* [vcpkg] Rewrite process spawning on windows to always use CreateProcess, enabling better environment handling
* [vcpkg] Use environment cache to avoid calling vcvars multiple times
* [vcpkg] Increase buffer size while computing hashes
* [vcpkg] Remove unneeded cmd.exe wrapper process on all CreateProcess calls
* [vcpkg] Fix .vcxproj{,.filters}
* [vcpkg] Upgrade Ctrl-C state machine to handle multiple background processes.
* [vcpkg] Fix regression while launching metrics: 'start' can't be passed directly to CreateProcessW
* [vcpkg] Fix typo on non-Windows
* [vcpkg] Fix various uses of >NUL across the code
* [vcpkg] Fix various uses of >NUL across the code
* [vcpkg] Fix font corruption bug on Windows by downloading Powershell Core
* [vcpkg] Rename subtool to powershell-core
* [vcpkg] Add missing includes to project files