nicole mazzuca 09319cd79e
[vcpkg metrics] Allow someone to opt out after build (#11542)
* [vcpkg metrics] start using json library

Additionally, add floats to the JSON library since they're required.

* [vcpkg metrics] allow users to disable metrics after the build

Additionally, as a drive by, fix UUID generation

* fix metrics data

* code review
2020-05-29 14:09:03 -07:00

440 lines
14 KiB

[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$disableMetrics = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$win64 = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$withVSPath = "",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string]$withWinSDK = ""
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# Powershell2-compatible way of forcing named-parameters
if ($badParam)
if ($disableMetrics -and $badParam -eq "1")
Write-Warning "'disableMetrics 1' is deprecated, please change to 'disableMetrics' (without '1')"
throw "Only named parameters are allowed"
$scriptsDir = split-path -parent $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$withVSPath = $withVSPath -replace "\\$" # Remove potential trailing backslash
function vcpkgHasProperty([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][AllowNull()]$object, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$propertyName)
if ($null -eq $object)
return $false
return [bool]($object.psobject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "$propertyName"})
function getProgramFiles32bit()
$out = ${env:PROGRAMFILES(X86)}
if ($null -eq $out)
$out = ${env:PROGRAMFILES}
if ($null -eq $out)
throw "Could not find [Program Files 32-bit]"
return $out
$vcpkgRootDir = $scriptsDir
while (!($vcpkgRootDir -eq "") -and !(Test-Path "$vcpkgRootDir\.vcpkg-root"))
Write-Verbose "Examining $vcpkgRootDir for .vcpkg-root"
$vcpkgRootDir = Split-path $vcpkgRootDir -Parent
Write-Verbose "Examining $vcpkgRootDir for .vcpkg-root - Found"
$vcpkgSourcesPath = "$vcpkgRootDir\toolsrc"
if (!(Test-Path $vcpkgSourcesPath))
Write-Error "Unable to determine vcpkg sources directory. '$vcpkgSourcesPath' does not exist."
function getVisualStudioInstances()
$programFiles = getProgramFiles32bit
$results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$vswhereExe = "$programFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"
if (Test-Path $vswhereExe)
$output = & $vswhereExe -prerelease -legacy -products * -format xml
[xml]$asXml = $output
foreach ($instance in $asXml.instances.instance)
$installationPath = $instance.InstallationPath -replace "\\$" # Remove potential trailing backslash
$installationVersion = $instance.InstallationVersion
$isPrerelease = -7
if (vcpkgHasProperty -object $instance -propertyName "isPrerelease")
$isPrerelease = $instance.isPrerelease
if ($isPrerelease -eq 0)
$releaseType = "PreferenceWeight3::StableRelease"
elseif ($isPrerelease -eq 1)
$releaseType = "PreferenceWeight2::PreRelease"
$releaseType = "PreferenceWeight1::Legacy"
# Placed like that for easy sorting according to preference
$results.Add("${releaseType}::${installationVersion}::${installationPath}") > $null
Write-Verbose "Could not locate vswhere at $vswhereExe"
if ("$env:vs140comntools" -ne "")
$installationPath = Split-Path -Parent $(Split-Path -Parent "$env:vs140comntools")
$clExe = "$installationPath\VC\bin\cl.exe"
$vcvarsallbat = "$installationPath\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
if ((Test-Path $clExe) -And (Test-Path $vcvarsallbat))
$results.Add("PreferenceWeight1::Legacy::14.0::$installationPath") > $null
$installationPath = "$programFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"
$clExe = "$installationPath\VC\bin\cl.exe"
$vcvarsallbat = "$installationPath\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
if ((Test-Path $clExe) -And (Test-Path $vcvarsallbat))
$results.Add("PreferenceWeight1::Legacy::14.0::$installationPath") > $null
return $results
function findAnyMSBuildWithCppPlatformToolset([string]$withVSPath)
$VisualStudioInstances = getVisualStudioInstances
if ($null -eq $VisualStudioInstances)
throw "Could not find Visual Studio. VS2015 or VS2017 (with C++) needs to be installed."
Write-Verbose "VS Candidates:`n`r$([system.String]::Join([Environment]::NewLine, $VisualStudioInstances))"
foreach ($instanceCandidate in $VisualStudioInstances)
Write-Verbose "Inspecting: $instanceCandidate"
$split = $instanceCandidate -split "::"
# $preferenceWeight = $split[0]
# $releaseType = $split[1]
$version = $split[2]
$path = $split[3]
if ($withVSPath -ne "" -and $withVSPath -ne $path)
Write-Verbose "Skipping: $instanceCandidate"
$majorVersion = $version.Substring(0,2);
if ($majorVersion -eq "16")
$VCFolder= "$path\VC\Tools\MSVC\"
if (Test-Path $VCFolder)
Write-Verbose "Picking: $instanceCandidate"
return "$path\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe", "v142"
if ($majorVersion -eq "15")
$VCFolder= "$path\VC\Tools\MSVC\"
if (Test-Path $VCFolder)
Write-Verbose "Picking: $instanceCandidate"
return "$path\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe", "v141"
if ($majorVersion -eq "14")
$clExe= "$path\VC\bin\cl.exe"
if (Test-Path $clExe)
Write-Verbose "Picking: $instanceCandidate"
$programFilesPath = getProgramFiles32bit
return "$programFilesPath\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe", "v140"
throw "Could not find MSBuild version with C++ support. VS2015, VS2017, or VS2019 (with C++) needs to be installed."
function getWindowsSDK( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$DisableWin10SDK = $False,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch]$DisableWin81SDK = $False,
if ($DisableWin10SDK -and $DisableWin81SDK)
throw "Both Win10SDK and Win81SDK were disabled."
Write-Verbose "Finding WinSDK"
$validInstances = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# Windows 10 SDK
function CheckWindows10SDK($path)
if ($null -eq $path)
$folder = (Join-Path $path "Include")
if (!(Test-Path $folder))
Write-Verbose "$folder - Not Found"
Write-Verbose "$folder - Found"
$win10sdkVersions = @(Get-ChildItem $folder | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "^10"} | Sort-Object)
[array]::Reverse($win10sdkVersions) # Newest SDK first
foreach ($win10sdk in $win10sdkVersions)
$win10sdkV = $win10sdk.Name
$windowsheader = "$folder\$win10sdkV\um\windows.h"
if (!(Test-Path $windowsheader))
Write-Verbose "$windowsheader - Not Found"
Write-Verbose "$windowsheader - Found"
$ddkheader = "$folder\$win10sdkV\shared\sdkddkver.h"
if (!(Test-Path $ddkheader))
Write-Verbose "$ddkheader - Not Found"
Write-Verbose "$ddkheader - Found"
$win10sdkVersionString = $win10sdkV.ToString()
Write-Verbose "Found $win10sdkVersionString"
$validInstances.Add($win10sdkVersionString) > $null
Write-Verbose "`n"
Write-Verbose "Looking for Windows 10 SDK"
$regkey10 = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots\' -Name 'KitsRoot10' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$regkey10Wow6432 = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots\' -Name 'KitsRoot10' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (vcpkgHasProperty -object $regkey10 "KitsRoot10") { CheckWindows10SDK($regkey10.KitsRoot10) }
if (vcpkgHasProperty -object $regkey10Wow6432 "KitsRoot10") { CheckWindows10SDK($regkey10Wow6432.KitsRoot10) }
CheckWindows10SDK("$env:ProgramFiles\Windows Kits\10")
CheckWindows10SDK("${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Windows Kits\10")
# Windows 8.1 SDK
function CheckWindows81SDK($path)
if ($null -eq $path)
$folder = "$path\Include"
if (!(Test-Path $folder))
Write-Verbose "$folder - Not Found"
Write-Verbose "$folder - Found"
$win81sdkVersionString = "8.1"
Write-Verbose "Found $win81sdkVersionString"
$validInstances.Add($win81sdkVersionString) > $null
Write-Verbose "`n"
Write-Verbose "Looking for Windows 8.1 SDK"
$regkey81 = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots\' -Name 'KitsRoot81' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$regkey81Wow6432 = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots\' -Name 'KitsRoot81' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (vcpkgHasProperty -object $regkey81 "KitsRoot81") { CheckWindows81SDK($regkey81.KitsRoot81) }
if (vcpkgHasProperty -object $regkey81Wow6432 "KitsRoot81") { CheckWindows81SDK($regkey81Wow6432.KitsRoot81) }
CheckWindows81SDK("$env:ProgramFiles\Windows Kits\8.1")
CheckWindows81SDK("${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Windows Kits\8.1")
Write-Verbose "`n`n`n"
Write-Verbose "The following Windows SDKs were found:"
foreach ($instance in $validInstances)
Write-Verbose $instance
# Selecting
if ($withWinSDK -ne "")
foreach ($instance in $validInstances)
if ($instance -eq $withWinSDK)
return $instance
throw "Could not find the requested Windows SDK version: $withWinSDK"
foreach ($instance in $validInstances)
if (!$DisableWin10SDK -and $instance -match "10.")
return $instance
if (!$DisableWin81SDK -and $instance -match "8.1")
return $instance
throw "Could not detect a Windows SDK / TargetPlatformVersion"
$msbuildExeWithPlatformToolset = findAnyMSBuildWithCppPlatformToolset $withVSPath
$msbuildExe = $msbuildExeWithPlatformToolset[0]
$platformToolset = $msbuildExeWithPlatformToolset[1]
$windowsSDK = getWindowsSDK -withWinSDK $withWinSDK
$disableMetricsValue = "0"
if ($disableMetrics)
$disableMetricsValue = "1"
$platform = "x86"
$vcpkgReleaseDir = "$vcpkgSourcesPath\msbuild.x86.release"
if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 2)
$architecture=(Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem | Select-Object osarchitecture).osarchitecture
$architecture=(Get-CimInstance win32_operatingsystem | Select-Object osarchitecture).osarchitecture
if ($win64)
if (-not $architecture -like "*64*")
throw "Cannot build 64-bit on non-64-bit system"
$platform = "x64"
$vcpkgReleaseDir = "$vcpkgSourcesPath\msbuild.x64.release"
if ($architecture -like "*64*")
$PreferredToolArchitecture = "x64"
$PreferredToolArchitecture = "x86"
$arguments = (
"`"$vcpkgSourcesPath\dirs.proj`"") -join " "
function vcpkgInvokeCommandClean()
param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$executable,
[string]$arguments = "")
Write-Verbose "Clean-Executing: ${executable} ${arguments}"
$scriptsDir = split-path -parent $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$cleanEnvScript = "$scriptsDir\cleanEnvironmentHelper.ps1"
$tripleQuotes = "`"`"`""
$argumentsWithEscapedQuotes = $arguments -replace "`"", $tripleQuotes
$command = ". $tripleQuotes$cleanEnvScript$tripleQuotes; & $tripleQuotes$executable$tripleQuotes $argumentsWithEscapedQuotes"
$arg = "-NoProfile", "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass", "-command $command"
$process = Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList $arg -PassThru -NoNewWindow
Wait-Process -InputObject $process
$ec = $process.ExitCode
Write-Verbose "Execution terminated with exit code $ec."
return $ec
# vcpkgInvokeCommandClean cmd "/c echo %PATH%"
Write-Host "`nBuilding vcpkg.exe ...`n"
$ec = vcpkgInvokeCommandClean $msbuildExe $arguments
if ($ec -ne 0)
Write-Error "Building vcpkg.exe failed. Please ensure you have installed Visual Studio with the Desktop C++ workload and the Windows SDK for Desktop C++."
Write-Host "`nBuilding vcpkg.exe... done.`n"
if (-not $disableMetrics)
Write-Host @"
vcpkg collects usage data in order to help us improve your experience.
The data collected by Microsoft is anonymous.
You can opt-out of telemetry by re-running the bootstrap-vcpkg script with -disableMetrics,
passing --disable-metrics to vcpkg on the command line,
or by setting the VCPKG_DISABLE_METRICS environment variable.
Read more about vcpkg telemetry at docs/about/privacy.md
Write-Verbose "Placing vcpkg.exe in the correct location"
Copy-Item "$vcpkgReleaseDir\vcpkg.exe" "$vcpkgRootDir\vcpkg.exe"
if (-not $disableMetrics)
Copy-Item "$vcpkgReleaseDir\vcpkgmetricsuploader.exe" "$vcpkgRootDir\scripts\vcpkgmetricsuploader.exe"
Remove-Item "$vcpkgReleaseDir" -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue