## # vcpkg_build_msbuild ## ## Build an msbuild-based project. ## ## ## Usage ## ```cmake ## vcpkg_build_msbuild( ## PROJECT_PATH <${SOURCE_PATH}/port.sln> ## [RELEASE_CONFIGURATION ] ## [DEBUG_CONFIGURATION ] ## [TARGET ] ## [TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION <10.0.15063.0>] ## [PLATFORM <${TRIPLET_SYSTEM_ARCH}>] ## [PLATFORM_TOOLSET <${VCPKG_PLATFORM_TOOLSET}>] ## [OPTIONS ...] ## [OPTIONS_RELEASE ...] ## [OPTIONS_DEBUG ...] ## [USE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION] ## ) ## ``` ## ## ## Parameters ## ### USE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION ## Apply the normal `integrate install` integration for building the project. ## ## By default, projects built with this command will not automatically link libraries or have header paths set. ## ## ### PROJECT_PATH ## The path to the solution (`.sln`) or project (`.vcxproj`) file. ## ## ### RELEASE_CONFIGURATION ## The configuration (``/p:Configuration`` msbuild parameter) used for Release builds. ## ## ### DEBUG_CONFIGURATION ## The configuration (``/p:Configuration`` msbuild parameter) ## used for Debug builds. ## ## ### TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION ## The WindowsTargetPlatformVersion (``/p:WindowsTargetPlatformVersion`` msbuild parameter) ## ## ### TARGET ## The MSBuild target to build. (``/t:``) ## ## ### PLATFORM ## The platform (``/p:Platform`` msbuild parameter) used for the build. ## ## ### PLATFORM_TOOLSET ## The platform toolset (``/p:PlatformToolset`` msbuild parameter) used for the build. ## ## ### OPTIONS ## Additional options passed to msbuild for all builds. ## ## ### OPTIONS_RELEASE ## Additional options passed to msbuild for Release builds. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ## ## ### OPTIONS_DEBUG ## Additional options passed to msbuild for Debug builds. These are in addition to `OPTIONS`. ## ## ## Examples ## ## * [chakracore](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/chakracore/portfile.cmake) ## * [cppunit](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/cppunit/portfile.cmake) function(vcpkg_build_msbuild) cmake_parse_arguments( _csc "USE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION" "PROJECT_PATH;RELEASE_CONFIGURATION;DEBUG_CONFIGURATION;PLATFORM;PLATFORM_TOOLSET;TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION;TARGET" "OPTIONS;OPTIONS_RELEASE;OPTIONS_DEBUG" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT DEFINED _csc_RELEASE_CONFIGURATION) set(_csc_RELEASE_CONFIGURATION Release) endif() if(NOT DEFINED _csc_DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) set(_csc_DEBUG_CONFIGURATION Debug) endif() if(NOT DEFINED _csc_PLATFORM) set(_csc_PLATFORM ${TRIPLET_SYSTEM_ARCH}) endif() if(NOT DEFINED _csc_PLATFORM_TOOLSET) set(_csc_PLATFORM_TOOLSET ${VCPKG_PLATFORM_TOOLSET}) endif() if(NOT DEFINED _csc_TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION) vcpkg_get_windows_sdk(_csc_TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION) endif() if(NOT DEFINED _csc_TARGET) set(_csc_TARGET Rebuild) endif() list(APPEND _csc_OPTIONS /t:${_csc_TARGET} /p:Platform=${_csc_PLATFORM} /p:PlatformToolset=${_csc_PLATFORM_TOOLSET} /p:VCPkgLocalAppDataDisabled=true /p:UseIntelMKL=No /p:WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=${_csc_TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION} /m ) if(VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE STREQUAL "static") # Disable LTCG for static libraries because this setting introduces ABI incompatibility between minor compiler versions # TODO: Add a way for the user to override this if they want to opt-in to incompatibility list(APPEND _csc_OPTIONS /p:WholeProgramOptimization=false) endif() if(_csc_USE_VCPKG_INTEGRATION) list( APPEND _csc_OPTIONS /p:ForceImportBeforeCppTargets=${VCPKG_ROOT_DIR}/scripts/buildsystems/msbuild/vcpkg.targets "/p:VcpkgTriplet=${TARGET_TRIPLET}" ) endif() if(NOT DEFINED VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE OR VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "release") message(STATUS "Building ${_csc_PROJECT_PATH} for Release") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/${TARGET_TRIPLET}-rel) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND msbuild ${_csc_PROJECT_PATH} /p:Configuration=${_csc_RELEASE_CONFIGURATION} ${_csc_OPTIONS} ${_csc_OPTIONS_RELEASE} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/${TARGET_TRIPLET}-rel LOGNAME build-${TARGET_TRIPLET}-rel ) endif() if(NOT DEFINED VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE OR VCPKG_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "debug") message(STATUS "Building ${_csc_PROJECT_PATH} for Debug") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/${TARGET_TRIPLET}-dbg) vcpkg_execute_required_process( COMMAND msbuild ${_csc_PROJECT_PATH} /p:Configuration=${_csc_DEBUG_CONFIGURATION} ${_csc_OPTIONS} ${_csc_OPTIONS_DEBUG} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/${TARGET_TRIPLET}-dbg LOGNAME build-${TARGET_TRIPLET}-dbg ) endif() endfunction()