* Make restinio port. First implementation (find-module files are not
installed yet).
* Add current status of a port files (not working).
* Prepare restinio port files.
* Change restinio archive URL.
* [restinio] Slim portfile
* Update RESTinio version.
* Make restinio port. First implementation (find-module files are not
installed yet).
* Add current status of a port files (not working).
* Prepare restinio port files.
* Change restinio archive URL.
* [restinio] Slim portfile
While before there was no use for linking the plugins directly or using
them as libraries in some other way when built dynamically, there now are
intra-dependencies between plugins which to be detected, require the
headers to be installed.
Additionally, the folders lib/magnum and debug/lib/magnum-d are no longer
empty, as we put the plugin deploy scripts there. Removing them is
therefore superfluous.
(Prepares upcoming release/head build)
Signed-off-by: Squareys <squareys@googlemail.com>
* [GEOS] Generate debug library names with `d` suffix
Currently geos.lib name is used for both, debug and optimised
GEOS libraries. This leads to situation when:
find_library(GEOS_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES geos)
finds the same library for both
This is minimal patch that works around the problem.
Next, complete fix should be submitted to GEOS upstream,
preferably using exported targets.
* [libspatialite] Add missing geos suffixes in static builds
* Improve cmake routine for nodejs/http-parser. Now it is installed as a
propper target and can be searched with `find_package(http-parser REQUIRED)` and then used as
a dependency like this: `target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE
nodejs::http_parser)`. Also using namespace for referencing http-parser
lib, which is safer, although the old name must still work, as names of
the binaries remained unchanged.
* Remove duplicate variable definition and add newlines at the end of files.
* [http-parser] Rename exported targets to "unofficial", since they are not blessed by upstream
* [bigint] Add missing header file.
File BigIntegerUtils.hh, which is required by the library, was not being copied.
* [bigint] Bump control file version