#include #include "vcpkg_paths.h" #include "package_spec.h" #include #include #include "vcpkg_System.h" #include namespace fs = std::tr2::sys; namespace vcpkg { enum class lint_status { SUCCESS = 0, ERROR = 1 }; static const fs::path DUMPBIN_EXE = R"(%VS140COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\bin\dumpbin.exe)"; namespace { void print_vector_of_files(const std::vector& paths) { System::println(""); for (const fs::path& p : paths) { System::println(" %s", p.generic_string()); } System::println(""); } template void recursive_find_matching_paths_in_dir(const fs::path& dir, const Pred predicate, std::vector& output) { std::copy_if(fs::recursive_directory_iterator(dir), fs::recursive_directory_iterator(), std::back_inserter(output), predicate); } void recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(const fs::path& dir, const std::string& extension, std::vector& output) { recursive_find_matching_paths_in_dir(dir, [&extension](const fs::path& current) { return !fs::is_directory(current) && current.extension() == extension; }, output); } } static lint_status check_for_files_in_include_directory(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { const fs::path include_dir = paths.packages / spec.dir() / "include"; if (!fs::exists(include_dir) || fs::is_empty(include_dir)) { System::println(System::color::warning, "The folder /include is empty. This indicates the library was not correctly installed."); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_for_files_in_debug_include_directory(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { const fs::path debug_include_dir = paths.packages / spec.dir() / "debug" / "include"; std::vector files_found; recursive_find_matching_paths_in_dir(debug_include_dir, [&](const fs::path& current) { return !fs::is_directory(current) && current.extension() != ".ifc"; }, files_found); if (!files_found.empty()) { System::println(System::color::warning, "Include files should not be duplicated into the /debug/include directory. If this cannot be disabled in the project cmake, use\n" " file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/include)" ); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_for_files_in_debug_share_directory(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { const fs::path debug_share = paths.packages / spec.dir() / "debug" / "share"; if (fs::exists(debug_share) && !fs::is_empty(debug_share)) { System::println(System::color::warning, "No files should be present in /debug/share"); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_folder_lib_cmake(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { const fs::path lib_cmake = paths.packages / spec.dir() / "lib" / "cmake"; if (fs::exists(lib_cmake)) { System::println(System::color::warning, "The /lib/cmake folder should be moved to just /cmake"); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_for_misplaced_cmake_files(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { const fs::path current_packages_dir = paths.packages / spec.dir(); std::vector misplaced_cmake_files; recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(current_packages_dir / "cmake", ".cmake", misplaced_cmake_files); recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(current_packages_dir / "debug" / "cmake", ".cmake", misplaced_cmake_files); recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(current_packages_dir / "lib" / "cmake", ".cmake", misplaced_cmake_files); recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(current_packages_dir / "debug" / "lib" / "cmake", ".cmake", misplaced_cmake_files); if (!misplaced_cmake_files.empty()) { System::println(System::color::warning, "The following cmake files were found outside /share/%s. Please place cmake files in /share/%s.", spec.name(), spec.name()); print_vector_of_files(misplaced_cmake_files); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_folder_debug_lib_cmake(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { const fs::path lib_cmake_debug = paths.packages / spec.dir() / "debug" / "lib" / "cmake"; if (fs::exists(lib_cmake_debug)) { System::println(System::color::warning, "The /debug/lib/cmake folder should be moved to just /debug/cmake"); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_for_dlls_in_lib_dirs(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { std::vector dlls; recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(paths.packages / spec.dir() / "lib", ".dll", dlls); recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(paths.packages / spec.dir() / "debug" / "lib", ".dll", dlls); if (!dlls.empty()) { System::println(System::color::warning, "\nThe following dlls were found in /lib and /debug/lib. Please move them to /bin or /debug/bin, respectively."); print_vector_of_files(dlls); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_for_copyright_file(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { const fs::path copyright_file = paths.packages / spec.dir() / "share" / spec.name() / "copyright"; if (fs::exists(copyright_file)) { return lint_status::SUCCESS; } const fs::path current_buildtrees_dir = paths.buildtrees / spec.name(); const fs::path current_buildtrees_dir_src = current_buildtrees_dir / "src"; std::vector potential_copyright_files; // Only searching one level deep for (auto it = fs::recursive_directory_iterator(current_buildtrees_dir_src); it != fs::recursive_directory_iterator(); ++it) { if (it.depth() > 1) { continue; } const std::string filename = it->path().filename().string(); if (filename == "LICENSE" || filename == "LICENSE.txt" || filename == "COPYING") { potential_copyright_files.push_back(it->path()); } } System::println(System::color::warning, "The software license must be available at ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/%s/copyright .", spec.name()); if (potential_copyright_files.size() == 1) // if there is only one candidate, provide the cmake lines needed to place it in the proper location { const fs::path found_file = potential_copyright_files[0]; const fs::path relative_path = found_file.string().erase(0, current_buildtrees_dir.string().size() + 1); // The +1 is needed to remove the "/" System::println("\n file(COPY ${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/%s DESTINATION ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/%s)\n" " file(RENAME ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/%s/%s ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/%s/copyright)", relative_path.generic_string(), spec.name(), spec.name(), found_file.filename().generic_string(), spec.name()); return lint_status::ERROR; } if (potential_copyright_files.size() > 1) { System::println(System::color::warning, "The following files are potential copyright files:"); print_vector_of_files(potential_copyright_files); } const fs::path current_packages_dir = paths.packages / spec.dir(); System::println(" %s/share/%s/copyright", current_packages_dir.generic_string(), spec.name()); return lint_status::ERROR; } static lint_status check_for_exes(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { std::vector exes; recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(paths.packages / spec.dir() / "bin", ".exe", exes); recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(paths.packages / spec.dir() / "debug" / "bin", ".exe", exes); if (!exes.empty()) { System::println(System::color::warning, "The following EXEs were found in /bin and /debug/bin. EXEs are not valid distribution targets."); print_vector_of_files(exes); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_exports_of_dlls(const std::vector& dlls) { std::vector dlls_with_no_exports; for (const fs::path& dll : dlls) { const std::wstring cmd_line = Strings::wformat(LR"("%s" /exports "%s")", DUMPBIN_EXE.native(), dll.native()); System::exit_code_and_output ec_data = System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(cmd_line); Checks::check_exit(ec_data.exit_code == 0, "Running command:\n %s\n failed", Strings::utf16_to_utf8(cmd_line)); if (ec_data.output.find("ordinal hint RVA name") == std::string::npos) { dlls_with_no_exports.push_back(dll); } } if (!dlls_with_no_exports.empty()) { System::println(System::color::warning, "The following DLLs have no exports:"); print_vector_of_files(dlls_with_no_exports); System::println(System::color::warning, "DLLs without any exports are likely a bug in the build script."); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_uwp_bit_of_dlls(const std::string& expected_system_name, const std::vector& dlls) { if (expected_system_name != "uwp") { return lint_status::SUCCESS; } std::vector dlls_with_improper_uwp_bit; for (const fs::path& dll : dlls) { const std::wstring cmd_line = Strings::wformat(LR"("%s" /headers "%s")", DUMPBIN_EXE.native(), dll.native()); System::exit_code_and_output ec_data = System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(cmd_line); Checks::check_exit(ec_data.exit_code == 0, "Running command:\n %s\n failed", Strings::utf16_to_utf8(cmd_line)); if (ec_data.output.find("App Container") == std::string::npos) { dlls_with_improper_uwp_bit.push_back(dll); } } if (!dlls_with_improper_uwp_bit.empty()) { System::println(System::color::warning, "The following DLLs do not have the App Container bit set:"); print_vector_of_files(dlls_with_improper_uwp_bit); System::println(System::color::warning, "This bit is required for Windows Store apps."); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } struct file_and_arch { fs::path file; std::string actual_arch; }; static lint_status check_architecture(const std::string& expected_architecture, const std::vector& files) { // static