309 lines
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Update BotW packs for Vulkan (#411) But now done properly! Basically, a bunch of improvements were made to the script. The previous attempt at this conversion was quickly followed by a rollback since I realized that the script was overlooking certain things that made most of the packs hit or miss whether they would work. A few things missing were: - It only tested the values from 1 preset. Now, each shader gets compiled per each preset, like what Cemu would do. It also merges the changes done for each preset into one. This should solve cases where one shader would define things separately or repeatedly from preset to preset. - All* of the shaders are tested to see if they use the converter used the right values for the locations for Vulkan. Both of these *should* mean that they should both compile and be linkable in Vulkan, which means that I don't have to test each individual shader to see if they work. I will release the two scripts (one used for converting, one used for checking the right values for the locations) tomorrow so that other people might be able to help, if they want. It's fairly straightforward now at least. * Organize workaround graphic packs Pretty hard to organize these correctly, but according to our discord discussion, this was the best layout from a bunch I proposed, together with some suggestions. * Add V4 converter script and instructions on how to use it Now everyone BotW is done and all of the bugs have been kinked out using it (hopefully...), here's the release of the converter script in all of it's very badly coded glory. I hope I didn't leave too much debug glory in there... Also, I hope that I didn't make too many grammatical mistakes in the instructions, but hopefully it's easy enough to follow.
2019-12-28 05:55:52 +01:00
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const child_process = require("child_process");
var globalShaders = {};
var unverifiedShaders = [];
var invalidShaders = [];
var verifiedShaders = [];
const attributeLayoutRegex = /ATTR_LAYOUT\(\d+\s*,\s*(\d+)\)\s*in\s*uvec4\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*;/;
const bufferLayoutRegex = /UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT\((\d+)\s*,\s*\d+,\s*(\d+)\)(?:\s*uniform\s*([a-zA-Z]+\d)\s*)?/;
const splitBufferLayoutRegex = /uniform\s*([a-zA-Z]+\d+)\s*/;
const textureLayoutRegex = /TEXTURE_LAYOUT\((\d+), \d+, (\d+)\) uniform sampler2D ([a-zA-Z]+\d);/;
const ufBlocklayoutRegex = /layout\(set\s?=\s?\d+,\s?binding\s?=\s?(\d+)\)\s*uniform\s+ufBlock/;
const uniformUfRegex = /^\s*uniform\s+([biuvd]?vec[234]|bool|int|uint|float|double)\s+(uf_alphaTestRef|uf_verticesPerInstance|uf_streamoutBufferBase\[\d+\]|uf_tex\[\d+\]Scale|uf_pointSize|uf_fragCoordScale|uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform|uf_remappedPS\[\d+\]|uf_remappedVS\[\d+\]|uf_uniformRegisterVS\[\d+\]|uf_uniformRegisterPS\[\d+\])\s*;.*/m;
function extractShaderInfo(shaderText) {
let shaderInfo = {attributeLayouts: [], bufferLayouts: [], textureLayouts: [], ufBlock: {VKLocation: undefined, ufVariables: []}};
let shaderLines = shaderText.split("\n");
let ufBlockFlag = false;
for (let line = 0; line<shaderLines.length; line++) {
let currLine = shaderLines[line];
let attributeRegexResult = currLine.match(attributeLayoutRegex);
let bufferRegexResult = currLine.match(bufferLayoutRegex);
let textureRegexResult = currLine.match(textureLayoutRegex);
if (attributeRegexResult != null) {
shaderInfo.attributeLayouts.push({location: parseInt(attributeRegexResult[1]), name: attributeRegexResult[2]});
else if (bufferRegexResult != null) {
if (bufferRegexResult[3] != undefined) {
shaderInfo.bufferLayouts.push({GLLocation: parseInt(bufferRegexResult[1]), VKLocation: parseInt(bufferRegexResult[2]), name: bufferRegexResult[3]});
else {
let splitBufferResult = shaderLines[line+1].match(splitBufferLayoutRegex);
if (splitBufferResult != null) {
shaderInfo.bufferLayouts.push({GLLocation: parseInt(bufferRegexResult[1]), VKLocation: parseInt(bufferRegexResult[2]), name: splitBufferResult[1]});
else {
console.info(currLine.trim()+" vs "+shaderLines[line+1]);
else if (textureRegexResult != null) {
shaderInfo.textureLayouts.push({GLLocation: parseInt(textureRegexResult[1]), VKLocation: parseInt(textureRegexResult[2]), name: textureRegexResult[3]});
if (ufBlocklayoutRegex.test(currLine)) {
shaderInfo.ufBlock.VKLocation = parseInt(currLine.match(ufBlocklayoutRegex)[1]);
ufBlockFlag = true;
else if (ufBlockFlag && currLine.includes("};")) {
ufBlockFlag = false;
else if (ufBlockFlag) {
let uniformMatch = currLine.match(uniformUfRegex);
if (uniformMatch != null) {
