#include "pch.h" #include "ParagraphParseResult.h" #include "Paragraphs.h" #include "vcpkg_Files.h" #include "vcpkg_GlobalState.h" #include "vcpkg_Util.h" using namespace vcpkg::Parse; namespace vcpkg::Paragraphs { struct Parser { Parser(const char* c, const char* e) : cur(c), end(e) {} private: const char* cur; const char* const end; void peek(char& ch) const { if (cur == end) ch = 0; else ch = *cur; } void next(char& ch) { if (cur == end) ch = 0; else { ++cur; peek(ch); } } void skip_comment(char& ch) { while (ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\0') next(ch); if (ch == '\r') next(ch); if (ch == '\n') next(ch); } void skip_spaces(char& ch) { while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') next(ch); } static bool is_alphanum(char ch) { return (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); } static bool is_comment(char ch) { return (ch == '#'); } static bool is_lineend(char ch) { return ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == 0; } void get_fieldvalue(char& ch, std::string& fieldvalue) { fieldvalue.clear(); auto beginning_of_line = cur; do { // scan to end of current line (it is part of the field value) while (!is_lineend(ch)) next(ch); fieldvalue.append(beginning_of_line, cur); if (ch == '\r') next(ch); if (ch == '\n') next(ch); if (is_alphanum(ch) || is_comment(ch)) { // Line begins a new field. return; } beginning_of_line = cur; // Line may continue the current field with data or terminate the paragraph, // depending on first nonspace character. skip_spaces(ch); if (is_lineend(ch)) { // Line was whitespace or empty. // This terminates the field and the paragraph. // We leave the blank line's whitespace consumed, because it doesn't matter. return; } // First nonspace is not a newline. This continues the current field value. // We forcibly convert all newlines into single '\n' for ease of text handling later on. fieldvalue.push_back('\n'); } while (true); } void get_fieldname(char& ch, std::string& fieldname) { auto begin_fieldname = cur; while (is_alphanum(ch) || ch == '-') next(ch); Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, ch == ':', "Expected ':'"); fieldname = std::string(begin_fieldname, cur); // skip ': ' next(ch); skip_spaces(ch); } void get_paragraph(char& ch, std::unordered_map& fields) { fields.clear(); std::string fieldname; std::string fieldvalue; do { if (is_comment(ch)) { skip_comment(ch); continue; } get_fieldname(ch, fieldname); auto it = fields.find(fieldname); Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, it == fields.end(), "Duplicate field"); get_fieldvalue(ch, fieldvalue); fields.emplace(fieldname, fieldvalue); } while (!is_lineend(ch)); } public: std::vector> get_paragraphs() { std::vector> paragraphs; char ch; peek(ch); while (ch != 0) { if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') { next(ch); continue; } paragraphs.emplace_back(); get_paragraph(ch, paragraphs.back()); } return paragraphs; } }; Expected> get_single_paragraph(const Files::Filesystem& fs, const fs::path& control_path) { const Expected contents = fs.read_contents(control_path); if (auto spgh = contents.get()) { return parse_single_paragraph(*spgh); } return contents.error(); } Expected>> get_paragraphs(const Files::Filesystem& fs, const fs::path& control_path) { const Expected contents = fs.read_contents(control_path); if (auto spgh = contents.get()) { return parse_paragraphs(*spgh); } return contents.error(); } Expected> parse_single_paragraph(const std::string& str) { const std::vector> p = Parser(str.c_str(), str.c_str() + str.size()).get_paragraphs(); if (p.size() == 1) { return p.at(0); } return std::error_code(ParagraphParseResult::EXPECTED_ONE_PARAGRAPH); } Expected>> parse_paragraphs(const std::string& str) { return Parser(str.c_str(), str.c_str() + str.size()).get_paragraphs(); } ParseExpected try_load_port(const Files::Filesystem& fs, const fs::path& path) { Expected>> pghs = get_paragraphs(fs, path / "CONTROL"); if (auto vector_pghs = pghs.get()) { auto csf = SourceControlFile::parse_control_file(std::move(*vector_pghs)); if (!GlobalState::feature_packages) { if (auto ptr = csf.get()) { Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, ptr->get() != nullptr); ptr->get()->core_paragraph->default_features.clear(); ptr->get()->feature_paragraphs.clear(); } } return csf; } auto error_info = std::make_unique(); error_info->name = path.filename().generic_u8string(); error_info->error = pghs.error(); return error_info; } Expected try_load_cached_control_package(const VcpkgPaths& paths, const PackageSpec& spec) { Expected>> pghs = get_paragraphs(paths.get_filesystem(), paths.package_dir(spec) / "CONTROL"); if (auto p = pghs.get()) { BinaryControlFile bcf; bcf.core_paragraph = BinaryParagraph(p->front()); p->erase(p->begin()); bcf.features = Util::fmap(*p, [&](auto&& raw_feature) -> BinaryParagraph { return BinaryParagraph(raw_feature); }); return bcf; } return pghs.error(); } LoadResults try_load_all_ports(const Files::Filesystem& fs, const fs::path& ports_dir) { LoadResults ret; for (auto&& path : fs.get_files_non_recursive(ports_dir)) { auto maybe_spgh = try_load_port(fs, path); if (const auto spgh = maybe_spgh.get()) { ret.paragraphs.emplace_back(std::move(*spgh)); } else { ret.errors.emplace_back(std::move(maybe_spgh).error()); } } return ret; } std::vector> load_all_ports(const Files::Filesystem& fs, const fs::path& ports_dir) { auto results = try_load_all_ports(fs, ports_dir); if (!results.errors.empty()) { if (GlobalState::debugging) { print_error_message(results.errors); } else { for (auto&& error : results.errors) { System::println( System::Color::warning, "Warning: an error occurred while parsing '%s'", error->name); } System::println(System::Color::warning, "Use '--debug' to get more information about the parse failures.\n"); } } return std::move(results.paragraphs); } std::map load_all_port_names_and_versions(const Files::Filesystem& fs, const fs::path& ports_dir) { auto all_ports = load_all_ports(fs, ports_dir); std::map names_and_versions; for (auto&& port : all_ports) names_and_versions.emplace(port->core_paragraph->name, port->core_paragraph->version); return names_and_versions; } }