mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 18:46:54 +01:00
Add Fist of the North Star res pack
Closes https://github.com/slashiee/cemu_graphic_packs/issues/370 where this game got requested.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
#version 420
#extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_packing : enable
// shader 945d9672d0114248
// Used for: Second horizontal and vertical bloom blur pass
float resXScale = float($width)/float($gameWidth);
float resYScale = float($height)/float($gameHeight);
uniform ivec4 uf_uniformRegisterVS[256];
layout(location = 0) in uvec4 attrDataSem0;
layout(location = 1) in uvec4 attrDataSem1;
out gl_PerVertex
vec4 gl_Position;
float gl_PointSize;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 passParameterSem129;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 passParameterSem130;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 passParameterSem131;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 passParameterSem128;
int clampFI32(int v)
if( v == 0x7FFFFFFF )
return floatBitsToInt(1.0);
else if( v == 0xFFFFFFFF )
return floatBitsToInt(0.0);
return floatBitsToInt(clamp(intBitsToFloat(v), 0.0, 1.0));
float mul_nonIEEE(float a, float b){return mix(0.0, a*b, (a != 0.0) && (b != 0.0));}
void main()
ivec4 Ri[128];
Ri[0] = ivec4(0);
Ri[1] = ivec4(0);
Ri[2] = ivec4(0);
Ri[3] = ivec4(0);
Ri[4] = ivec4(0);
Ri[5] = ivec4(0);
Ri[6] = ivec4(0);
Ri[7] = ivec4(0);
Ri[8] = ivec4(0);
Ri[9] = ivec4(0);
Ri[10] = ivec4(0);
Ri[11] = ivec4(0);
Ri[12] = ivec4(0);
Ri[13] = ivec4(0);
Ri[14] = ivec4(0);
Ri[15] = ivec4(0);
Ri[16] = ivec4(0);
Ri[17] = ivec4(0);
Ri[18] = ivec4(0);
Ri[19] = ivec4(0);
Ri[20] = ivec4(0);
Ri[21] = ivec4(0);
Ri[22] = ivec4(0);
Ri[23] = ivec4(0);
Ri[24] = ivec4(0);
Ri[25] = ivec4(0);
Ri[26] = ivec4(0);
Ri[27] = ivec4(0);
Ri[28] = ivec4(0);
Ri[29] = ivec4(0);
Ri[30] = ivec4(0);
Ri[31] = ivec4(0);
Ri[32] = ivec4(0);
Ri[33] = ivec4(0);
Ri[34] = ivec4(0);
Ri[35] = ivec4(0);
Ri[36] = ivec4(0);
Ri[37] = ivec4(0);
Ri[38] = ivec4(0);
Ri[39] = ivec4(0);
Ri[40] = ivec4(0);
Ri[41] = ivec4(0);
Ri[42] = ivec4(0);
Ri[43] = ivec4(0);
Ri[44] = ivec4(0);
Ri[45] = ivec4(0);
Ri[46] = ivec4(0);
Ri[47] = ivec4(0);
Ri[48] = ivec4(0);
Ri[49] = ivec4(0);
Ri[50] = ivec4(0);
Ri[51] = ivec4(0);
Ri[52] = ivec4(0);
Ri[53] = ivec4(0);
Ri[54] = ivec4(0);
Ri[55] = ivec4(0);
Ri[56] = ivec4(0);
Ri[57] = ivec4(0);
Ri[58] = ivec4(0);
Ri[59] = ivec4(0);
Ri[60] = ivec4(0);
Ri[61] = ivec4(0);
Ri[62] = ivec4(0);
Ri[63] = ivec4(0);
Ri[64] = ivec4(0);
Ri[65] = ivec4(0);
Ri[66] = ivec4(0);
Ri[67] = ivec4(0);
Ri[68] = ivec4(0);
Ri[69] = ivec4(0);
Ri[70] = ivec4(0);
Ri[71] = ivec4(0);
Ri[72] = ivec4(0);
Ri[73] = ivec4(0);
Ri[74] = ivec4(0);
Ri[75] = ivec4(0);
Ri[76] = ivec4(0);
Ri[77] = ivec4(0);
Ri[78] = ivec4(0);
Ri[79] = ivec4(0);
Ri[80] = ivec4(0);
Ri[81] = ivec4(0);
Ri[82] = ivec4(0);
Ri[83] = ivec4(0);
Ri[84] = ivec4(0);
Ri[85] = ivec4(0);
Ri[86] = ivec4(0);
Ri[87] = ivec4(0);
Ri[88] = ivec4(0);
Ri[89] = ivec4(0);
Ri[90] = ivec4(0);
Ri[91] = ivec4(0);
Ri[92] = ivec4(0);
Ri[93] = ivec4(0);
Ri[94] = ivec4(0);
Ri[95] = ivec4(0);
Ri[96] = ivec4(0);
Ri[97] = ivec4(0);
Ri[98] = ivec4(0);
Ri[99] = ivec4(0);
Ri[100] = ivec4(0);
Ri[101] = ivec4(0);
Ri[102] = ivec4(0);
Ri[103] = ivec4(0);
Ri[104] = ivec4(0);
Ri[105] = ivec4(0);
Ri[106] = ivec4(0);
Ri[107] = ivec4(0);
Ri[108] = ivec4(0);
Ri[109] = ivec4(0);
Ri[110] = ivec4(0);
Ri[111] = ivec4(0);
Ri[112] = ivec4(0);
Ri[113] = ivec4(0);
Ri[114] = ivec4(0);
Ri[115] = ivec4(0);
Ri[116] = ivec4(0);
Ri[117] = ivec4(0);
Ri[118] = ivec4(0);
Ri[119] = ivec4(0);
Ri[120] = ivec4(0);
Ri[121] = ivec4(0);
Ri[122] = ivec4(0);
Ri[123] = ivec4(0);
Ri[124] = ivec4(0);
Ri[125] = ivec4(0);
Ri[126] = ivec4(0);
Ri[127] = ivec4(0);
uvec4 attrDecoder;
int backupReg0i, backupReg1i, backupReg2i, backupReg3i, backupReg4i;
ivec4 PV0i = ivec4(0), PV1i = ivec4(0);
int PS0i = 0, PS1i = 0;
ivec4 tempi = ivec4(0);
float tempResultf;
int tempResulti;
ivec4 ARi = ivec4(0);
bool predResult = true;
bool activeMaskStack[1];
bool activeMaskStackC[2];
activeMaskStackC[0] = false;
activeMaskStack[0] = true;
activeMaskStackC[0] = true;
activeMaskStackC[1] = true;
vec3 cubeMapSTM;
int cubeMapFaceId;
Ri[0] = ivec4(gl_VertexID, 0, 0, gl_InstanceID);
attrDecoder = attrDataSem0;
attrDecoder = (attrDecoder>>24)|((attrDecoder>>8)&0xFF00)|((attrDecoder<<8)&0xFF0000)|((attrDecoder<<24));
Ri[1] = ivec4(int(attrDecoder.x), int(attrDecoder.y), int(attrDecoder.z), int(attrDecoder.w));
attrDecoder.xy = attrDataSem1.xy;
attrDecoder.xy = (attrDecoder.xy>>24)|((attrDecoder.xy>>8)&0xFF00)|((attrDecoder.xy<<8)&0xFF0000)|((attrDecoder.xy<<24));
attrDecoder.z = 0;
attrDecoder.w = 0;
Ri[2] = ivec4(int(attrDecoder.x), int(attrDecoder.y), floatBitsToInt(0.0), floatBitsToInt(1.0));
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
Ri[3].y = 0;
PV0i.z = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[0].y));
PV0i.z = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.z) * 2.0);
PV0i.w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[0].x));
PV0i.w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.w) * 2.0);
// 1
PV1i.x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.z) + -(1.0));
Ri[1].x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.w) + -(1.0));
PS1i = Ri[1].x;
// 2
Ri[1].y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.x) * -(1.0));
// 3
Ri[10].xyz = ivec3(Ri[1].x,Ri[1].y,Ri[1].z);
Ri[10].w = Ri[1].w;
while( activeMaskStackC[1] == true )
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
Ri[0].z = (0x00000003 > Ri[3].y)?int(0xFFFFFFFF):int(0x0);
// 1
predResult = (Ri[0].z != 0);
if( predResult == false ) break;
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
backupReg0i = Ri[3].y;
backupReg0i = Ri[3].y;
Ri[1].x = Ri[3].y + 0x00000005;
Ri[3].y = backupReg0i + int(1);
Ri[127].z = floatBitsToInt(float(backupReg0i));
PS0i = Ri[127].z;
// 1
tempResultf = intBitsToFloat(PS0i);
tempResultf = floor(tempResultf);
tempResultf = clamp(tempResultf, -256.0, 255.0);
ARi.x = int(tempResultf);
PV1i.x = floatBitsToInt(tempResultf);
// 2
PV0i.x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].y)/resYScale);
PV0i.y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].x)/resXScale);
PV0i.z = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].w)/resYScale);
PV0i.w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].z)/resXScale);
// 3
PV1i.x = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.z), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].y)));
PV1i.y = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.y), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].x)));
PV1i.z = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.w), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].x)));
PV1i.w = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.x), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].y)));
// 4
Ri[0].xyz = floatBitsToInt(vec3(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.y),intBitsToFloat(PV1i.w),intBitsToFloat(PV1i.z)) + vec3(intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].z),intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].w),intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].z)));
Ri[0].w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].w));
// 5
tempResulti = Ri[1].x;
tempResulti = clamp(tempResulti, -256, 255);
ARi.x = tempResulti;
PV1i.x = tempResulti;
// 6
Ri[7+ARi.x].x = Ri[0].x;
Ri[7+ARi.x].y = Ri[0].y;
Ri[7+ARi.x].z = Ri[0].z;
Ri[7+ARi.x].w = Ri[0].w;
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
PV0i.x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[5].y));
PV0i.y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[5].x));
// 1
PV1i.z = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.x), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].y)));
PV1i.w = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.y), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].x)));
// 2
Ri[4].x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.w) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].z));
Ri[4].y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.z) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].w));
// 3
Ri[11].x = Ri[4].x;
Ri[11].y = Ri[4].y;
// 4
Ri[2].xyz = ivec3(Ri[10].x,Ri[10].y,Ri[10].z);
Ri[2].w = Ri[10].w;
// 5
Ri[0].xyz = ivec3(Ri[12].x,Ri[12].y,Ri[12].z);
Ri[0].w = Ri[12].w;
// 6
Ri[7].xyz = ivec3(Ri[0].x,Ri[0].y,Ri[0].z);
Ri[7].w = Ri[0].w;
// 7
Ri[1].xyz = ivec3(Ri[13].x,Ri[13].y,Ri[13].z);
Ri[1].w = Ri[13].w;
// 8
Ri[3].xyz = ivec3(Ri[14].x,Ri[14].y,Ri[14].z);
Ri[3].w = Ri[14].w;
// export
gl_Position = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].w));
// export
passParameterSem129 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].w));
// export
passParameterSem130 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].w));
// export
passParameterSem131 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].w));
// export
passParameterSem128 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].z));
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
#version 420
#extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_packing : enable
// shader b3609db7d1363f6a
// Used for: Horizontal and vertical blur
float resXScale = float($width)/float($gameWidth);
float resYScale = float($height)/float($gameHeight);
uniform ivec4 uf_uniformRegisterVS[256];
layout(location = 0) in uvec4 attrDataSem0;
layout(location = 1) in uvec4 attrDataSem1;
out gl_PerVertex
vec4 gl_Position;
float gl_PointSize;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 passParameterSem128;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 passParameterSem129;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 passParameterSem130;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 passParameterSem131;
layout(location = 4) out vec4 passParameterSem132;
layout(location = 5) out vec4 passParameterSem133;
layout(location = 6) out vec4 passParameterSem134;
layout(location = 7) out vec4 passParameterSem135;
int clampFI32(int v)
if( v == 0x7FFFFFFF )
return floatBitsToInt(1.0);
else if( v == 0xFFFFFFFF )
return floatBitsToInt(0.0);
return floatBitsToInt(clamp(intBitsToFloat(v), 0.0, 1.0));
float mul_nonIEEE(float a, float b){return mix(0.0, a*b, (a != 0.0) && (b != 0.0));}
void main()
ivec4 Ri[128];
Ri[0] = ivec4(0);
Ri[1] = ivec4(0);
Ri[2] = ivec4(0);
Ri[3] = ivec4(0);
Ri[4] = ivec4(0);
Ri[5] = ivec4(0);
Ri[6] = ivec4(0);
Ri[7] = ivec4(0);
Ri[8] = ivec4(0);
Ri[9] = ivec4(0);
Ri[10] = ivec4(0);
Ri[11] = ivec4(0);
Ri[12] = ivec4(0);
Ri[13] = ivec4(0);
Ri[14] = ivec4(0);
Ri[15] = ivec4(0);
Ri[16] = ivec4(0);
Ri[17] = ivec4(0);
Ri[18] = ivec4(0);
Ri[19] = ivec4(0);
Ri[20] = ivec4(0);
Ri[21] = ivec4(0);
Ri[22] = ivec4(0);
Ri[23] = ivec4(0);
Ri[24] = ivec4(0);
Ri[25] = ivec4(0);
Ri[26] = ivec4(0);
Ri[27] = ivec4(0);
Ri[28] = ivec4(0);
Ri[29] = ivec4(0);
Ri[30] = ivec4(0);
Ri[31] = ivec4(0);
Ri[32] = ivec4(0);
Ri[33] = ivec4(0);
Ri[34] = ivec4(0);
Ri[35] = ivec4(0);
Ri[36] = ivec4(0);
Ri[37] = ivec4(0);
Ri[38] = ivec4(0);
Ri[39] = ivec4(0);
Ri[40] = ivec4(0);
Ri[41] = ivec4(0);
Ri[42] = ivec4(0);
Ri[43] = ivec4(0);
Ri[44] = ivec4(0);
Ri[45] = ivec4(0);
Ri[46] = ivec4(0);
Ri[47] = ivec4(0);
Ri[48] = ivec4(0);
Ri[49] = ivec4(0);
Ri[50] = ivec4(0);
Ri[51] = ivec4(0);
Ri[52] = ivec4(0);
Ri[53] = ivec4(0);
Ri[54] = ivec4(0);
Ri[55] = ivec4(0);
Ri[56] = ivec4(0);
Ri[57] = ivec4(0);
Ri[58] = ivec4(0);
Ri[59] = ivec4(0);
Ri[60] = ivec4(0);
Ri[61] = ivec4(0);
Ri[62] = ivec4(0);
Ri[63] = ivec4(0);
Ri[64] = ivec4(0);
Ri[65] = ivec4(0);
Ri[66] = ivec4(0);
Ri[67] = ivec4(0);
Ri[68] = ivec4(0);
Ri[69] = ivec4(0);
Ri[70] = ivec4(0);
Ri[71] = ivec4(0);
Ri[72] = ivec4(0);
Ri[73] = ivec4(0);
Ri[74] = ivec4(0);
Ri[75] = ivec4(0);
Ri[76] = ivec4(0);
Ri[77] = ivec4(0);
Ri[78] = ivec4(0);
Ri[79] = ivec4(0);
Ri[80] = ivec4(0);
Ri[81] = ivec4(0);
Ri[82] = ivec4(0);
Ri[83] = ivec4(0);
Ri[84] = ivec4(0);
Ri[85] = ivec4(0);
Ri[86] = ivec4(0);
Ri[87] = ivec4(0);
Ri[88] = ivec4(0);
Ri[89] = ivec4(0);
Ri[90] = ivec4(0);
Ri[91] = ivec4(0);
Ri[92] = ivec4(0);
Ri[93] = ivec4(0);
Ri[94] = ivec4(0);
Ri[95] = ivec4(0);
Ri[96] = ivec4(0);
Ri[97] = ivec4(0);
Ri[98] = ivec4(0);
Ri[99] = ivec4(0);
Ri[100] = ivec4(0);
Ri[101] = ivec4(0);
Ri[102] = ivec4(0);
Ri[103] = ivec4(0);
Ri[104] = ivec4(0);
Ri[105] = ivec4(0);
Ri[106] = ivec4(0);
Ri[107] = ivec4(0);
Ri[108] = ivec4(0);
Ri[109] = ivec4(0);
Ri[110] = ivec4(0);
Ri[111] = ivec4(0);
Ri[112] = ivec4(0);
Ri[113] = ivec4(0);
Ri[114] = ivec4(0);
Ri[115] = ivec4(0);
Ri[116] = ivec4(0);
Ri[117] = ivec4(0);
Ri[118] = ivec4(0);
Ri[119] = ivec4(0);
Ri[120] = ivec4(0);
Ri[121] = ivec4(0);
Ri[122] = ivec4(0);
Ri[123] = ivec4(0);
Ri[124] = ivec4(0);
Ri[125] = ivec4(0);
Ri[126] = ivec4(0);
Ri[127] = ivec4(0);
uvec4 attrDecoder;
int backupReg0i, backupReg1i, backupReg2i, backupReg3i, backupReg4i;
ivec4 PV0i = ivec4(0), PV1i = ivec4(0);
int PS0i = 0, PS1i = 0;
ivec4 tempi = ivec4(0);
float tempResultf;
int tempResulti;
ivec4 ARi = ivec4(0);
bool predResult = true;
bool activeMaskStack[1];
bool activeMaskStackC[2];
activeMaskStackC[0] = false;
activeMaskStack[0] = true;
activeMaskStackC[0] = true;
activeMaskStackC[1] = true;
vec3 cubeMapSTM;
int cubeMapFaceId;
Ri[0] = ivec4(gl_VertexID, 0, 0, gl_InstanceID);
attrDecoder = attrDataSem0;
attrDecoder = (attrDecoder>>24)|((attrDecoder>>8)&0xFF00)|((attrDecoder<<8)&0xFF0000)|((attrDecoder<<24));
Ri[1] = ivec4(int(attrDecoder.x), int(attrDecoder.y), int(attrDecoder.z), int(attrDecoder.w));
attrDecoder.xy = attrDataSem1.xy;
attrDecoder.xy = (attrDecoder.xy>>24)|((attrDecoder.xy>>8)&0xFF00)|((attrDecoder.xy<<8)&0xFF0000)|((attrDecoder.xy<<24));
attrDecoder.z = 0;
attrDecoder.w = 0;
Ri[2] = ivec4(int(attrDecoder.x), int(attrDecoder.y), floatBitsToInt(0.0), floatBitsToInt(1.0));
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
Ri[3].y = 0;
PV0i.z = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[0].y));
PV0i.z = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.z) * 2.0);
PV0i.w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[0].x));
PV0i.w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.w) * 2.0);
// 1
PV1i.x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.z) + -(1.0));
Ri[1].x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.w) + -(1.0));
PS1i = Ri[1].x;
// 2
Ri[1].y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.x) * -(1.0));
// 3
Ri[20].xyz = ivec3(Ri[1].x,Ri[1].y,Ri[1].z);
Ri[20].w = Ri[1].w;
while( activeMaskStackC[1] == true )
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
Ri[0].z = (0x00000008 > Ri[3].y)?int(0xFFFFFFFF):int(0x0);
// 1
predResult = (Ri[0].z != 0);
if( predResult == false ) break;
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
backupReg0i = Ri[3].y;
backupReg0i = Ri[3].y;
Ri[1].x = Ri[3].y + 0x00000009;
Ri[3].y = backupReg0i + int(1);
Ri[127].z = floatBitsToInt(float(backupReg0i));
PS0i = Ri[127].z;
// 1
tempResultf = intBitsToFloat(PS0i);
tempResultf = floor(tempResultf);
tempResultf = clamp(tempResultf, -256.0, 255.0);
ARi.x = int(tempResultf);
PV1i.x = floatBitsToInt(tempResultf);
// 2
PV0i.x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].y)/resYScale);
PV0i.y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].x)/resXScale);
PV0i.z = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].w)/resYScale);
PV0i.w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].z)/resXScale);
// 3
PV1i.x = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.z), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].y)));
PV1i.y = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.y), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].x)));
PV1i.z = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.w), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].x)));
PV1i.w = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.x), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].y)));
// 4
Ri[0].xyz = floatBitsToInt(vec3(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.y),intBitsToFloat(PV1i.w),intBitsToFloat(PV1i.z)) + vec3(intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].z),intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].w),intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].z)));
Ri[0].w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].w));
// 5
tempResulti = Ri[1].x;
tempResulti = clamp(tempResulti, -256, 255);
ARi.x = tempResulti;
PV1i.x = tempResulti;
// 6
Ri[12+ARi.x].x = Ri[0].x;
Ri[12+ARi.x].y = Ri[0].y;
Ri[12+ARi.x].z = Ri[0].z;
Ri[12+ARi.x].w = Ri[0].w;
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
Ri[0].xyz = ivec3(Ri[20].x,Ri[20].y,Ri[20].z);
Ri[0].w = Ri[20].w;
// 1
Ri[1].xyz = ivec3(Ri[21].x,Ri[21].y,Ri[21].z);
Ri[1].w = Ri[21].w;
// 2
Ri[12].xyz = ivec3(Ri[1].x,Ri[1].y,Ri[1].z);
Ri[12].w = Ri[1].w;
// 3
Ri[2].xyz = ivec3(Ri[22].x,Ri[22].y,Ri[22].z);
Ri[2].w = Ri[22].w;
// 4
Ri[13].xyz = ivec3(Ri[2].x,Ri[2].y,Ri[2].z);
Ri[13].w = Ri[2].w;
// 5
Ri[3].xyz = ivec3(Ri[23].x,Ri[23].y,Ri[23].z);
Ri[3].w = Ri[23].w;
// 6
Ri[14].xyz = ivec3(Ri[3].x,Ri[3].y,Ri[3].z);
Ri[14].w = Ri[3].w;
// 7
Ri[4].xyz = ivec3(Ri[24].x,Ri[24].y,Ri[24].z);
Ri[4].w = Ri[24].w;
// 8
Ri[15].xyz = ivec3(Ri[4].x,Ri[4].y,Ri[4].z);
Ri[15].w = Ri[4].w;
// 9
Ri[5].xyz = ivec3(Ri[25].x,Ri[25].y,Ri[25].z);
Ri[5].w = Ri[25].w;
// 10
Ri[16].xyz = ivec3(Ri[5].x,Ri[5].y,Ri[5].z);
Ri[16].w = Ri[5].w;
// 11
Ri[6].xyz = ivec3(Ri[26].x,Ri[26].y,Ri[26].z);
Ri[6].w = Ri[26].w;
// 12
Ri[17].xyz = ivec3(Ri[6].x,Ri[6].y,Ri[6].z);
Ri[17].w = Ri[6].w;
// 13
Ri[7].xyz = ivec3(Ri[27].x,Ri[27].y,Ri[27].z);
Ri[7].w = Ri[27].w;
// 14
Ri[8].xyz = ivec3(Ri[28].x,Ri[28].y,Ri[28].z);
Ri[8].w = Ri[28].w;
// export
gl_Position = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].w));
// export
passParameterSem128 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].w));
// export
passParameterSem129 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].w));
// export
passParameterSem130 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].w));
// export
passParameterSem131 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].w));
// export
passParameterSem132 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[5].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[5].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[5].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[5].w));
// export
passParameterSem133 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[6].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[6].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[6].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[6].w));
// export
passParameterSem134 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[7].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[7].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[7].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[7].w));
// export
passParameterSem135 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[8].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[8].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[8].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[8].w));
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
#version 420
#extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_packing : enable
// shader f9feadb214b483b7
// Used for: First horizontal and vertical bloom blur pass
float resXScale = float($width)/float($gameWidth);
float resYScale = float($height)/float($gameHeight);
uniform ivec4 uf_uniformRegisterVS[256];
layout(location = 0) in uvec4 attrDataSem0;
layout(location = 1) in uvec4 attrDataSem1;
out gl_PerVertex
vec4 gl_Position;
float gl_PointSize;
layout(location = 1) out vec4 passParameterSem129;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 passParameterSem130;
layout(location = 3) out vec4 passParameterSem131;
layout(location = 4) out vec4 passParameterSem132;
layout(location = 5) out vec4 passParameterSem133;
layout(location = 6) out vec4 passParameterSem134;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 passParameterSem128;
int clampFI32(int v)
if( v == 0x7FFFFFFF )
return floatBitsToInt(1.0);
else if( v == 0xFFFFFFFF )
return floatBitsToInt(0.0);
return floatBitsToInt(clamp(intBitsToFloat(v), 0.0, 1.0));
float mul_nonIEEE(float a, float b){return mix(0.0, a*b, (a != 0.0) && (b != 0.0));}