shaderInfo.ufBlock.ufVariables.push({type:uniformMatch[1], name: uniformMatch[2]});
//else if (!currLine.startsWith("{") && currLine.trim() == "") console.log(currLine);
if (shaderInfo.ufBlock.VKLocation != undefined) {
//console.error("This shader doesn't have a ufBlock...", shaderInfo);
return shaderInfo;
function getPresets(rulesText) {
let rulesPresets = [];
let rulesLines = rulesText.split("\n");
let packVersion = undefined;
let currentSection = "";
let currentPreset = {name: "", variables: []};
for (line in rulesLines) {
if (rulesLines[line].replace(/\s+/g, "").startsWith("version=3")) packVersion = 3;
if (rulesLines[line].replace(/\s+/g, "").startsWith("version=4")) packVersion = 4;
if (/^\[(.+)]/.test(rulesLines[line])) {
if (currentSection == "Preset") {
rulesPresets.push({name: currentPreset.name, variables: [...currentPreset.variables]});
currentPreset = null;
currentSection = rulesLines[line].match(/^\[(.+)]/)[1];
if (currentSection == "Preset") {
currentPreset = {name: "", variables: []};
if (currentSection == "Preset") {
let nameMatch = rulesLines[line].match(/^name[ ]?=[ ]?([^\n#]+)[ ]?/m);
if (nameMatch != null) {
currentPreset.name = nameMatch[1].trim();
let presetVariable = rulesLines[line].match(/^(?<key>\$[a-zA-Z_]+)(?:(?<isInt>:int))?[ ]*=[ ]*(?<value>\d+\.\d+|\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|(?<expression>[+\-*\/\(\)\d]+))/m);
if (presetVariable != null) {
if (presetVariable.groups.expression != undefined) currentPreset.variables.push({key: presetVariable.groups.key, value: (presetVariable.groups.isInt != undefined ? 666 : 666.666667), isInt: (presetVariable.groups.isInt != undefined)});
else currentPreset.variables.push({key: presetVariable.groups.key, value: (presetVariable.groups.isInt != undefined ? parseInt(presetVariable.groups.value) : parseFloat(presetVariable.groups.value)), isInt: (presetVariable.groups.isInt != undefined)});
if (currentSection == "Preset") rulesPresets.push({name: currentPreset.name, variables: [...currentPreset.variables]});
for (let i=0; i<rulesPresets.length; i++) {
rulesPresets[i].variables.sort((a, b) => {
return (b.key.length - a.key.length);
if (rulesPresets.length == 0) rulesPresets.push({name: "Default", variables: []});
return [rulesPresets, packVersion];
function verifyShader(rulesPresets, dumpShader, shaderText, vulkanSet, shaderPath) {
// First, remove the Vulkan header
let shaderLines = shaderText.split("\n");
let parsingVulkanHeader = false;
for (line in shaderLines) {
if (shaderLines[line].trim().startsWith("#ifdef VULKAN")) parsingVulkanHeader = true;
else if (parsingVulkanHeader && (shaderLines[line].trim().startsWith("#define") || shaderLines[line].trim().startsWith("#else"))) shaderLines[line] = "\r";
else if (parsingVulkanHeader && shaderLines[line].trim().startsWith("#endif")) break;
//else if (parsingVulkanHeader) console.error("what's this", shaderLines[line]);
Update BotW packs for Vulkan (#411) But now done properly! Basically, a bunch of improvements were made to the script. The previous attempt at this conversion was quickly followed by a rollback since I realized that the script was overlooking certain things that made most of the packs hit or miss whether they would work. A few things missing were: - It only tested the values from 1 preset. Now, each shader gets compiled per each preset, like what Cemu would do. It also merges the changes done for each preset into one. This should solve cases where one shader would define things separately or repeatedly from preset to preset. - All* of the shaders are tested to see if they use the converter used the right values for the locations for Vulkan. Both of these *should* mean that they should both compile and be linkable in Vulkan, which means that I don't have to test each individual shader to see if they work. I will release the two scripts (one used for converting, one used for checking the right values for the locations) tomorrow so that other people might be able to help, if they want. It's fairly straightforward now at least. * Organize workaround graphic packs Pretty hard to organize these correctly, but according to our discord discussion, this was the best layout from a bunch I proposed, together with some suggestions. * Add V4 converter script and instructions on how to use it Now everyone BotW is done and all of the bugs have been kinked out using it (hopefully...), here's the release of the converter script in all of it's very badly coded glory. I hope I didn't leave too much debug glory in there... Also, I hope that I didn't make too many grammatical mistakes in the instructions, but hopefully it's easy enough to follow.
