#include "vcpkg_Commands.h" #include "vcpkg_System.h" #include "vcpkg_Input.h" namespace vcpkg { void edit_command(const vcpkg_cmd_arguments& args, const vcpkg_paths& paths, const triplet& default_target_triplet) { static const std::string example = create_example_string("edit zlib"); args.check_exact_arg_count(1, example.c_str()); const package_spec spec = Input::check_and_get_package_spec(args.command_arguments.at(0), default_target_triplet, example.c_str()); Input::check_triplet(spec.target_triplet, paths); const fs::path portpath = paths.ports / spec.name; // Find editor std::wstring env_EDITOR = System::wdupenv_str(L"EDITOR"); if (env_EDITOR.empty()) { static const std::wstring CODE_EXE_PATH = LR"(C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe)"; if (fs::exists(CODE_EXE_PATH)) { env_EDITOR = CODE_EXE_PATH; } else { Checks::exit_with_message("Visual Studio Code was not found and the environmental variable EDITOR is not set"); } } std::wstring cmdLine = Strings::wformat(LR"("%s" "%s" "%s")", env_EDITOR, portpath.native(), (portpath / "portfile.cmake").native()); exit(System::cmd_execute(cmdLine)); } }