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synced 2024-11-23 01:59:18 +01:00
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98 lines
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// https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/blob/master/libobs/data/bicubic_scale.effect // added customizable polynomials back
#version 420
in vec2 passUV;
layout(binding=0) uniform sampler2D textureSrc;
uniform vec2 textureSrcResolution;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 colorOut0;
float weight(float x)
float ax = abs(x);
const float B = $b;
const float C = $c;
if (ax < 2.0) {
float x_squared = x * x;
if (ax < 1.0) {
return (x_squared *
((12.0 - 9.0 * B - 6.0 * C) * ax +
(-18.0 + 12.0 * B + 6.0 * C)) +
(6.0 - 2.0 * B))
/ 6.0;
return (x_squared *
((-B - 6.0 * C) * ax + (6.0 * B + 30.0 * C)) +
(-12.0 * B - 48.0 * C) * ax +
(8.0 * B + 24.0 * C))
/ 6.0;
return 0.0;
vec4 weight4(float x)
return vec4(
weight(x - 2.0),
weight(x - 1.0),
weight(x + 1.0));
vec4 DrawBicubic(vec2 f_in)
vec2 stepxy = 1.0/textureSrcResolution;
vec2 pos = f_in.st + stepxy * 0.5;
vec2 f = fract(pos * textureSrcResolution);
vec4 rowtaps = weight4(1.0 - f.x);
vec4 coltaps = weight4(1.0 - f.y);
vec2 uv0 = (-1.5 - f) * stepxy + pos;
vec2 uv1 = uv0 + stepxy;
vec2 uv2 = uv1 + stepxy;
vec2 uv3 = uv2 + stepxy;
float u_weight_sum = rowtaps.y + rowtaps.z;
float u_middle_offset = rowtaps.z * stepxy.x / u_weight_sum;
float u_middle = uv1.x + u_middle_offset;
float v_weight_sum = coltaps.y + coltaps.z;
float v_middle_offset = coltaps.z * stepxy.y / v_weight_sum;
float v_middle = uv1.y + v_middle_offset;
// wrap doesn't apply to texelFetch
// clamp
// ivec2 coord_top_left = ivec2(max(uv0 * textureSrcResolution, 0.5));
// ivec2 coord_bottom_right = ivec2(min(uv3 * textureSrcResolution, textureSrcResolution - 0.5));
// mirror
ivec2 coord_top_left = ivec2(abs(uv0 * textureSrcResolution));
ivec2 coord_bottom_right = ivec2(textureSrcResolution - abs(uv3 * textureSrcResolution - textureSrcResolution));
vec4 top = texelFetch(textureSrc, ivec2(coord_top_left), 0) * rowtaps.x;
top += texture(textureSrc, vec2(u_middle, uv0.y)) * u_weight_sum;
top += texelFetch(textureSrc, ivec2(coord_bottom_right.x, coord_top_left.y), 0) * rowtaps.w;
vec4 total = top * coltaps.x;
vec4 middle = texture(textureSrc, vec2(uv0.x, v_middle)) * rowtaps.x;
middle += texture(textureSrc, vec2(u_middle, v_middle)) * u_weight_sum;
middle += texture(textureSrc, vec2(uv3.x, v_middle)) * rowtaps.w;
total += middle * v_weight_sum;
vec4 bottom = texelFetch(textureSrc, ivec2(coord_top_left.x, coord_bottom_right.y), 0) * rowtaps.x;
bottom += texture(textureSrc, vec2(u_middle, uv3.y)) * u_weight_sum;
bottom += texelFetch(textureSrc, ivec2(coord_bottom_right), 0) * rowtaps.w;
total += bottom * coltaps.w;
return total;
void main()
colorOut0 = vec4(DrawBicubic(passUV).rgb,1.0);