Robert Schumacher 92c0a91d3f [vcpkg-msbuild] Fix line wrapping bug on Win7.
On Win7, calling powershell via MSBuild results in normal output lines being split based on the ConHost system-wide default line length settings.

The fix is to first write all the lines to a file, then load that file as into an MSBuild ItemGroup. This avoids all interaction with ConHost.
2017-04-11 16:32:45 -07:00

61 lines
2.2 KiB

param([string]$targetBinary, [string]$installedDir, [string]$tlogFile, [string]$copiedFilesLog)
$g_searched = @{}
# Note: installedDir is actually the bin\ directory.
$g_install_root = Split-Path $installedDir -parent
# Note: this function signature is depended upon by the qtdeploy.ps1 script introduced in 5.7.1-7
function deployBinary([string]$targetBinaryDir, [string]$SourceDir, [string]$targetBinaryName) {
if (Test-Path "$targetBinaryDir\$targetBinaryName") {
Write-Verbose " ${targetBinaryName}: already present"
else {
Write-Verbose " ${targetBinaryName}: Copying $SourceDir\$targetBinaryName"
Copy-Item "$SourceDir\$targetBinaryName" $targetBinaryDir
if ($copiedFilesLog) { Add-Content $copiedFilesLog "$targetBinaryDir\$targetBinaryName" }
if ($tlogFile) { Add-Content $tlogFile "$targetBinaryDir\$targetBinaryName" }
function resolve([string]$targetBinary) {
Write-Verbose "Resolving $targetBinary..."
$targetBinaryPath = Resolve-Path $targetBinary -erroraction stop
catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException]
$targetBinaryDir = Split-Path $targetBinaryPath -parent
$a = $(dumpbin /DEPENDENTS $targetBinary | ? { $_ -match "^ [^ ].*\.dll" } | % { $_ -replace "^ ","" })
$a | % {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)) {
if ($g_searched.ContainsKey($_)) {
Write-Verbose " ${_}: previously searched - Skip"
$g_searched.Set_Item($_, $true)
if (Test-Path "$installedDir\$_") {
deployBinary $targetBinaryDir $installedDir "$_"
if (Test-Path function:\deployPluginsIfQt) { deployPluginsIfQt $targetBinaryDir "$g_install_root\plugins" "$_" }
resolve "$targetBinaryDir\$_"
} else {
Write-Verbose " ${_}: $installedDir\$_ not found"
Write-Verbose "Done Resolving $targetBinary."
# Note: This is a hack to make Qt5 work.
# Introduced with Qt package version 5.7.1-7
if (Test-Path "$g_install_root\plugins\qtdeploy.ps1") {
. "$g_install_root\plugins\qtdeploy.ps1"
Write-Verbose $($g_searched | out-string)