2019-12-26 22:29:33 -08:00

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Source: openimageio
Homepage: https://github.com/OpenImageIO/oiio
Description: A library for reading and writing images, and a bunch of related classes, utilities, and application
Build-Depends: libjpeg-turbo, tiff, libpng, openexr, boost-thread, boost-smart-ptr, boost-foreach, boost-regex, boost-type-traits, boost-static-assert, boost-unordered, boost-config, boost-algorithm, boost-filesystem, boost-system, boost-thread, boost-asio, boost-random, robin-map, boost-stacktrace
Feature: libraw
Build-Depends: libraw
Description: Enable RAW image files support
Feature: opencolorio
Build-Depends: opencolorio
Description: Enable opencolorio support for openimageio
Feature: ffmpeg
Build-Depends: ffmpeg
Description: Enable ffmpeg support for openimageio
Feature: field3d
Build-Depends: field3d
Description: Enable field3D support for openimageio
Feature: freetype
Build-Depends: freetype
Description: Enable freetype support for openimageio
Feature: opencv
Build-Depends: opencv
Description: Enable opencv support for openimageio
Feature: gif
Build-Depends: giflib
Description: Enable giflib support for openimageio
Feature: openjpeg
Build-Depends: openjpeg
Description: Enable openjpeg support for openimageio
Feature: webp
Build-Depends: libwebp
Description: Enable libwebp support for openimageio
Feature: tools
Description: Build openimageio tools