* [sdl2-mixer] Fix dynamic loading when building static library
* [sdl2-mixer] Set dynamic load as a feature
* [sdl2-mixer] Disable feature dynamic-load when building static
* Add sfsexp, S-expressions library
* Use CMakeLists.txt directly instead of patching it
* Use sub-folder for sfsexp header files
* Manually set the header files and make sure the resulting include/ folder is the same as with the autotools installation
* Add runtime parameter for the DLL
* Export all symbols in the DLLAA
* Use PUBLIC_HEADER property install of install(FILES...)
* Remove boilerplate comments from portfile
* Only create static library on windows
* Throw error on UWP
* Disable some windows UWP warnings
* Use VCPKG_TARGET_IS_WINDOWS and put it on top of file
* Deleted extra blank lines
* Missed one blank line
* Use ${PORT} variable instead of the specific "sfsexp" string.
This should make it easier to change the name of the port later on.
* Use vcpkg_from_github to fetch the release.
* Remove extra empty lines
* [asiosdk] Add new port
* specified vcpkg_fail_port_install for non-windows platforms
* specified vcpkg_fail_port_install for arm & uwp platforms
* added entries for asiosdk into scripts/ci.baseline.txt
* bugfix for [ftgl] build failure #9520. Applied same solution as cbezault did for #7697
* bugfix for [ftgl] build failure #9520. Added suggested changes from the review and clean-up EOL characters.
* [ftgl] remove ftgl:x64-linux=fail from ci.baseline.txt
* [ftgl] build failure #9520 - disable doxygen on Linux
* [ftgl] build failure #9520 - force the compiler to use the C++11 standard
* [ftgl] build failure #9520 - remove ftgl:x64-osx=fail
* [ftgl] build failure #9520 - add missing C++11 standard patch
* [memorymodule] Add new port
* [memorymodule] Update ci baseline
* [memorymodule] Update CI baseline
* [memorymodule] Simplify vcpkg_fail_port_install call
* [memorymodule] Install lib files only if they exist
* Added portfile and control
* Added patch file to support MSVC
* Added description for msgpack11 in CONTROL
* added homepage to Control, code refactoring for portfile
* refactored portfile
* made align changes
* Update portfile.cmake
* Update CONTROL
removed v from the version
* added ref properly
Co-authored-by: Mayank Kataruka <37381526+mayankkt9@users.noreply.github.com>
* [anyrpc] Updated to latest commit
Updated to latest commit and removed patch, as it
is no longer needed.
* [anyrpc] Updated to latest commit
Removed deprecated `include(vcpkg_common_functions)`.
* [open62541] Update to v1.0
* Remove dependency on python-six
* Fix CI
* Manually specify the version
* Fix install binaries directory
* Fix end line
* Add homepage and modernize cmake
* enable ssl feature on selected under linux
* Complete implementation of ACE's installtion method under Linux
* reorder code logic structure of ACE's portfile
* add some debug log for ACE's portfile
* Bump tweak version of ACE CONTROL file
* fix invalid CL error for build/install perl scripts under Linux
* [ace] replace vcpkg_execute_required_process with vcpkg_execute_build_process
* [xerces-c] Update REF and SHA512
* [sfml] re-trigger ci
* [pcl] re-trigger ci
* [boost-signals] re-trigger ci
* [tmxparser] re-trigger ci
* [soil2] switch repo to github
* [gtest] re-trigger ci
* Fix tinyfiledialogs not being fetchable from sourceforge
Fix tinyfiledialogs not being fetchable from sourceforge. Use github instead.
* Update CONTROL
* Update portfile.cmake
* Update portfile.cmake
Update source url
* Update CONTROL
* added cleanup command to embree3 port for static build
* updated CONTROL file with version tag
* check if file exists before cleanups
* fix baseline
Co-authored-by: nicole mazzuca <mazzucan@outlook.com>
* [boost-python] Support Python2 as feature, fix build with installed Python2
* [boost-python] Update generate script to support Python2 mod
* Re-generate boost ports
* [boost-modular-build-helper] Update to 1.71.
[boost-build] Update to 1.71.
* [boost-modular-build-helper] Remove manual library name changing
[boost-iostreams] Use boost-modular-headers.cmake script
* Delete temporary file.
* Revert changes in modular build script.
* Update ports versions.
* [boost-modular-build-helper] Fix build boost-iostreams with LZMA and ZSTD
* [boost] Update to 1.72.0
* [libtorrent] Fix build with Boost 1.72.0
Original PR: https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent/pull/4091
* Update ci.baseline.txt:
- fail libgo:* due to use the removed class from Boost.Context 1.72.0 (reported issue https://github.com/yyzybb537/libgo/issues/214)
- pass boost-context:arm64-windows
- fix typo
* Folly only supports the x64 architecture
* fail boost-coroutine:arm64-windows=fail and boost-fiber:arm64-windows=fail because they use fcontext_t from Boost.Context which is not implemented for Windows on ARM64 (reported issue https://github.com/boostorg/context/issues/130)
* Fix globbing-expressions
* Add vcpkg_buildpath_length_warning(37) for boost-system.
Revert boost-iostreams port changes.
* Update ci.baseline.txt