#include "pch.h" #include "PackageSpec.h" #include "VcpkgPaths.h" #include "metrics.h" #include "vcpkg_Files.h" #include "vcpkg_System.h" #include "vcpkg_Util.h" #include "vcpkg_expected.h" namespace vcpkg { static constexpr CWStringView V_120 = L"v120"; static constexpr CWStringView V_140 = L"v140"; static constexpr CWStringView V_141 = L"v141"; static bool exists_and_has_equal_or_greater_version(const std::wstring& version_cmd, const std::array& expected_version) { static const std::regex RE(R"###((\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+))###"); const auto rc = System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(Strings::wformat(LR"(%s)", version_cmd)); if (rc.exit_code != 0) { return false; } std::match_results match; const auto found = std::regex_search(rc.output, match, RE); if (!found) { return false; } const int d1 = atoi(match[1].str().c_str()); const int d2 = atoi(match[2].str().c_str()); const int d3 = atoi(match[3].str().c_str()); if (d1 > expected_version[0] || (d1 == expected_version[0] && d2 > expected_version[1]) || (d1 == expected_version[0] && d2 == expected_version[1] && d3 >= expected_version[2])) { // satisfactory version found return true; } return false; } static Optional find_if_has_equal_or_greater_version(const std::vector& candidate_paths, const std::wstring& version_check_arguments, const std::array& expected_version) { auto it = Util::find_if(candidate_paths, [&](const fs::path& p) { const std::wstring cmd = Strings::wformat(LR"("%s" %s)", p.native(), version_check_arguments); return exists_and_has_equal_or_greater_version(cmd, expected_version); }); if (it != candidate_paths.cend()) { return std::move(*it); } return nullopt; } static fs::path fetch_dependency(const fs::path& scripts_folder, const std::wstring& tool_name, const fs::path& expected_downloaded_path, const std::array& version) { const std::string tool_name_utf8 = Strings::to_utf8(tool_name); const std::string version_as_string = Strings::format("%d.%d.%d", version[0], version[1], version[2]); System::println("A suitable version of %s was not found (required v%s). Downloading portable %s v%s...", tool_name_utf8, version_as_string, tool_name_utf8, version_as_string); const fs::path script = scripts_folder / "fetchDependency.ps1"; const auto install_cmd = System::create_powershell_script_cmd(script, Strings::wformat(L"-Dependency %s", tool_name)); const System::ExitCodeAndOutput rc = System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(install_cmd); if (rc.exit_code) { System::println(System::Color::error, "Launching powershell failed or was denied when trying to fetch %s version %s.\n" "(No sufficient installed version was found)", tool_name_utf8, version_as_string); { auto locked_metrics = Metrics::g_metrics.lock(); locked_metrics->track_property("error", "powershell install failed"); locked_metrics->track_property("dependency", tool_name); } Checks::exit_with_code(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, rc.exit_code); } const fs::path actual_downloaded_path = Strings::trimmed(rc.output); std::error_code ec; const auto eq = fs::stdfs::equivalent(expected_downloaded_path, actual_downloaded_path, ec); Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, eq && !ec, "Expected dependency downloaded path to be %s, but was %s", expected_downloaded_path.u8string(), actual_downloaded_path.u8string()); return actual_downloaded_path; } static fs::path get_cmake_path(const fs::path& downloads_folder, const fs::path& scripts_folder) { static constexpr std::array