2019-12-28 05:55:52 +01:00
// Replace presets
for (preset in rulesPresets) {
let currPreset = rulesPresets[preset];
let headerlessPresetLines = [];
for (line in shaderLines) {
let currLine = shaderLines[line];
for (presetVar in currPreset.variables) {
let currPresetVar = currPreset.variables[presetVar];
let currPresetVarOccur = currLine.split(currPresetVar.key).length-1;
for (let i=0; i<currPresetVarOccur; i++) {
if (currPresetVar.isInt) currLine = currLine.replace(currPresetVar.key, currPresetVar.value.toFixed(0));
else currLine = currLine.replace(currPresetVar.key, currPresetVar.value.toFixed(3));
// Remove all the unrelated preset code
Update BotW packs for Vulkan (#411) But now done properly! Basically, a bunch of improvements were made to the script. The previous attempt at this conversion was quickly followed by a rollback since I realized that the script was overlooking certain things that made most of the packs hit or miss whether they would work. A few things missing were: - It only tested the values from 1 preset. Now, each shader gets compiled per each preset, like what Cemu would do. It also merges the changes done for each preset into one. This should solve cases where one shader would define things separately or repeatedly from preset to preset. - All* of the shaders are tested to see if they use the converter used the right values for the locations for Vulkan. Both of these *should* mean that they should both compile and be linkable in Vulkan, which means that I don't have to test each individual shader to see if they work. I will release the two scripts (one used for converting, one used for checking the right values for the locations) tomorrow so that other people might be able to help, if they want. It's fairly straightforward now at least. * Organize workaround graphic packs Pretty hard to organize these correctly, but according to our discord discussion, this was the best layout from a bunch I proposed, together with some suggestions. * Add V4 converter script and instructions on how to use it Now everyone BotW is done and all of the bugs have been kinked out using it (hopefully...), here's the release of the converter script in all of it's very badly coded glory. I hope I didn't leave too much debug glory in there... Also, I hope that I didn't make too many grammatical mistakes in the instructions, but hopefully it's easy enough to follow.
2019-12-28 05:55:52 +01:00
let preprocessedPresetLines = undefined;
try {
let preprocessOutput = child_process.spawnSync("glslangValidator.exe", ["--stdin", "-E", "-DVULKAN", "-S "+((vulkanSet == 0) ? "vert" : "frag")], {encoding: "utf8", shell: true, input: headerlessPresetLines.join("\n")});
if (preprocessOutput.stderr.trim() != "") throw preprocessOutput.stderr;
preprocessedPresetLines = preprocessOutput.stdout.split("\n");
catch (err) {
console.error("An error occured while preprocessing this shader:\r\n", err);
let shaderInfo = extractShaderInfo(preprocessedPresetLines.join("\n"));
if (shaderInfo.ufBlock.VKLocation == undefined) {
// Check the dumped shader for matching bindings
let attributesMatched = true;
for (attr in shaderInfo.attributeLayouts) {
let foundMatch = false;
for (cmpAttr in dumpShader.attributeLayouts) {
if (dumpShader.attributeLayouts[cmpAttr].name == shaderInfo.attributeLayouts[attr].name && dumpShader.attributeLayouts[cmpAttr].location == shaderInfo.attributeLayouts[attr].location) foundMatch = true;
if (!foundMatch) attributesMatched = false;
if (!attributesMatched) console.error("The attributes didn't match.");
let bufferLayoutsMatched = true;
for (buffer in shaderInfo.bufferLayouts) {
let foundMatch = false;
for (cmpBuffer in dumpShader.bufferLayouts) {
if (dumpShader.bufferLayouts[cmpBuffer].name == shaderInfo.bufferLayouts[buffer].name && dumpShader.bufferLayouts[cmpBuffer].VKLocation == shaderInfo.bufferLayouts[buffer].VKLocation && dumpShader.bufferLayouts[cmpBuffer].GLLocation == shaderInfo.bufferLayouts[buffer].GLLocation) foundMatch = true;
if (!foundMatch) bufferLayoutsMatched = false;
if (!bufferLayoutsMatched) console.error("The buffer layouts didn't match.");
let textureLayoutsMatched = true;
for (texture in shaderInfo.textureLayouts) {
let foundMatch = false;
for (cmpTexture in dumpShader.textureLayouts) {
if (dumpShader.textureLayouts[cmpTexture].name == shaderInfo.textureLayouts[texture].name && dumpShader.textureLayouts[cmpTexture].VKLocation == shaderInfo.textureLayouts[texture].VKLocation && dumpShader.textureLayouts[cmpTexture].GLLocation == shaderInfo.textureLayouts[texture].GLLocation) foundMatch = true;
if (!foundMatch) textureLayoutsMatched = false;
if (!textureLayoutsMatched) console.error("The texture layouts didn't match.");
// Check if ufBlock matches
let ufBlockLocationMatched = true;
if (shaderInfo.ufBlock.VKLocation != dumpShader.ufBlock.VKLocation) {
console.error("The ufBlock location differs...");
ufBlockLocationMatched = false;
let ufVariableMismatches = [];
if (shaderInfo.ufBlock.ufVariables.length == dumpShader.ufBlock.ufVariables.length) {
for (let i=0; i<shaderInfo.ufBlock.ufVariables.length; i++) {
if (shaderInfo.ufBlock.ufVariables[i].type != dumpShader.ufBlock.ufVariables[i].type || shaderInfo.ufBlock.ufVariables[i].name != dumpShader.ufBlock.ufVariables[i].name) ufVariableMismatches.push(shaderInfo.ufBlock.ufVariables[i]);
else {
console.error("Shader didn't have the same amount of uf_* variables:\r\nshader: "+JSON.stringify(shaderInfo.ufBlock)+"\r\ndump: "+JSON.stringify(dumpShader.ufBlock));
ufBlockMatched = false;
if (ufVariableMismatches.length != 0) console.error("The uf_* variables didn't match!", ufVariableMismatches);
if (attributesMatched && bufferLayoutsMatched && textureLayoutsMatched && ufBlockLocationMatched && (ufVariableMismatches.length == 0)) {
//console.info("The shader matched!");
if (!invalidShaders.includes(shaderPath) && !verifiedShaders.includes(shaderPath)) verifiedShaders.push(shaderPath);
Update BotW packs for Vulkan (#411) But now done properly! Basically, a bunch of improvements were made to the script. The previous attempt at this conversion was quickly followed by a rollback since I realized that the script was overlooking certain things that made most of the packs hit or miss whether they would work. A few things missing were: - It only tested the values from 1 preset. Now, each shader gets compiled per each preset, like what Cemu would do. It also merges the changes done for each preset into one. This should solve cases where one shader would define things separately or repeatedly from preset to preset. - All* of the shaders are tested to see if they use the converter used the right values for the locations for Vulkan. Both of these *should* mean that they should both compile and be linkable in Vulkan, which means that I don't have to test each individual shader to see if they work. I will release the two scripts (one used for converting, one used for checking the right values for the locations) tomorrow so that other people might be able to help, if they want. It's fairly straightforward now at least. * Organize workaround graphic packs Pretty hard to organize these correctly, but according to our discord discussion, this was the best layout from a bunch I proposed, together with some suggestions. * Add V4 converter script and instructions on how to use it Now everyone BotW is done and all of the bugs have been kinked out using it (hopefully...), here's the release of the converter script in all of it's very badly coded glory. I hope I didn't leave too much debug glory in there... Also, I hope that I didn't make too many grammatical mistakes in the instructions, but hopefully it's easy enough to follow.