void main()
ivec4 Ri[128];
Ri[0] = ivec4(0);
Ri[1] = ivec4(0);
Ri[2] = ivec4(0);
Ri[3] = ivec4(0);
Ri[4] = ivec4(0);
Ri[5] = ivec4(0);
Ri[6] = ivec4(0);
Ri[7] = ivec4(0);
Ri[8] = ivec4(0);
Ri[9] = ivec4(0);
Ri[10] = ivec4(0);
Ri[11] = ivec4(0);
Ri[12] = ivec4(0);
Ri[13] = ivec4(0);
Ri[14] = ivec4(0);
Ri[15] = ivec4(0);
Ri[16] = ivec4(0);
Ri[17] = ivec4(0);
Ri[18] = ivec4(0);
Ri[19] = ivec4(0);
Ri[20] = ivec4(0);
Ri[21] = ivec4(0);
Ri[22] = ivec4(0);
Ri[23] = ivec4(0);
Ri[24] = ivec4(0);
Ri[25] = ivec4(0);
Ri[26] = ivec4(0);
Ri[27] = ivec4(0);
Ri[28] = ivec4(0);
Ri[29] = ivec4(0);
Ri[30] = ivec4(0);
Ri[31] = ivec4(0);
Ri[32] = ivec4(0);
Ri[33] = ivec4(0);
Ri[34] = ivec4(0);
Ri[35] = ivec4(0);
Ri[36] = ivec4(0);
Ri[37] = ivec4(0);
Ri[38] = ivec4(0);
Ri[39] = ivec4(0);
Ri[40] = ivec4(0);
Ri[41] = ivec4(0);
Ri[42] = ivec4(0);
Ri[43] = ivec4(0);
Ri[44] = ivec4(0);
Ri[45] = ivec4(0);
Ri[46] = ivec4(0);
Ri[47] = ivec4(0);
Ri[48] = ivec4(0);
Ri[49] = ivec4(0);
Ri[50] = ivec4(0);
Ri[51] = ivec4(0);
Ri[52] = ivec4(0);
Ri[53] = ivec4(0);
Ri[54] = ivec4(0);
Ri[55] = ivec4(0);
Ri[56] = ivec4(0);
Ri[57] = ivec4(0);
Ri[58] = ivec4(0);
Ri[59] = ivec4(0);
Ri[60] = ivec4(0);
Ri[61] = ivec4(0);
Ri[62] = ivec4(0);
Ri[63] = ivec4(0);
Ri[64] = ivec4(0);
Ri[65] = ivec4(0);
Ri[66] = ivec4(0);
Ri[67] = ivec4(0);
Ri[68] = ivec4(0);
Ri[69] = ivec4(0);
Ri[70] = ivec4(0);
Ri[71] = ivec4(0);
Ri[72] = ivec4(0);
Ri[73] = ivec4(0);
Ri[74] = ivec4(0);
Ri[75] = ivec4(0);
Ri[76] = ivec4(0);
Ri[77] = ivec4(0);
Ri[78] = ivec4(0);
Ri[79] = ivec4(0);
Ri[80] = ivec4(0);
Ri[81] = ivec4(0);
Ri[82] = ivec4(0);
Ri[83] = ivec4(0);
Ri[84] = ivec4(0);
Ri[85] = ivec4(0);
Ri[86] = ivec4(0);
Ri[87] = ivec4(0);
Ri[88] = ivec4(0);
Ri[89] = ivec4(0);
Ri[90] = ivec4(0);
Ri[91] = ivec4(0);
Ri[92] = ivec4(0);
Ri[93] = ivec4(0);
Ri[94] = ivec4(0);
Ri[95] = ivec4(0);
Ri[96] = ivec4(0);
Ri[97] = ivec4(0);
Ri[98] = ivec4(0);
Ri[99] = ivec4(0);
Ri[100] = ivec4(0);
Ri[101] = ivec4(0);
Ri[102] = ivec4(0);
Ri[103] = ivec4(0);
Ri[104] = ivec4(0);
Ri[105] = ivec4(0);
Ri[106] = ivec4(0);
Ri[107] = ivec4(0);
Ri[108] = ivec4(0);
Ri[109] = ivec4(0);
Ri[110] = ivec4(0);
Ri[111] = ivec4(0);
Ri[112] = ivec4(0);
Ri[113] = ivec4(0);
Ri[114] = ivec4(0);
Ri[115] = ivec4(0);
Ri[116] = ivec4(0);
Ri[117] = ivec4(0);
Ri[118] = ivec4(0);
Ri[119] = ivec4(0);
Ri[120] = ivec4(0);
Ri[121] = ivec4(0);
Ri[122] = ivec4(0);
Ri[123] = ivec4(0);
Ri[124] = ivec4(0);
Ri[125] = ivec4(0);
Ri[126] = ivec4(0);
Ri[127] = ivec4(0);
uvec4 attrDecoder;
int backupReg0i, backupReg1i, backupReg2i, backupReg3i, backupReg4i;
ivec4 PV0i = ivec4(0), PV1i = ivec4(0);
int PS0i = 0, PS1i = 0;
ivec4 tempi = ivec4(0);
float tempResultf;
int tempResulti;
ivec4 ARi = ivec4(0);
bool predResult = true;
bool activeMaskStack[1];
bool activeMaskStackC[2];
activeMaskStackC[0] = false;
activeMaskStack[0] = true;
activeMaskStackC[0] = true;
activeMaskStackC[1] = true;
vec3 cubeMapSTM;
int cubeMapFaceId;
Ri[0] = ivec4(gl_VertexID, 0, 0, gl_InstanceID);
attrDecoder = attrDataSem0;
attrDecoder = (attrDecoder>>24)|((attrDecoder>>8)&0xFF00)|((attrDecoder<<8)&0xFF0000)|((attrDecoder<<24));
Ri[1] = ivec4(int(attrDecoder.x), int(attrDecoder.y), int(attrDecoder.z), int(attrDecoder.w));
attrDecoder.xy = attrDataSem1.xy;
attrDecoder.xy = (attrDecoder.xy>>24)|((attrDecoder.xy>>8)&0xFF00)|((attrDecoder.xy<<8)&0xFF0000)|((attrDecoder.xy<<24));
attrDecoder.z = 0;
attrDecoder.w = 0;
Ri[2] = ivec4(int(attrDecoder.x), int(attrDecoder.y), floatBitsToInt(0.0), floatBitsToInt(1.0));
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
Ri[3].y = 0;
PV0i.z = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[0].y));
PV0i.z = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.z) * 2.0);
PV0i.w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[0].x));
PV0i.w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.w) * 2.0);
// 1
PV1i.x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.z) + -(1.0));
Ri[1].x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.w) + -(1.0));
PS1i = Ri[1].x;
// 2
Ri[1].y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.x) * -(1.0));
