* Provide CMake configs
* Fix mismatching version in CMakeLists.txt (2.0.0 -> 2.1.0)
* Update license (use LICENSE as copyright instead of using single header file as copyright)
* [libzippp] New port: C++ wrapper for libzip
* [libzippp] Fixed lookup of included libraries
* [libzippp] Build system replacement
* [libzippp] Add find_dependency(LIBZIP) to config file
* [libzippp] Use upstream CMake
* [libexif] update download location
* [libexif] Update homepage & switch to vcpkg_from_github
* [libexif] add missing _stdint.h file via patch mechanism
* [libexif] actually include modifications to tell it to use the patch file
* begin exploratory rewriting of tests
* continue working on tests
* more test work! holy butts vcpkg-tests/plan.cpp was a bunch of work
* finish writing new tests
- [x] write catch2 tests
- [ ] rewrite/at least delete the VS project files
- [ ] document running tests
* Fix tests to work on WSL, rewrite test vcxproj
still need to test on macOS
also, delete tests.pch.h
* Condense add_test calls
* [clapack] FindLapack was not working for VS Generators
due to extra ascii symbol "%3b" in linker dependencies which is ";"
(Lists in IMPORTED_LOCATION do not work as expected)
This commit is based on CMakes FindLAPACK and adds f2c to be checked
* added include(SelectLibraryConfigurations)
* [clapack] remove openblas patch
* [openblas] add trailing _ on linux
* [openblas] add find wrapper
* [clapack] fix FindLapack
* bump control to retrigger full CI build
* [openblas] enable ninja
* [mlpack] fix libary names for linkage.
* bump control
* Delete enable_openblas_compatibility.patch
* Delete fix_underscore.patch
* Update portfile.cmake
* correct control version bump
* fix control version bump
* bump control
* remove comments
* remove lines in patch file
* remove comment
* remove unused var
- blend2d updated to `beta_2019-07-16`
- asmjit updated to `2019-07-16`
- Added usage install in case of `static` linkage