#include "vcpkg_Commands.h" #include "vcpkg_System.h" #include "vcpkg.h" #include #include namespace fs = std::tr2::sys; namespace vcpkg { template static void do_print(const vcpkg_paths& paths, Pred predicate) { for (auto it = fs::directory_iterator(paths.ports); it != fs::directory_iterator(); ++it) { const fs::path& path = it->path(); try { auto pghs = get_paragraphs(path / "CONTROL"); if (pghs.empty()) continue; auto srcpgh = SourceParagraph(pghs[0]); if (predicate(srcpgh.name)) { std::cout << std::left << std::setw(20) << srcpgh.name << ' ' << std::setw(16) << srcpgh.version << ' ' << shorten_description(srcpgh.description) << '\n'; } } catch (std::runtime_error const&) { } } } void search_command(const vcpkg_cmd_arguments& args, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { static const std::string example = Strings::format("The argument should be a substring to search for, or no argument to display all libraries.\n%s", create_example_string("search png")); args.check_max_arg_count(1, example.c_str()); if (args.command_arguments.size() == 0) { do_print(paths, [](std::string&) -> bool { return true; }); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } // At this point there is 1 argument do_print(paths, [&](std::string& port_name) -> bool { return Strings::case_insensitive_ascii_find(port_name, args.command_arguments[0]) != port_name.end(); }); System::println("\nIf your library is not listed, please open an issue at:\n" " https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/issues"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } }