Phil Christensen e62d136128
[vcpkg] Add Supports: field. Use contents of triplets instead of names for dependency resolution. (#8601)
* remove unfinished "supports" tag

* extract "supports" from control files
But do nothing with the value

* Start `Supports` documentation

* Use Supports in a bunch of control files

I only tried matching the already existing logic in the portfile.cmake.

* Cmake var provider (#8)

* Cmake var provider (#9)

* fix windows build (#10)

* Add missing files to build

* Fix test (#11)

* adding hooks for cmake variables in expressions

* Adding hooks for 'supports' in CI test

* Fix test (#12)

* Add overrides to evaluation environment

* use "supported" tag in CI testing

* cleanup comment

* Fix issues with PR

* [var_provider] Get library linkage variables from triplet

* Fix compilation errors in tests

* Add unimplemented functions

* Fix unit tests part 1

* Fix issue when buildtrees dir does not exist

* Change binary output hash

* Fix handling of * feature

* Add core feature when using *

* Do not add Default-Features when installing 'core'

* [vcpkg] WIP. 6 failing tests.

* [vcpkg] WIP. 1 failing tests.

* [vcpkg] WIP. 0 failing tests.

* [vcpkg] Removed 'remove_graph'. 0 failing tests.

* [vcpkg] Removed 'install_graph'. 0 failing tests.

* [vcpkg] Remove AnyAction; replace with ActionPlan

* [vcpkg] Minor cleanup.

* [vcpkg][z3][qt5-connectivity][qt5-purchasing] Improve error messages while parsing. Fix a few trivial port issues.

* [vcpkg] Work around ICE with MSVC v140

* [vcpkg] Add purge on fail to decompress for CI

* [vcpkg] Fix parsing of nested parentheses in qualifiers

* [vcpkg] Fix Linux builds (explicit qualification in declaration)

* [vcpkg] Fix Build-Depends implying default features. Fix qualified dependencies regression.

* [mmx] Add to skip list and full rebuild -- mmx causes problems by installing 'sched.h'

* [libpqxx][mqtt-cpp] Prevent installing include/CMakeLists.txt

* [cppitertools] Fix installed include namespace (should be include/cppitertools)

* [libsoundio] Move headers into soundio/ subdirectory as per original cmake

* [ci.baseline] Temporarily skip charls due to conflict with dcmtk

* [vcpkg] Add restricted include files post build check -- bump global abi version

* [libsoundio] Hotfix stray line in portfile

* [vcpkg] Fix regression: CMake information was not being displayed for build-and-install actions

* [jsonnet] Fix installation of internal headers; use system nlohmann-json

* [grpc][upb] Teach grpc to use packaged upb. Add find_package(upb). Remove inappropriate upb features.

* [zfp] Move problematic 'include/bitstream.h' to 'include/zfp/bitstream.h'

* [x265] Bump control version to trigger rebuild after zfp conflict

* [akali] Disable parallel configure

* [dirent][dlfcn-win32][getopt-win32][pthreads] Grandfather into VCPKG_POLICY_ALLOW_RESTRICTED_HEADERS

* [ci.baseline] Update baseline for improved upb support

* [tgui] Disable parallel configure


* [aws-sdk-cpp] Disable parallel configure


* [aws-sdk-cpp] Fix amount of escaping semicolons -- Note: I do not know the root cause requiring this change

* [libodb-sqlite] Fix configuring into source directory



* [vcpkg] Add 'config.h' and 'local.h' to restricted header list

* [mcpp] Remove unused and problematic include 'config.h' from installed files

* [teemo] Move installed headers into subdirectory to prevent conflicts with x265

* [ci.baseline] Update current OSX. Skip libmesh on all platforms due to heavy conflicts.

* [vcpkg] Add 'slice.h' as a restricted header

* [osg] Improve accuracy of dependencies (disable some, add some to Depends)

* [vcpkg] Skip invoking a subprocess for 0 specs in load_tag_vars

* [ci.baseline] Skip mongo-c-driver on osx due to flakiness

* [teemo] Fix incorrect include file read

* [osg] Fix dependency typo: glut -> freeglut

* [vcpkg] Recover some lost performance with the addition of vcpkg_get_tags.

A huge performance cost was loading the triplet files over and over; instead, we splice the sources into a macro and load it once, then just call that macro for each port.
Remove use of hashing because we aren't cross-process-safe anyway (global static will do instead).

* [vcpkg] Change Supports atom 'windows' to include UWP. Improve Supports field documentation.


* Fix typo

Co-authored-by: Curtis J Bezault <>
Co-authored-by: Victor Romero <>
Co-authored-by: Robert Schumacher <>
2020-02-03 14:22:52 -08:00

236 lines
5.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace vcpkg::Util
template<class Container>
using ElementT =
std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*std::declval<typename std::remove_reference_t<Container>::iterator>())>;
namespace Vectors
template<class Container, class T = ElementT<Container>>
void append(std::vector<T>* augend, const Container& addend)
augend->insert(augend->end(), addend.begin(), addend.end());
namespace Sets
template<class Container, class Key>
bool contains(const Container& container, const Key& item)
return container.find(item) != container.end();
namespace Maps
template<class K, class V1, class V2, class Func>
void transform_values(const std::unordered_map<K, V1>& container, std::unordered_map<K, V2>& output, Func func)
std::for_each(container.cbegin(), container.cend(), [&](const std::pair<const K, V1>& p) {
output[p.first] = func(p.second);
template<class Range, class Func>
using FmapOut = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(std::declval<Func&>()(*std::declval<Range>().begin()))>;
template<class Range, class Func, class Out = FmapOut<Range, Func>>
std::vector<Out> fmap(Range&& xs, Func&& f)
std::vector<Out> ret;
for (auto&& x : xs)
return ret;
template<class Cont, class Func>
using FmapFlattenOut = std::decay_t<decltype(*begin(std::declval<Func>()(*begin(std::declval<Cont>()))))>;
template<class Cont, class Func, class Out = FmapFlattenOut<Cont, Func>>
std::vector<Out> fmap_flatten(Cont&& xs, Func&& f)
std::vector<Out> ret;
for (auto&& x : xs)
for (auto&& y : f(x))
return ret;
template<class Container, class Pred>
void erase_remove_if(Container& cont, Pred pred)
cont.erase(std::remove_if(cont.begin(), cont.end(), pred), cont.end());
template<class Container, class V>
auto find(Container&& cont, V&& v)
using std::begin;
using std::end;
return std::find(begin(cont), end(cont), v);
template<class Container, class Pred>
auto find_if(Container&& cont, Pred pred)
using std::begin;
using std::end;
return std::find_if(begin(cont), end(cont), pred);
template<class Container, class Pred>
auto find_if_not(Container&& cont, Pred pred)
using std::begin;
using std::end;
return std::find_if_not(begin(cont), end(cont), pred);
template<class K, class V, class Container, class Func>
void group_by(const Container& cont, std::map<K, std::vector<const V*>>* output, Func&& f)
for (const V& element : cont)
K key = f(element);
template<class Range, class Comp = std::less<typename Range::value_type>>
void sort(Range& cont, Comp comp = Comp())
using std::begin;
using std::end;
std::sort(begin(cont), end(cont), comp);
template<class Range, class Pred>
bool any_of(Range&& rng, Pred pred)
return std::any_of(rng.begin(), rng.end(), std::move(pred));
template<class Range>
Range&& sort_unique_erase(Range&& cont)
using std::begin;
using std::end;
std::sort(begin(cont), end(cont));
cont.erase(std::unique(begin(cont), end(cont)), end(cont));
return std::forward<Range>(cont);
template<class Range1, class Range2>
bool all_equal(const Range1& r1, const Range2& r2)
using std::begin;
using std::end;
return std::equal(begin(r1), end(r1), begin(r2), end(r2));
template<class AssocContainer, class K = std::decay_t<decltype(begin(std::declval<AssocContainer>())->first)>>
std::vector<K> extract_keys(AssocContainer&& input_map)
return fmap(input_map, [](auto&& p) { return p.first; });
struct MoveOnlyBase
MoveOnlyBase() = default;
MoveOnlyBase(const MoveOnlyBase&) = delete;
MoveOnlyBase(MoveOnlyBase&&) = default;
MoveOnlyBase& operator=(const MoveOnlyBase&) = delete;
MoveOnlyBase& operator=(MoveOnlyBase&&) = default;
~MoveOnlyBase() = default;
struct ResourceBase
ResourceBase() = default;
ResourceBase(const ResourceBase&) = delete;
ResourceBase(ResourceBase&&) = delete;
ResourceBase& operator=(const ResourceBase&) = delete;
ResourceBase& operator=(ResourceBase&&) = delete;
~ResourceBase() = default;
template<class T>
struct LockGuardPtr;
template<class T>
struct LockGuarded
friend struct LockGuardPtr<T>;
LockGuardPtr<T> lock() { return *this; }
std::mutex m_mutex;
T m_t;
template<class T>
struct LockGuardPtr
T& operator*() { return m_ptr; }
T* operator->() { return &m_ptr; }
T* get() { return &m_ptr; }
LockGuardPtr(LockGuarded<T>& sync) : m_lock(sync.m_mutex), m_ptr(sync.m_t) {}
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> m_lock;
T& m_ptr;
namespace Enum
template<class E>
E to_enum(bool b)
return b ? E::YES : E::NO;
template<class E>
bool to_bool(E e)
return e == E::YES;
template<class... Ts>
void unused(const Ts&...)
template<class T>
T copy(const T& t)
return t;