// 3
Ri[16].xyz = ivec3(Ri[1].x,Ri[1].y,Ri[1].z);
Ri[16].w = Ri[1].w;
while( activeMaskStackC[1] == true )
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
Ri[0].z = (0x00000006 > Ri[3].y)?int(0xFFFFFFFF):int(0x0);
// 1
predResult = (Ri[0].z != 0);
if( predResult == false ) break;
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
backupReg0i = Ri[3].y;
backupReg0i = Ri[3].y;
Ri[1].x = Ri[3].y + 0x00000008;
Ri[3].y = backupReg0i + int(1);
Ri[127].z = floatBitsToInt(float(backupReg0i));
PS0i = Ri[127].z;
// 1
tempResultf = intBitsToFloat(PS0i);
tempResultf = floor(tempResultf);
tempResultf = clamp(tempResultf, -256.0, 255.0);
ARi.x = int(tempResultf);
PV1i.x = floatBitsToInt(tempResultf);
// 2
PV0i.x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].y)/resYScale);
PV0i.y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].x)/resXScale);
PV0i.z = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].w)/resYScale);
PV0i.w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].z)/resXScale);
// 3
PV1i.x = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.z), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].y)));
PV1i.y = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.y), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].x)));
PV1i.z = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.w), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].x)));
PV1i.w = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.x), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].y)));
// 4
Ri[0].xyz = floatBitsToInt(vec3(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.y),intBitsToFloat(PV1i.w),intBitsToFloat(PV1i.z)) + vec3(intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].z),intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].w),intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].z)));
Ri[0].w = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].w));
// 5
tempResulti = Ri[1].x;
tempResulti = clamp(tempResulti, -256, 255);
ARi.x = tempResulti;
PV1i.x = tempResulti;
// 6
Ri[10+ARi.x].x = Ri[0].x;
Ri[10+ARi.x].y = Ri[0].y;
Ri[10+ARi.x].z = Ri[0].z;
Ri[10+ARi.x].w = Ri[0].w;
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
PV0i.x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[8].y));
PV0i.y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[8].x));
// 1
PV1i.z = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.x), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].y)));
PV1i.w = floatBitsToInt(mul_nonIEEE(intBitsToFloat(PV0i.y), intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].x)));
// 2
Ri[7].x = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.w) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].z));
Ri[7].y = floatBitsToInt(intBitsToFloat(PV1i.z) + intBitsToFloat(uf_uniformRegisterVS[1].w));
// 3
Ri[17].x = Ri[7].x;
Ri[17].y = Ri[7].y;
// 4
Ri[2].xyz = ivec3(Ri[16].x,Ri[16].y,Ri[16].z);
Ri[2].w = Ri[16].w;
// 5
Ri[0].xyz = ivec3(Ri[18].x,Ri[18].y,Ri[18].z);
Ri[0].w = Ri[18].w;
// 6
Ri[10].xyz = ivec3(Ri[0].x,Ri[0].y,Ri[0].z);
Ri[10].w = Ri[0].w;
// 7
Ri[1].xyz = ivec3(Ri[19].x,Ri[19].y,Ri[19].z);
Ri[1].w = Ri[19].w;
// 8
Ri[11].xyz = ivec3(Ri[1].x,Ri[1].y,Ri[1].z);
Ri[11].w = Ri[1].w;
// 9
Ri[3].xyz = ivec3(Ri[20].x,Ri[20].y,Ri[20].z);
Ri[3].w = Ri[20].w;
// 10
Ri[12].xyz = ivec3(Ri[3].x,Ri[3].y,Ri[3].z);
Ri[12].w = Ri[3].w;
// 11
Ri[4].xyz = ivec3(Ri[21].x,Ri[21].y,Ri[21].z);
Ri[4].w = Ri[21].w;
// 12
Ri[13].xyz = ivec3(Ri[4].x,Ri[4].y,Ri[4].z);
Ri[13].w = Ri[4].w;
// 13
Ri[5].xyz = ivec3(Ri[22].x,Ri[22].y,Ri[22].z);
Ri[5].w = Ri[22].w;
// 14
Ri[6].xyz = ivec3(Ri[23].x,Ri[23].y,Ri[23].z);
Ri[6].w = Ri[23].w;
// export
gl_Position = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[2].w));
// export
passParameterSem129 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[0].w));
// export
passParameterSem130 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[1].w));
// export
passParameterSem131 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[3].w));
// export
