5.2.3-2 -> 5.2.4
- libmariadb 3.0.2 -> 3.0.2-1
- libmysql 8.0.4-2 -> 8.0.4-3
- libodb 2.4.0-2 -> 2.4.0-3
- libodb-mysql 2.4.0-1 -> 2.4.0-2
- libp7-baical 4.4-2 -> 4.4-3
- libpng 1.6.34-3 -> 1.6.35
- libpqxx 6.0.0 -> 6.0.0-1
- libraw 0.18.2-5 -> 0.19.0-1
- libsndfile 1.0.29-6830c42-3 -> 1.0.29-6830c42-5
- libssh 0.7.5-4 -> 0.7.6
- libssh2 1.8.0-3 -> 1.8.0-4
- libuv 1.20.3-2 -> 1.23.0
- libvorbis 1.3.5-143caf4-3 -> 1.3.6-112d3bd-1
- libwebsockets 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1
- libzip rel-1-5-1 -> rel-1-5-1-vcpkg1
- live555 2018.02.28 -> latest
- llvm 6.0.0-1 -> 7.0.0
- log4cplus REL_2_0_0-RC2 -> REL_2_0_1
- luasocket 2018-02-25 -> 2018-09-18
- lz4 1.8.2 -> 1.8.3
- mbedtls 2.6.1 -> 2.13.1
- mongo-cxx-driver 3.1.1-2 -> 3.1.1-3
- monkeys-audio 4.3.3 -> 4.3.3-1
- mosquitto 1.4.15 -> 1.5.0
- ms-gsl 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- mujs 2018-05-17 -> 2018-07-30
- nana 1.5.5 -> 1.6.2
- nanodbc 2.12.4-1 -> 2.12.4-2
- nanomsg 1.1.2 -> 1.1.4
- nghttp2 1.30.0-1 -> 1.33.0
- nlohmann-json 3.1.2 -> 3.3.0
- nlopt 2.4.2-c43afa08d~vcpkg1-1 -> 2.4.2-1226c127
- nuklear 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- octomap cefed0c1d79afafa5aeb05273cf1246b093b771c-2 -> cefed0c1d79afafa5aeb05273cf1246b093b771c-3
- openal-soft 1.18.2-2 -> 1.19.0
- openimageio Release-1.9.2dev -> Release-1.8.13
- openmama 6.2.1-a5a93a24d2f89a0def0145552c8cd4a53c69e2de -> 6.2.2
- openmesh 6.3 -> 7.0
- openssl 1.0.2o-2 -> 0
- openvr 1.0.15 -> 1.0.16
- opusfile 0.9-1 -> 0.11-1
- osg 3.5.6-2 -> 3.6.2
- osgearth 2.9 -> 2.9-1
- paho-mqtt 1.2.0-3 -> 1.2.1
- parson 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- pcl 1.8.1-10 -> 1.8.1-12
- pdal 1.7.1-2 -> 1.7.1-3
- pdcurses 3.4-1 -> 3.6
- picosha2 2018-02-25 -> 2018-07-30
- pixman 0.34.0-2 -> 0.34.0-4
- plibsys 0.0.3-1 -> 0.0.4-1
- pmdk 1.4-2 -> 1.4.2
- poco 1.9.0 -> 1.9.0-1
- podofo 0.9.5-2 -> 0.9.6
- protobuf 3.5.1-4 -> 3.6.1-4
- pybind11 2.2.1 -> 2.2.3-1
- python3 3.6.4-1 -> 3.6.4-2
- qpid-proton 0.18.1 -> 0.24.0
- qt5-base 5.9.2-6 -> 5.9.2-7
- qt5-modularscripts 3 -> 4
- re2 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- realsense2 2.10.4 -> 2.16.1
- restinio -> 0.4.8
- rocksdb 5.13.1 -> 5.14.2
- rs-core-lib 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- sciter 4.1.7 -> 4.2.2
- sdl2-image 2.0.2-1 -> 2.0.2-3
- sfgui 0.3.2-1 -> 0.3.2-2
- sfml 2.4.2-3 -> 2.5.0-2
- shaderc 12fb656ab20ea9aa06e7084a74e5ff832b7ce2da-1 -> 12fb656ab20ea9aa06e7084a74e5ff832b7ce2da-2
- signalrclient 1.0.0-beta1-3 -> 1.0.0-beta1-4
- sobjectizer 5.5.22 ->
- soci 2016.10.22-1 -> 3.2.3-1
- spdlog 0.16.3 -> 1.0.0
- sqlite-modern-cpp 3.2 -> 3.2-e2248fa
- sqlite-orm 1.1 -> 1.2
- sqlite3 3.23.1-1 -> 3.24.0-1
- string-theory 1.7 -> 2.1
- strtk 2018.05.07-48c9554 -> 2018.09.30-b887974
- sundials 2.7.0-1 -> 3.1.1
- tbb 2018_U3 -> 2018_U5-4
- tesseract 3.05.01-3 -> 3.05.02
- thor 2.0-1 -> 2.0-2
- thrift 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- tiff 4.0.9 -> 4.0.9-4
- tiny-dnn 2018-03-13 -> 2018-09-18
- torch-th 20180131-89ede3ba90c906a8ec6b9a0f4bef188ba5bb2fd8-2 -> 2018-07-03
- unicorn 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- unicorn-lib 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
- uriparser 0.8.5 -> 0.8.6
- wt 4.0.3 -> 4.0.4
- x264 152-e9a5903edf8ca59-1 -> 157-303c484ec828ed0
- xlnt 1.2.0-1 -> 1.3.0-1
- yaml-cpp 0.6.2 -> 0.6.2-2
- yara e3439e4ead4ed5d3b75a0b46eaf15ddda2110bb9 -> e3439e4ead4ed5d3b75a0b46eaf15ddda2110bb9-1
- yoga 1.8.0-1 -> 1.9.0
- zeromq 2018-05-17 -> 2018-09-18
* Change version format of the `vcpkg` tool to a date
* Improve handling of ctrl-c inside `install` or `build`
* Improvements in `vcpkg edit`:
- Fix console blocking when using VSCode and no other instance of VSCode is running
- `--all` option now opens package folders
- Now checks the default user-wide installation dir of VSCode (in addition to system-wide)
* `vcpkg env`: add argument to execute a command in the environment of the selected triplet
- e.g. `vcpkg env --triplet x64-windows "cl.exe"`
* Survey message changes:
- Survey message may pop-up only in `install`, `remove`, `export`, `update`. This prevents issues with parsing the output of other more script-oriented commands
- Adjust the survey frequency to 6 months, with an additional once after 10 days of use
- Improve metrics performance on Windows
* Fix OSX build for old gcc versions
* Fix handling of symlink when installing or removing a library
* Use -fPIC in all builds to enable mixing static libs with shared objects.
* Move graph options to `vcpkg depend-info` (from `vcpkg search`)
* Add `vcpkg_from_gitlab` function
* Documentation improvements in various `vcpkg_*` cmake functions
-- vcpkg team <vcpkg@microsoft.com> SAT, 20 Oct 2018 17:00:00 -0800
vcpkg (0.0.113)
* Add ports:
@ -1 +1 @@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user