Didn't update the docs (will do that tomorrow), but I manually checked (didn't verify things, but I basically checked if it contained "uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform" and if the shader was made after a certain Cemu change was made due to how they're left out) to see if any graphic pack in here was *probably* safe.
I also didn't convert 5 graphic packs since they contained signs that needed to be manually checked or at least examined more:
- \Enhancements\TwilightPrincessHD_Bicubic
- \Resolutions\DevilsThird_Resolution
- \Resolutions\TwilightPrincessHD_Resolution (this one just needs to be fully verified since it's popular enough and has like 27 shaders)
- \Resolutions\LegoStarWars_Resolution
- \Resolutions\TokyoMirage_Resolution (this one could also be manually verified)
I hope I didn't make too many mistakes with this one.
Since it's not possible to update 300+ shaders manually and automation was possible, I thought that I'd take the honor and create a script that's able to automatically convert all of the shaders to be cross-compatible with Vulkan. And change the graphic pack versions to version 4 of course.
Also, the script has some nifty testing code which compiled every shader as OpenGL and Vulkan, but for that see the details that I've written below.
**Here's the script that I've made to do all of this. No manual edits were needed:**
Didn’t realize that VS uf_uniformRegisterVS[ARi.x+2].y is actually used
to offset sampling x4 when doing the custom PS blur shader. Reverting to
simple scale by res in the meantime