Alexander Karatarakis a5fe308ea3 $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
It works also in cases where scripts/functions are calling each other.
Without the $script prefix, it would instead give you the calling function OR the path if there was no parent function.
With the prefix, it always yields the directory of the script
2018-01-23 14:16:06 -08:00

57 lines
1.9 KiB

function findExistingImportModuleDirectives([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$path)
if (!(Test-Path $path))
$fileContents = Get-Content $path
$fileContents -match 'Import-Module.+?(?=posh-vcpkg)'
$scriptsDir = split-path -parent $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
. "$scriptsDir\VcpkgPowershellUtils.ps1"
$profileEntry = "Import-Module '$scriptsDir\posh-vcpkg'"
$profilePath = $PROFILE # Implicit powershell variable
if (!(Test-Path $profilePath))
$profileDir = Split-Path $profilePath -Parent
vcpkgCreateDirectoryIfNotExists $profileDir
Write-Host "`nAdding the following line to ${profilePath}:"
Write-Host " $profileEntry"
# @() Needed to force Array in PowerShell 2.0
[Array]$existingImports = @(findExistingImportModuleDirectives $profilePath)
if ($existingImports.Count -gt 0)
$existingImportsOut = $existingImports -join "`n "
Write-Host "`nposh-vcpkg is already imported to your PowerShell profile. The following entries were found:"
Write-Host " $existingImportsOut"
Write-Host "`nPlease make sure you have started a new Powershell window for the changes to take effect."
# Posh-git does the following check, so we should too.
# https://github.com/dahlbyk/posh-git/blob/master/src/Utils.ps1
# If the profile script exists and is signed, then we should not modify it
if (Test-Path $profilePath)
$sig = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $profilePath
if ($null -ne $sig.SignerCertificate)
Write-Warning "Skipping add of posh-vcpkg import to profile; '$profilePath' appears to be signed."
Write-Warning "Please manually add the line '$profileEntry' to your profile and resign it."
Add-Content $profilePath -Value "`n$profileEntry" -Encoding UTF8
Write-Host "`nSuccessfully added posh-vcpkg to your PowerShell profile. Please start a new Powershell window for the changes to take effect."