Fix github release order to maintain compatibility

This commit is contained in:
Crementif 2018-05-21 12:14:29 +02:00
parent b793950ce1
commit af7501b1ff

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@ -49,18 +49,10 @@ after_success:
- mv $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Quality/* build
- mv $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Workaround/* build
- cd build
- zip -o -9 -r -q "../graphicPacks$buildType""_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"".zip" ./*
- $([ "$buildType" = "Common" ] && echo zip -o -9 -r -q "../graphicPacksCommon_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"".zip" ./* || echo zip -o -9 -r -q "../graphicPacks$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER""" ./*)
- cd ..
# Create github release
# Remove previous Common asset from release if making the final release with both Common and Uncommon as we need to upload it in a different order to maintain compatibility with existing tools.
- |
if [ "$buildType" = "Uncommon" ]; then
wget "$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER/graphicPacksCommon_$";
github-release delete --owner=slashiee --repo=cemu_graphic_packs --name="Graphic Packs: version $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" --tag="Travis$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" "graphicPacksCommon_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"".zip";
# Upload the release.
# The Common build will have the prerelease tag (the Github API skips prereleases if you use the "latest" tag which improves cases where the Common build isn't completed yet).
# The Uncommon build will upload both the Common (from the step above) and Uncommon in a specific order. It also removes the prerelease tag.
# The odd naming of the releases will create a more compatible order. It's intended.
- |
github-release upload \
--owner=slashiee \
@ -69,5 +61,4 @@ after_success:
--name="Graphic Packs: version $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" \
--body="$(git log -1 --format='Commited at %ci by **%cn** in commit %h%n### %s%n```%n%b%n```%n') $(if [ '$buildType' = 'Common' ]; then echo 'This is a prerelease with only the common resolutions.'; fi)" \
$([ "$buildType" = "Common" ] && echo "--prerelease=true" || echo "--prerelease=false") \
"graphicPacks$buildType""_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"".zip" \
$([ "$buildType" = "Uncommon" ] && echo "graphicPacksCommon_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"".zip" || echo "")
$([ "$buildType" = "Common" ] && echo "graphicPacksCommon_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"".zip" || echo "graphicPacks$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER""")