* [nmap] Integration of nmap netwotk utilities(#5530)
* [nmap] adding openssl and openssh2 support
* [nmap] Integration of nmap netwotk utilities(#5530)
* [nmap] correction of the DIR option with-openssl
and with-openssh
* [poco] pre 2.0.0
- Updated to the latest compiling commit
- Added SQLite support
- Added PDF support
- Added MariaDB support
- Added PostgreSQL support
* Additional include files not part of any libraries
* DataException is no more part of Poco::Data
* [3fd] Patch 3fd to comply with poco-2.0.0pre
* Use our source only distribution and generate the necessary solution as part of the build
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* Support static and generate within the ace directory
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* Set missing environment
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* Fixed install for static
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* Also install pdb in a static job
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* pdb files are only created in a dynamic build
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* Add missing library
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* Add missing header directory
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* Use ACE_ROOT for the copyright file
* ports/ace/portfile.cmake:
* [ace] bump dash version in control to force rebuild
* [libff] Add new port
* Add new port [libbf]
* Update portfile.cmake
* update libbf portfile
* [libbf] Fail with meaningful message on Windows
* [libbf] Fix MSVC check condition
* Add qt5-activeqt library.
* qt5: Fix build failure due to empty output directories.
* [qt5-base] whitespace change to force clean test build in CI system
* [cppfs] Add new port
* [cppfs] Remove explicit libcrypto dependency
* [cppfs] Use vcpkg targets
* [cppfs] Don't use local find modules
* [cppfs] Disable arm64 and uwp
* [cppfs] Make portfile indentation consistent
* [hdf5] Use cmake wrapper to ensure consuming libraries link to szip in static build
* [hdf5] Move hdf5 cmake code from vcpkg.cmake to vcpkg-cmake-wrapper
* [hdf5] Do not force search in config mode
* [hdf5] balance needs of vtk and kealib
* Add patch file to make glslang known to pkg-config
* Proper patch file
* Fix paths in the patch file
* Add missing space so patch file can apply
* Remove debug/share directory
* Export everything to the glslangConfig
* Export the SPIRV target as well
* Remove not-working patch for main CMake file
* [glslang] Remove call to windows CRT changing function
* [glslang] Remove unnecessary calls to install inside patch
* [glslang] Check cmake imports correctly