2019-12-28 05:55:52 +01:00
else {
console.error("The shader didn't match... please fix the errors above.");
if (!invalidShaders.includes(shaderPath)) invalidShaders.push(shaderPath);
let verifiedRemoveIndex = verifiedShaders.indexOf(shaderPath);
if (verifiedRemoveIndex != -1) verifiedShaders.slice(verifiedRemoveIndex, 1);
Update BotW packs for Vulkan (#411) But now done properly! Basically, a bunch of improvements were made to the script. The previous attempt at this conversion was quickly followed by a rollback since I realized that the script was overlooking certain things that made most of the packs hit or miss whether they would work. A few things missing were: - It only tested the values from 1 preset. Now, each shader gets compiled per each preset, like what Cemu would do. It also merges the changes done for each preset into one. This should solve cases where one shader would define things separately or repeatedly from preset to preset. - All* of the shaders are tested to see if they use the converter used the right values for the locations for Vulkan. Both of these *should* mean that they should both compile and be linkable in Vulkan, which means that I don't have to test each individual shader to see if they work. I will release the two scripts (one used for converting, one used for checking the right values for the locations) tomorrow so that other people might be able to help, if they want. It's fairly straightforward now at least. * Organize workaround graphic packs Pretty hard to organize these correctly, but according to our discord discussion, this was the best layout from a bunch I proposed, together with some suggestions. * Add V4 converter script and instructions on how to use it Now everyone BotW is done and all of the bugs have been kinked out using it (hopefully...), here's the release of the converter script in all of it's very badly coded glory. I hope I didn't leave too much debug glory in there... Also, I hope that I didn't make too many grammatical mistakes in the instructions, but hopefully it's easy enough to follow.
2019-12-28 05:55:52 +01:00
function verifyPack(analyseFiles, folderArray) {
if (analyseFiles.shaders.length == 0) return;
let [rulesPresets, packVersion] = getPresets(analyseFiles.rulesText);
for (shader in analyseFiles.shaders) {
if (!globalShaders.hasOwnProperty(path.basename(analyseFiles.shaders[shader].name, ".txt"))) {
console.error("Can't validate this "+path.basename(analyseFiles.shaders[shader].name)+" shader.");
unverifiedShaders.push(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray, analyseFiles.shaders[shader].name));
console.group("Validating "+analyseFiles.shaders[shader].name+"...");
verifyShader(rulesPresets, globalShaders[path.basename(analyseFiles.shaders[shader].name, ".txt")], analyseFiles.shaders[shader].shaderText, analyseFiles.shaders[shader].vulkanSet, path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray, analyseFiles.shaders[shader].name));
function verifyGraphicPacks(folderArray) {
let dirEntries = fs.readdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray), {withFileTypes: true});
for (let entry in dirEntries) {
Update BotW packs for Vulkan (#411) But now done properly! Basically, a bunch of improvements were made to the script. The previous attempt at this conversion was quickly followed by a rollback since I realized that the script was overlooking certain things that made most of the packs hit or miss whether they would work. A few things missing were: - It only tested the values from 1 preset. Now, each shader gets compiled per each preset, like what Cemu would do. It also merges the changes done for each preset into one. This should solve cases where one shader would define things separately or repeatedly from preset to preset. - All* of the shaders are tested to see if they use the converter used the right values for the locations for Vulkan. Both of these *should* mean that they should both compile and be linkable in Vulkan, which means that I don't have to test each individual shader to see if they work. I will release the two scripts (one used for converting, one used for checking the right values for the locations) tomorrow so that other people might be able to help, if they want. It's fairly straightforward now at least. * Organize workaround graphic packs Pretty hard to organize these correctly, but according to our discord discussion, this was the best layout from a bunch I proposed, together with some suggestions. * Add V4 converter script and instructions on how to use it Now everyone BotW is done and all of the bugs have been kinked out using it (hopefully...), here's the release of the converter script in all of it's very badly coded glory. I hope I didn't leave too much debug glory in there... Also, I hope that I didn't make too many grammatical mistakes in the instructions, but hopefully it's easy enough to follow.
2019-12-28 05:55:52 +01:00
if (dirEntries[entry].isDirectory()) {
console.group("Verify "+path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray, dirEntries[entry].name));
let packFiles = fs.readdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray, dirEntries[entry].name), {withFileTypes: true});
let verifyFiles = {rulesText: undefined, shaders: []};
for (file in packFiles) {
if (packFiles[file].isFile() && packFiles[file].name == "rules.txt") {
verifyFiles.rulesText = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray, dirEntries[entry].name, "rules.txt"), {encoding: "utf8"});
else if (packFiles[file].isFile() && packFiles[file].name.length >= "0000000000000000_0000000000000000_xx.txt".length && /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}_[\w]{16}_[p|v]s/.test(packFiles[file].name)) {
verifyFiles.shaders.push({name: packFiles[file].name, shaderText: fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray, dirEntries[entry].name, packFiles[file].name), {encoding: "utf8"}), vulkanSet: ((packFiles[file].name.substr(34, 2) == "vs") ? 0 : 1)});
else if (packFiles[file].isDirectory()) {
verifyGraphicPacks([...folderArray, dirEntries[entry].name]);
verifyPack(verifyFiles, [...folderArray, dirEntries[entry].name]);
function extractDumpInfo(folderPath) {
shaderEntries = fs.readdirSync(folderPath, {withFileTypes: true});
for (entry in shaderEntries) {
let currShaderEntry = shaderEntries[entry];
if (!currShaderEntry.isFile() || path.extname(currShaderEntry.name) != ".txt" || path.basename(currShaderEntry.name, ".txt").slice(-2) == "gs") continue;
globalShaders[path.basename(currShaderEntry.name, ".txt")] = extractShaderInfo(fs.readFileSync(folderPath+"/"+currShaderEntry.name, {encoding: "utf8"}));
console.info("Finished gathering information from shader dump.");
verifyGraphicPacks(["graphicPacks", "Enhancements"]);
verifyGraphicPacks(["graphicPacks", "Resolutions"]);
verifyGraphicPacks(["graphicPacks", "Workarounds"]);
verifyGraphicPacks(["graphicPacks", "Mods"]);
console.info("Finished verifying the graphic packs!");
Update BotW packs for Vulkan (#411) But now done properly! Basically, a bunch of improvements were made to the script. The previous attempt at this conversion was quickly followed by a rollback since I realized that the script was overlooking certain things that made most of the packs hit or miss whether they would work. A few things missing were: - It only tested the values from 1 preset. Now, each shader gets compiled per each preset, like what Cemu would do. It also merges the changes done for each preset into one. This should solve cases where one shader would define things separately or repeatedly from preset to preset. - All* of the shaders are tested to see if they use the converter used the right values for the locations for Vulkan. Both of these *should* mean that they should both compile and be linkable in Vulkan, which means that I don't have to test each individual shader to see if they work. I will release the two scripts (one used for converting, one used for checking the right values for the locations) tomorrow so that other people might be able to help, if they want. It's fairly straightforward now at least. * Organize workaround graphic packs Pretty hard to organize these correctly, but according to our discord discussion, this was the best layout from a bunch I proposed, together with some suggestions. * Add V4 converter script and instructions on how to use it Now everyone BotW is done and all of the bugs have been kinked out using it (hopefully...), here's the release of the converter script in all of it's very badly coded glory. I hope I didn't leave too much debug glory in there... Also, I hope that I didn't make too many grammatical mistakes in the instructions, but hopefully it's easy enough to follow.
2019-12-28 05:55:52 +01:00
console.info("Verified shaders:");
console.info("Invalid shaders:");
console.info("Unverified shaders:");
if (fs.existsSync("./manual/")) fs.rmdirSync("./manual/", {recursive: true});
fs.mkdirSync("./manual/", {recursive: true});
for (file in invalidShaders) {
fs.mkdirSync("./manual/"+path.basename(invalidShaders[file], ".txt")+"/", {recursive: true});
fs.copyFileSync("./dump/shaders/"+path.basename(invalidShaders[file]), "./manual/"+path.basename(invalidShaders[file], ".txt")+"/"+path.basename(invalidShaders[file], ".txt")+".dump");
fs.copyFileSync(invalidShaders[file], "./manual/"+path.basename(invalidShaders[file], ".txt")+"/"+path.basename(invalidShaders[file]));