[CmdletBinding()] param( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$disableMetrics = "0", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$withVSPath = "" ) $scriptsDir = split-path -parent $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition . "$scriptsDir\VcpkgPowershellUtils.ps1" $vcpkgRootDir = & $scriptsDir\findFileRecursivelyUp.ps1 $scriptsDir .vcpkg-root Write-Verbose("vcpkg Path " + $vcpkgRootDir) $gitHash = "unknownhash" $oldpath = $env:path try { $env:path += ";$vcpkgRootDir\downloads\MinGit-2.15.0-32-bit\cmd" if (Get-Command "git" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $gitHash = git log HEAD -n 1 --format="%cd-%H" --date=short if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { $gitHash = "unknownhash" } } } finally { $env:path = $oldpath } Write-Verbose("Git repo version string is " + $gitHash) $vcpkgSourcesPath = "$vcpkgRootDir\toolsrc" if (!(Test-Path $vcpkgSourcesPath)) { Write-Error "Unable to determine vcpkg sources directory. '$vcpkgSourcesPath' does not exist." return } try { Push-Location $vcpkgSourcesPath $msbuildExeWithPlatformToolset = & $scriptsDir\findAnyMSBuildWithCppPlatformToolset.ps1 $withVSPath $msbuildExe = $msbuildExeWithPlatformToolset[0] $platformToolset = $msbuildExeWithPlatformToolset[1] $windowsSDK = & $scriptsDir\getWindowsSDK.ps1 $arguments = ( "`"/p:VCPKG_VERSION=-$gitHash`"", "`"/p:DISABLE_METRICS=$disableMetrics`"", "/p:Configuration=Release", "/p:Platform=x86", "/p:PlatformToolset=$platformToolset", "/p:TargetPlatformVersion=$windowsSDK", "/m", "dirs.proj") -join " " # vcpkgInvokeCommandClean cmd "/c echo %PATH%" -wait:$true vcpkgInvokeCommandClean $msbuildExe $arguments -wait:$true if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Error "Building vcpkg.exe failed. Please ensure you have installed Visual Studio with the Desktop C++ workload and the Windows SDK for Desktop C++." return } Write-Verbose("Placing vcpkg.exe in the correct location") Copy-Item $vcpkgSourcesPath\Release\vcpkg.exe $vcpkgRootDir\vcpkg.exe | Out-Null Copy-Item $vcpkgSourcesPath\Release\vcpkgmetricsuploader.exe $vcpkgRootDir\scripts\vcpkgmetricsuploader.exe | Out-Null } finally { Pop-Location }