#include "pch.h" #include "SourceParagraph.h" #include "Triplet.h" #include "vcpkg_Checks.h" #include "vcpkg_Maps.h" #include "vcpkg_System.h" #include "vcpkg_Util.h" #include "vcpkg_expected.h" #include "vcpkglib_helpers.h" namespace vcpkg { // namespace SourceParagraphRequiredField { static const std::string SOURCE = "Source"; static const std::string VERSION = "Version"; } namespace SourceParagraphOptionalField { static const std::string DESCRIPTION = "Description"; static const std::string MAINTAINER = "Maintainer"; static const std::string BUILD_DEPENDS = "Build-Depends"; static const std::string SUPPORTS = "Supports"; } static span get_list_of_valid_fields() { static const std::string valid_fields[] = {SourceParagraphRequiredField::SOURCE, SourceParagraphRequiredField::VERSION, SourceParagraphOptionalField::DESCRIPTION, SourceParagraphOptionalField::MAINTAINER, SourceParagraphOptionalField::BUILD_DEPENDS, SourceParagraphOptionalField::SUPPORTS}; return valid_fields; } void print_error_message(span error_info_list) { Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, error_info_list.size() > 0); for (auto&& error_info : error_info_list) { if (error_info.error) { System::println( System::Color::error, "Error: while loading %s: %s", error_info.name, error_info.error.message()); } } bool have_remaining_fields = false; for (auto&& error_info : error_info_list) { if (!error_info.remaining_fields_as_string.empty()) { System::println(System::Color::error, "Error: There are invalid fields in the Source Paragraph of %s", error_info.name); System::println("The following fields were not expected:\n\n %s\n\n", error_info.remaining_fields_as_string); have_remaining_fields = true; } } if (have_remaining_fields) { System::println("This is the list of valid fields (case-sensitive): \n\n %s\n", Strings::join("\n ", get_list_of_valid_fields())); System::println("Different source may be available for vcpkg. Use .\\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat to update.\n"); } } ExpectedT SourceParagraph::parse_control_file( std::unordered_map fields) { SourceParagraph sparagraph; sparagraph.name = details::remove_required_field(&fields, SourceParagraphRequiredField::SOURCE); sparagraph.version = details::remove_required_field(&fields, SourceParagraphRequiredField::VERSION); sparagraph.description = details::remove_optional_field(&fields, SourceParagraphOptionalField::DESCRIPTION); sparagraph.maintainer = details::remove_optional_field(&fields, SourceParagraphOptionalField::MAINTAINER); std::string deps = details::remove_optional_field(&fields, SourceParagraphOptionalField::BUILD_DEPENDS); sparagraph.depends = expand_qualified_dependencies(parse_comma_list(deps)); std::string sups = details::remove_optional_field(&fields, SourceParagraphOptionalField::SUPPORTS); sparagraph.supports = parse_comma_list(sups); if (!fields.empty()) { const std::vector remaining_fields = Maps::extract_keys(fields); const std::string remaining_fields_as_string = Strings::join("\n ", remaining_fields); return ParseControlErrorInfo{sparagraph.name, remaining_fields_as_string}; } return sparagraph; } std::vector vcpkg::expand_qualified_dependencies(const std::vector& depends) { return Util::fmap(depends, [&](const std::string& depend_string) -> Dependency { auto pos = depend_string.find(' '); if (pos == std::string::npos) return {depend_string, ""}; // expect of the form "\w+ \[\w+\]" Dependency dep; dep.name = depend_string.substr(0, pos); if (depend_string.c_str()[pos + 1] != '[' || depend_string[depend_string.size() - 1] != ']') { // Error, but for now just slurp the entire string. return {depend_string, ""}; } dep.qualifier = depend_string.substr(pos + 2, depend_string.size() - pos - 3); return dep; }); } std::vector parse_comma_list(const std::string& str) { if (str.empty()) { return {}; } std::vector out; size_t cur = 0; do { auto pos = str.find(',', cur); if (pos == std::string::npos) { out.push_back(str.substr(cur)); break; } out.push_back(str.substr(cur, pos - cur)); // skip comma and space ++pos; if (str[pos] == ' ') { ++pos; } cur = pos; } while (cur != std::string::npos); return out; } std::vector filter_dependencies(const std::vector& deps, const Triplet& t) { std::vector ret; for (auto&& dep : deps) { if (dep.qualifier.empty() || t.canonical_name().find(dep.qualifier) != std::string::npos) { ret.push_back(dep.name); } } return ret; } const std::string& to_string(const Dependency& dep) { return dep.name; } ExpectedT> Supports::parse(const std::vector& strs) { Supports ret; std::vector unrecognized; for (auto&& str : strs) { if (str == "x64") ret.architectures.push_back(Architecture::X64); else if (str == "x86") ret.architectures.push_back(Architecture::X86); else if (str == "arm") ret.architectures.push_back(Architecture::ARM); else if (str == "windows") ret.platforms.push_back(Platform::WINDOWS); else if (str == "uwp") ret.platforms.push_back(Platform::UWP); else if (str == "v140") ret.toolsets.push_back(ToolsetVersion::V140); else if (str == "v141") ret.toolsets.push_back(ToolsetVersion::V141); else if (str == "crt-static") ret.crt_linkages.push_back(Linkage::STATIC); else if (str == "crt-dynamic") ret.crt_linkages.push_back(Linkage::DYNAMIC); else unrecognized.push_back(str); } if (unrecognized.empty()) return std::move(ret); else return std::move(unrecognized); } bool Supports::is_supported(Architecture arch, Platform plat, Linkage crt, ToolsetVersion tools) { auto is_in_or_empty = [](auto v, auto&& c) -> bool { return c.empty() || c.end() != Util::find(c, v); }; if (!is_in_or_empty(arch, architectures)) return false; if (!is_in_or_empty(plat, platforms)) return false; if (!is_in_or_empty(crt, crt_linkages)) return false; if (!is_in_or_empty(tools, toolsets)) return false; return true; } }