EXPECTED_VERSION = {3, 9, 3}; static const std::wstring VERSION_CHECK_ARGUMENTS = L"--version"; const fs::path downloaded_copy = downloads_folder / "cmake-3.9.3-win32-x86" / "bin" / "cmake.exe"; const std::vector from_path = Files::find_from_PATH(L"cmake"); std::vector candidate_paths; candidate_paths.push_back(downloaded_copy); candidate_paths.insert(candidate_paths.end(), from_path.cbegin(), from_path.cend()); candidate_paths.push_back(System::get_program_files_platform_bitness() / "CMake" / "bin" / "cmake.exe"); candidate_paths.push_back(System::get_program_files_32_bit() / "CMake" / "bin"); const Optional path = find_if_has_equal_or_greater_version(candidate_paths, VERSION_CHECK_ARGUMENTS, EXPECTED_VERSION); if (const auto p = path.get()) { return *p; } return fetch_dependency(scripts_folder, L"cmake", downloaded_copy, EXPECTED_VERSION); } fs::path get_nuget_path(const fs::path& downloads_folder, const fs::path& scripts_folder) { static constexpr std::array EXPECTED_VERSION = {4, 1, 0}; static const std::wstring VERSION_CHECK_ARGUMENTS = Strings::WEMPTY; const fs::path downloaded_copy = downloads_folder / "nuget-4.1.0" / "nuget.exe"; const std::vector from_path = Files::find_from_PATH(L"nuget"); std::vector candidate_paths; candidate_paths.push_back(downloaded_copy); candidate_paths.insert(candidate_paths.end(), from_path.cbegin(), from_path.cend()); auto path = find_if_has_equal_or_greater_version(candidate_paths, VERSION_CHECK_ARGUMENTS, EXPECTED_VERSION); if (const auto p = path.get()) { return *p; } return fetch_dependency(scripts_folder, L"nuget", downloaded_copy, EXPECTED_VERSION); } fs::path get_git_path(const fs::path& downloads_folder, const fs::path& scripts_folder) { static constexpr std::array EXPECTED_VERSION = {2, 14, 1}; static const std::wstring VERSION_CHECK_ARGUMENTS = L"--version"; const fs::path downloaded_copy = downloads_folder / "MinGit-2.14.1-32-bit" / "cmd" / "git.exe"; const std::vector from_path = Files::find_from_PATH(L"git"); std::vector candidate_paths; candidate_paths.push_back(downloaded_copy); candidate_paths.insert(candidate_paths.end(), from_path.cbegin(), from_path.cend()); candidate_paths.push_back(System::get_program_files_platform_bitness() / "git" / "cmd" / "git.exe"); candidate_paths.push_back(System::get_program_files_32_bit() / "git" / "cmd" / "git.exe"); const Optional path = find_if_has_equal_or_greater_version(candidate_paths, VERSION_CHECK_ARGUMENTS, EXPECTED_VERSION); if (const auto p = path.get()) { return *p; } return fetch_dependency(scripts_folder, L"git", downloaded_copy, EXPECTED_VERSION); } static fs::path get_ifw_installerbase_path(const fs::path& downloads_folder, const fs::path& scripts_folder) { static constexpr std::array EXPECTED_VERSION = { 3, 1, 81 }; static const std::wstring VERSION_CHECK_ARGUMENTS = L"--framework-version"; const fs::path downloaded_copy = downloads_folder / "QtInstallerFramework-win-x86" / "bin" / "installerbase.exe"; std::vector candidate_paths; candidate_paths.push_back(downloaded_copy); // TODO: Uncomment later //const std::vector from_path = Files::find_from_PATH(L"installerbase"); //candidate_paths.insert(candidate_paths.end(), from_path.cbegin(), from_path.cend()); //candidate_paths.push_back(fs::path(System::get_environment_variable(L"HOMEDRIVE").value_or("C:")) / "Qt" / "Tools" / "QtInstallerFramework" / "3.1" / "bin" / "installerbase.exe"); //candidate_paths.push_back(fs::path(System::get_environment_variable(L"HOMEDRIVE").value_or("C:")) / "Qt" / "QtIFW-3.1.0" / "bin" / "installerbase.exe"); const