yurybura c50852aba0 [boost] Update to 1.72.0 (#9317)
* [boost-python] Support Python2 as feature, fix build with installed Python2

* [boost-python] Update generate script to support Python2 mod

* Re-generate boost ports

* [boost-modular-build-helper] Update to 1.71.
[boost-build] Update to 1.71.

* [boost-modular-build-helper] Remove manual library name changing
[boost-iostreams] Use boost-modular-headers.cmake script

* Delete temporary file.

* Revert changes in modular build script.

* Update ports versions.

* [boost-modular-build-helper] Fix build boost-iostreams with LZMA and ZSTD

* [boost] Update to 1.72.0

* [libtorrent] Fix build with Boost 1.72.0
Original PR: https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent/pull/4091

* Update ci.baseline.txt:
- fail libgo:* due to use the removed class from Boost.Context 1.72.0 (reported issue https://github.com/yyzybb537/libgo/issues/214)
- pass boost-context:arm64-windows
- fix typo

* Folly only supports the x64 architecture

* fail boost-coroutine:arm64-windows=fail and boost-fiber:arm64-windows=fail because they use fcontext_t from Boost.Context which is not implemented for Windows on ARM64 (reported issue https://github.com/boostorg/context/issues/130)

* Fix globbing-expressions

* Add vcpkg_buildpath_length_warning(37) for boost-system.
Revert boost-iostreams port changes.

* Update ci.baseline.txt
2020-01-16 15:10:15 -08:00

28 lines
1.3 KiB

# Automatically generated by boost-vcpkg-helpers/generate-ports.ps1
REPO boostorg/context
REF boost-1.72.0
SHA512 3009fddb29ab31caa40fd7d03b13b820ac0c638c026e1d9b510f719ffc66436dafba5bcf537418ac090c721d1e21022043a7ef4ef597b4bd853e693f3c0d3ded
HEAD_REF master
file(READ "${SOURCE_PATH}/build/Jamfile.v2" _contents)
string(REPLACE "import ../../config/checks/config" "import config/checks/config" _contents "${_contents}")
file(WRITE "${SOURCE_PATH}/build/Jamfile.v2" "${_contents}")
file(COPY "${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/share/boost-config/checks" DESTINATION "${SOURCE_PATH}/build/config")
boost_modular_build(SOURCE_PATH ${SOURCE_PATH})
boost_modular_headers(SOURCE_PATH ${SOURCE_PATH})
# boost-context removed all.hpp, which is used by FindBoost to determine that context is installed
if(NOT EXISTS ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/include/boost/context/all.hpp)
file(WRITE ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/include/boost/context/all.hpp
"#error \"#include <boost/context/all.hpp> is no longer supported by boost_context.\"")