Billy Robert O'Neal III 070a18974b Change supporting infrastructure to use Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets for vcpkg's PR builds, which should both improve our PR build times and reduce Azure spending by shutting down machines when they aren't being used.
Included is a script that sets up all vcpkg's Azure infrastructure for Windows PR tests, and several updates to baselines. The baseline updates are generally caused by an updated copy of the MSVC++ compiler caused by updating the VMs, but some are caused by missed failures only detected now because this did a cleared out archives directory first.

Some of the build infrastructure isn't what I'd call 'pretty' (e.g. we're split into more scripts and such than I'd like) but this mirrors how our existing PR system works.

It is expected that the existing vcpkg Windows PR system will hate these baseline updates so we'll need to merge this, then remove that (duplicate) workflow immediately afterwards, then delete all the Windows VMs powering the old infrastructure.
2020-04-21 17:12:21 -07:00

94 lines
2.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Sets up the environment to run other vcpkg CI steps in an Azure Pipelines job.
This script maps network drives from infrastructure and cleans out anything that
might have been leftover from a previous run.
.PARAMETER ForceAllPortsToRebuildKey
A subdirectory / key to use to force a build without any previous run caching,
if necessary.
[string]$ForceAllPortsToRebuildKey = ''
$StorageAccountName = $env:StorageAccountName
$StorageAccountKey = $env:StorageAccountKey
function Remove-DirectorySymlink {
if (Test-Path $Path) {
Write-Host 'Setting up archives mount'
if (-Not (Test-Path W:)) {
net use W: "\\$StorageAccountName.file.core.windows.net\archives" /u:"AZURE\$StorageAccountName" $StorageAccountKey
Write-Host 'Setting up logs mount'
if (-Not (Test-Path L:)) {
net use L: "\\$StorageAccountName.file.core.windows.net\logs" /u:"AZURE\$StorageAccountName" $StorageAccountKey
Write-Host 'Creating downloads directory'
mkdir D:\downloads -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Delete entries in the downloads folder, except:
# those in the 'tools' folder
# those last accessed in the last 30 days
Get-ChildItem -Path D:\downloads -Exclude "tools" `
| Where-Object{ $_.LastAccessTime -lt (get-Date).AddDays(-30) } `
| ForEach-Object{Remove-Item -Path $_ -Recurse -Force}
# Msys sometimes leaves a database lock file laying around, especially if there was a failed job
# which causes unrelated failures in jobs that run later on the machine.
# work around this by just removing the vcpkg installed msys2 if it exists
if( Test-Path D:\downloads\tools\msys2 )
Write-Host "removing previously installed msys2"
Remove-Item D:\downloads\tools\msys2 -Recurse -Force
Write-Host 'Setting up archives path...'
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ForceAllPortsToRebuildKey))
$archivesPath = 'W:\'
$archivesPath = "W:\force\$ForceAllPortsToRebuildKey"
if (-Not (Test-Path $fullPath)) {
Write-Host 'Creating $archivesPath'
mkdir $archivesPath
Write-Host "Linking archives => $archivesPath"
Remove-DirectorySymlink archives
cmd /c "mklink /D archives $archivesPath"
Write-Host 'Linking installed => E:\installed'
Remove-DirectorySymlink installed
Remove-Item E:\installed -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
mkdir E:\installed
cmd /c "mklink /D installed E:\installed"
Write-Host 'Linking downloads => D:\downloads'
Remove-DirectorySymlink downloads
cmd /c "mklink /D downloads D:\downloads"
Write-Host 'Cleaning buildtrees'
Remove-Item buildtrees\* -Recurse -Force -errorAction silentlycontinue
Write-Host 'Cleaning packages'
Remove-Item packages\* -Recurse -Force -errorAction silentlycontinue