Optional path = find_if_has_equal_or_greater_version(candidate_paths, VERSION_CHECK_ARGUMENTS, EXPECTED_VERSION); if (const auto p = path.get()) { return *p; } return fetch_dependency(scripts_folder, L"installerbase", downloaded_copy, EXPECTED_VERSION); } Expected VcpkgPaths::create(const fs::path& vcpkg_root_dir) { std::error_code ec; const fs::path canonical_vcpkg_root_dir = fs::stdfs::canonical(vcpkg_root_dir, ec); if (ec) { return ec; } VcpkgPaths paths; paths.root = canonical_vcpkg_root_dir; if (paths.root.empty()) { Metrics::g_metrics.lock()->track_property("error", "Invalid vcpkg root directory"); Checks::exit_with_message(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, "Invalid vcpkg root directory: %s", paths.root.string()); } paths.packages = paths.root / "packages"; paths.buildtrees = paths.root / "buildtrees"; paths.downloads = paths.root / "downloads"; paths.ports = paths.root / "ports"; paths.installed = paths.root / "installed"; paths.triplets = paths.root / "triplets"; paths.scripts = paths.root / "scripts"; paths.buildsystems = paths.scripts / "buildsystems"; paths.buildsystems_msbuild_targets = paths.buildsystems / "msbuild" / "vcpkg.targets"; paths.vcpkg_dir = paths.installed / "vcpkg"; paths.vcpkg_dir_status_file = paths.vcpkg_dir / "status"; paths.vcpkg_dir_info = paths.vcpkg_dir / "info"; paths.vcpkg_dir_updates = paths.vcpkg_dir / "updates"; paths.ports_cmake = paths.scripts / "ports.cmake"; return paths; } fs::path VcpkgPaths::package_dir(const PackageSpec& spec) const { return this->packages / spec.dir(); } fs::path VcpkgPaths::port_dir(const PackageSpec& spec) const { return this->ports / spec.name(); } fs::path VcpkgPaths::port_dir(const std::string& name) const { return this->ports / name; } fs::path VcpkgPaths::build_info_file_path(const PackageSpec& spec) const { return this->package_dir(spec) / "BUILD_INFO"; } fs::path VcpkgPaths::listfile_path(const BinaryParagraph& pgh) const { return this->vcpkg_dir_info / (pgh.fullstem() + ".list"); } bool VcpkgPaths::is_valid_triplet(const Triplet& t) const { for (auto&& path : get_filesystem().get_files_non_recursive(this->triplets)) { const std::string triplet_file_name = path.stem().generic_u8string(); if (t.canonical_name() == triplet_file_name) // TODO: fuzzy compare { // t.value = triplet_file_name; // NOTE: uncomment when implementing fuzzy compare return true; } } return false; } const fs::path& VcpkgPaths::get_cmake_exe() const { return this->cmake_exe.get_lazy([this]() { return get_cmake_path(this->downloads, this->scripts); }); } const fs::path& VcpkgPaths::get_git_exe() const { return this->git_exe.get_lazy([this]() { return get_git_path(this->downloads, this->scripts); }); } const fs::path& VcpkgPaths::get_nuget_exe() const { return this->nuget_exe.get_lazy([this]() { return get_nuget_path(this->downloads, this->scripts); }); } const fs::path& VcpkgPaths::get_ifw_installerbase_exe() const { return this->ifw_installerbase_exe.get_lazy([this]() { return get_ifw_installerbase_path(this->downloads, this->scripts); }); } const fs::path& VcpkgPaths::get_ifw_binarycreator_exe() const { return this->ifw_binarycreator_exe.get_lazy([this]() { return get_ifw_installerbase_exe().parent_path() / "binarycreator.exe"; }); } const fs::path& VcpkgPaths::get_ifw_repogen_exe() const { return this->ifw_repogen_exe.get_lazy([this]() { return get_ifw_installerbase_exe().parent_path() / "repogen.exe"; }); } static std::vector get_vs2017_installation_instances(const VcpkgPaths& paths) { const fs::path script = paths.scripts / "findVisualStudioInstallationInstances.ps1"; const std::wstring cmd = System::create_powershell_script_cmd(script); const System::ExitCodeAndOutput ec_data = System::cmd_execute_and_capture_output(cmd); Checks::check_exit(VCPKG_LINE_INFO, ec_data.exit_code == 0, "Could not run script to detect VS 2017 instances"); return Strings::split(ec_data.output, "\n"); } static Optional get_vs2015_installation_instance() { const Optional vs2015_cmntools_optional = System::get_environment_variable(L"VS140COMNTOOLS"); if (const auto v = vs2015_cmntools_optional.get()) { const fs::path vs2015_cmntools = fs::path(*v).parent_path(); // The call to parent_path() is needed because // the env variable has a trailing backslash return vs2015_cmntools.parent_path().parent_path(); } return nullopt; } static std::vector find_toolset_instances(const VcpkgPaths& paths) { using CPU = System::CPUArchitecture; const auto& fs = paths.get_filesystem(); // Note: this will contain a mix of vcvarsall.bat locations and dumpbin.exe locations. std::vector paths_examined; std::vector found_toolsets; // VS2015 const Optional vs_2015_installation_instance = get_vs2015_installation_instance(); if (const auto v = vs_2015_installation_instance.get()) { const fs::path vs2015_vcvarsall_bat = *v / "VC" / "vcvarsall.bat"; paths_examined.push_back(vs2015_vcvarsall_bat); if (fs.exists(vs2015_vcvarsall_bat)) { const fs::path vs2015_dumpbin_exe = *v / "VC" / "bin" / "dumpbin.exe"; paths_examined.push_back(vs2015_dumpbin_exe); const fs::path vs2015_bin_dir = vs2015_vcvarsall_bat.parent_path() / "bin"; std::vector supported_architectures; if (fs.exists(vs2015_bin_dir / "vcvars32.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"x86", CPU::X86, CPU::X86}); if (fs.exists(vs2015_bin_dir / "amd64\\vcvars64.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"x64", CPU::X64, CPU::X64}); if (fs.exists(vs2015_bin_dir / "x86_amd64\\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"x86_amd64", CPU::X86, CPU::X64}); if (fs.exists(vs2015_bin_dir / "x86_arm\\vcvarsx86_arm.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"x86_arm", CPU::X86, CPU::ARM}); if (fs.exists(vs2015_bin_dir / "amd64_x86\\vcvarsamd64_x86.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"amd64_x86", CPU::X64, CPU::X86}); if (fs.exists(vs2015_bin_dir / "amd64_arm\\vcvarsamd64_arm.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"amd64_arm", CPU::X64, CPU::ARM}); if (fs.exists(vs2015_dumpbin_exe)) { found_toolsets.push_back( {vs2015_dumpbin_exe, vs2015_vcvarsall_bat, {}, V_140, supported_architectures}); } } } const std::vector vs2017_installation_instances = get_vs2017_installation_instances(paths); // VS2017 Optional vs2017_toolset; for (const std::string& instance : vs2017_installation_instances) { const fs::path vc_dir = fs::path{instance} / "VC"; // Skip any instances that do not have vcvarsall. const fs::path vcvarsall_dir = vc_dir / "Auxiliary" / "Build"; const fs::path vcvarsall_bat = vcvarsall_dir / "vcvarsall.bat"; paths_examined.push_back(vcvarsall_bat); if (!fs.exists(vcvarsall_bat)) continue; // Get all supported architectures std::vector supported_architectures; if (fs.exists(vcvarsall_dir / "vcvars32.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"x86", CPU::X86, CPU::X86}); if (fs.exists(vcvarsall_dir / "vcvars64.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"amd64", CPU::X64, CPU::X64}); if (fs.exists(vcvarsall_dir / "vcvarsx86_amd64.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"x86_amd64", CPU::X86, CPU::X64}); if (fs.exists(vcvarsall_dir / "vcvarsx86_arm.