passParameterSem132 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[4].w));
// export
passParameterSem133 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[5].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[5].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[5].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[5].w));
// export
passParameterSem134 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[6].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[6].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[6].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[6].w));
// export
passParameterSem128 = vec4(intBitsToFloat(Ri[7].x), intBitsToFloat(Ri[7].y), intBitsToFloat(Ri[7].z), intBitsToFloat(Ri[7].z));
if( activeMaskStackC[1] == true ) {
// 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
titleIds = 000500001012B800,000500001012B900,0005000010116600
name = Resolution
path = "Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2/Graphics/Resolution"
description = Changes the resolution of the game.
version = 3
name = 1280x720 (Default)
$width = 1280
$height = 720
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
// Performance
name = 320x180
$width = 320
$height = 180
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
name = 640x360
$width = 640
$height = 360
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
name = 960x540
$width = 960
$height = 540
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
// Common HD Resolutions
name = 1600x900
$width = 1600
$height = 900
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
name = 1920x1080
$width = 1920
$height = 1080
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
name = 2560x1440
$width = 2560
$height = 1440
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
name = 3200x1800
$width = 3200
$height = 1800
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
name = 3840x2160
$width = 3840
$height = 2160
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
name = 5120x2880
$width = 5120
$height = 2880
$gameWidth = 1280
$gameHeight = 720
[TextureRedefine] # TV Resolution
width = 1280
height = 720
formats = 0x41a,0x011,0x80e,0x01a
tileModesExcluded = 0x001
overwriteWidth = ($width/$gameWidth) * 1280
overwriteHeight = ($height/$gameHeight) * 720
[TextureRedefine] # Blur
width = 320
height = 192
formats = 0x41a
overwriteWidth = ($width/$gameWidth) * 320
overwriteHeight = ($height/$gameHeight) * 192
width = 320
height = 180
formats = 0x41a
overwriteWidth = ($width/$gameWidth) * 320
overwriteHeight = ($height/$gameHeight) * 180
# Bloom
width = 352
height = 192
formats = 0x41a
overwriteWidth = ($width/$gameWidth) * 352
overwriteHeight = ($height/$gameHeight) * 192
width = 322
height = 182
formats = 0x41a
overwriteWidth = ($width/$gameWidth) * 322
overwriteHeight = ($height/$gameHeight) * 182
width = 192
height = 96
formats = 0x41a
overwriteWidth = ($width/$gameWidth) * 192
overwriteHeight = ($height/$gameHeight) * 96
width = 162
height = 92
formats = 0x41a
overwriteWidth = ($width/$gameWidth) * 162
overwriteHeight = ($height/$gameHeight) * 92
width = 160
height = 96
formats = 0x41a
overwriteWidth = ($width/$gameWidth) * 160
overwriteHeight = ($height/$gameHeight) * 96
width = 160
height = 90
formats = 0x41a
overwriteWidth = ($width/$gameWidth) * 160
overwriteHeight = ($height/$gameHeight) * 90
@ -101,10 +101,10 @@
nativeRes: 720
nativeRes: 720
compatLink: "http://compat.cemu.info/wiki/Family_Tennis_SP"
compatLink: "http://compat.cemu.info/wiki/Family_Tennis_SP"
version: 2
version: 2
"Fist of the North Star - Ken’s Rage 2":
"Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2":
nativeRes: 720
nativeRes: 720
compatLink: "http://compat.cemu.info/wiki/Fist_of_the_North_Star:_Ken's_Rage_2"
compatLink: "http://compat.cemu.info/wiki/Fist_of_the_North_Star:_Ken's_Rage_2"
version: 2
version: 3
"Frenchy Bird":
"Frenchy Bird":
nativeRes: 720
nativeRes: 720
compatLink: "http://compat.cemu.info/wiki/Frenchy_Bird"
compatLink: "http://compat.cemu.info/wiki/Frenchy_Bird"
Reference in New Issue
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