const std::regex machine_regex = std::regex(R"###([0-9A-F]+ machine \([^)]+\))###"); static const std::string machine_string_scan = "machine ("; // Parenthesis is there to avoid some other occurrences of the word "machine" std::vector binaries_with_invalid_architecture; std::set binaries_with_no_architecture(files.cbegin(), files.cend()); for (const fs::path& f : files) { const std::wstring cmd_line = Strings::wformat(LR"("%s" /headers "%s")", DUMPBIN_EXE.native(), f.native()); System::exit_code_and_output ec_data = System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(cmd_line); Checks::check_exit(ec_data.exit_code == 0, "Running command:\n %s\n failed", Strings::utf16_to_utf8(cmd_line)); const std::string& s = ec_data.output; for (size_t start, end, idx = s.find(machine_string_scan); idx != std::string::npos; idx = s.find(machine_string_scan, end)) { // Skip the space directly in front of "machine" and find the previous one. Get the index of the char after it start = s.find_last_of(' ', idx - 2) + 1; // Find the first close-parenthesis. Get the index of the char after it end = s.find_first_of(')', idx) + 1; std::string machine_line(s.substr(start, end - start)); if (Strings::case_insensitive_ascii_find(machine_line, expected_architecture) != machine_line.end()) { binaries_with_no_architecture.erase(f); } else { binaries_with_invalid_architecture.push_back({f, machine_line}); break; // If one erroneous entry is found, we can abort this file } } } if (!binaries_with_invalid_architecture.empty()) { System::println(System::color::warning, "The following files were built for an incorrect architecture:"); System::println(""); for (const file_and_arch& b : binaries_with_invalid_architecture) { System::println(" %s", b.file.generic_string()); System::println("Expected %s, but was: %s", expected_architecture, b.actual_arch); } System::println(""); return lint_status::ERROR; } if (!binaries_with_no_architecture.empty()) { System::println(System::color::warning, "Unable to detect architecture in the following files:"); System::println(""); for (const fs::path& b : binaries_with_no_architecture) { System::println(" %s", b.generic_string()); } System::println(""); return lint_status::ERROR; } return lint_status::SUCCESS; } static lint_status check_no_dlls_present(const std::vector& dlls) { if (dlls.empty()) { return lint_status::SUCCESS; } System::println(System::color::warning, "DLLs should not be present in a static build, but the following DLLs were found:"); print_vector_of_files(dlls); return lint_status::ERROR; } static void operator +=(size_t& left, const lint_status& right) { left += static_cast(right); } void perform_all_checks(const package_spec& spec, const vcpkg_paths& paths) { System::println("-- Performing post-build validation"); size_t error_count = 0; error_count += check_for_files_in_include_directory(spec, paths); error_count += check_for_files_in_debug_include_directory(spec, paths); error_count += check_for_files_in_debug_share_directory(spec, paths); error_count += check_folder_lib_cmake(spec, paths); error_count += check_for_misplaced_cmake_files(spec, paths); error_count += check_folder_debug_lib_cmake(spec, paths); error_count += check_for_dlls_in_lib_dirs(spec, paths); error_count += check_for_copyright_file(spec, paths); error_count += check_for_exes(spec, paths); triplet::BuildType build_type = spec.target_triplet().build_type(); switch (build_type) { case triplet::BuildType::DYNAMIC: { std::vector dlls; recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(paths.packages / spec.dir() / "bin", ".dll", dlls); recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(paths.packages / spec.dir() / "debug" / "bin", ".dll", dlls); error_count += check_exports_of_dlls(dlls); error_count += check_uwp_bit_of_dlls(spec.target_triplet().system(), dlls); error_count += check_architecture(spec.target_triplet().architecture(), dlls); break; } case triplet::BuildType::STATIC: { std::vector dlls; recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(paths.packages / spec.dir(), ".dll", dlls); error_count += check_no_dlls_present(dlls); break; } default: Checks::unreachable(); } std::vector libs; recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(paths.packages / spec.dir() / "lib", ".lib", libs); recursive_find_files_with_extension_in_dir(paths.packages / spec.dir() / "debug" / "lib", ".lib", libs); error_count += check_architecture(spec.target_triplet().architecture(), libs); if (error_count != 0) { const fs::path portfile = paths.ports / spec.name() / "portfile.cmake"; System::println(System::color::error, "Found %u error(s). Please correct the portfile:\n %s", error_count, portfile.string()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } System::println("-- Performing post-build validation done"); } }