Jack·Boos·Yu c3ac3b24ff
[pcl] Change feature pcap dependency to libpcap in non-Windows (#10163)
pcl[pcap] still doesn't work on macOS for now, since the libpcap port doesn't support non-Linux systems.
2020-02-29 11:22:53 -08:00

29 lines
953 B

Source: pcl
Version: 1.9.1-11
Homepage: https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl
Description: Point Cloud Library (PCL) is open source library for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.
Build-Depends: eigen3, flann, qhull, vtk, libpng, boost-system, boost-filesystem, boost-thread, boost-date-time, boost-iostreams, boost-random, boost-foreach, boost-dynamic-bitset, boost-property-map, boost-graph, boost-multi-array, boost-signals2, boost-ptr-container, boost-uuid, boost-interprocess, boost-asio
Feature: openni2
Description: OpenNI2 support for PCL
Build-Depends: openni2
Feature: qt
Description: Qt support for PCL
Build-Depends: vtk[qt]
Feature: pcap
Description: PCAP support for PCL
Build-Depends: winpcap (windows), libpcap (!windows)
Feature: tools
Description: Build PCL utilities
Build-Depends: boost-accumulators
Feature: cuda
Description: CUDA support for PCL
Build-Depends: cuda
Feature: opengl
Description: OpenGL support for PCL