2018-11-03 18:22:34 +01:00
moduleMatches = 0xF882D5CF, 0x30B6E091 ; 1.0.1E, 1.0.2U
codeCaveSize = 0x10
0x00000000 = .byte $mod
_mod = 0x00000000
_res = 0x00000004
0x00000004 = lis r12, _mod@ha
0x00000008 = lbz r12, _mod@l(r12)
0x0000000C = blr
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; WHAT : changeTime__Q2_4fnet9CFnetTaskFUiT1
; WHY : Affect the frequency of the NavFrontier income for the resources
; Frequency unit is 1 minute (so by default income is every 5 minutes)
0x027D534C = bla _res
2019-03-16 14:25:25 +01:00
[XCX_FN_RES_FREQ_1U] ######################################################################
moduleMatches = 0xAB97DE6B ; 1.0.1U
codeCaveSize = 0x10
0x00000000 = .byte $mod
_mod = 0x00000000
_res = 0x00000004
0x00000004 = lis r12, _mod@ha
0x00000008 = lbz r12, _mod@l(r12)
0x0000000C = blr
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; WHAT : changeTime__Q2_4fnet9CFnetTaskFUiT1
; WHY : Affect the frequency of the NavFrontier income for the resources
; Frequency unit is 1 minute (so by default income is every 5 minutes)
0x027D52EC = bla _res