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"x86_arm", CPU::X86, CPU::ARM}); if (fs.exists(vcvarsall_dir / "vcvarsamd64_x86.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"amd64_x86", CPU::X64, CPU::X86}); if (fs.exists(vcvarsall_dir / "vcvarsamd64_arm.bat")) supported_architectures.push_back({L"amd64_arm", CPU::X64, CPU::ARM}); // Locate the "best" MSVC toolchain version const fs::path msvc_path = vc_dir / "Tools" / "MSVC"; std::vector msvc_subdirectories = fs.get_files_non_recursive(msvc_path); Util::unstable_keep_if(msvc_subdirectories, [&fs](const fs::path& path) { return fs.is_directory(path); }); // Sort them so that latest comes first std::sort(msvc_subdirectories.begin(), msvc_subdirectories.end(), [](const fs::path& left, const fs::path& right) { return left.filename() > right.filename(); }); for (const fs::path& subdir : msvc_subdirectories) { const fs::path dumpbin_path = subdir / "bin" / "HostX86" / "x86" / "dumpbin.exe"; paths_examined.push_back(dumpbin_path); if (fs.exists(dumpbin_path)) { vs2017_toolset = Toolset{dumpbin_path, vcvarsall_bat, {}, V_141, supported_architectures}; break; } } if (const auto value = vs2017_toolset.get()) { found_toolsets.push_back(*value); } } if (found_toolsets.empty()) { System::println(System::Color::error, "Could not locate a complete toolset."); System::println("The following paths were examined:"); for (const fs::path& path : paths_examined) { System::println(" %s", path.u8string()); } Checks::exit_fail(VCPKG_LINE_INFO); } return found_toolsets; } static std::vector create_vs2017_v140_toolset_instances(const std::vector& vs_toolsets) { std::vector vs2017_v140_toolsets; // In constrast to v141 and above, there can only be a single instance of v140 (VS2017 vs VS2015). const auto it = Util::find_if(vs_toolsets, [&](const Toolset& t) { return t.version == V_140; }); // If v140 is not available, then VS2017 cant use them. Return empty. if (it == vs_toolsets.cend()) { return vs2017_v140_toolsets; } // If it does exist, then create a matching v140 toolset for each v141 toolset const Toolset v140_toolset = *it; for (const Toolset& toolset : vs_toolsets) { if (toolset.version != V_141) { continue; } Toolset t = Toolset{ toolset.dumpbin, toolset.vcvarsall, {L"-vcvars_ver=14.0"}, V_140, toolset.supported_architectures}; vs2017_v140_toolsets.push_back(std::move(t)); } return vs2017_v140_toolsets; } const Toolset& VcpkgPaths::get_toolset(const std::string& toolset_version) const { const std::wstring& w_toolset_version = Strings::to_utf16(toolset_version); // Invariant: toolsets are non-empty and sorted with newest at back() const std::vector& vs_toolsets = this->toolsets.get_lazy([this]() { return find_toolset_instances(*this); }); if (w_toolset_version.empty()) { return vs_toolsets.back(); } const auto toolset = Util::find_if(vs_toolsets, [&](const Toolset& t) { return w_toolset_version == t.version; }); Checks::check_exit( VCPKG_LINE_INFO, toolset != vs_toolsets.end(), "Could not find toolset '%s'", toolset_version); // If v140 is the selected toolset and VS2017 is available, then use VS2017's vcvarsall with the // -vcvars_ver=14.0 option const std::vector& vs2017_v140_toolsets = this->toolsets_vs2017_v140.get_lazy( [&vs_toolsets]() { return create_vs2017_v140_toolset_instances(vs_toolsets); }); if (w_toolset_version == V_140 && !vs2017_v140_toolsets.empty()) { return vs2017_v140_toolsets.back(); } return *toolset; } Files::Filesystem& VcpkgPaths::get_filesystem() const { return Files::get_real_filesystem(); } }