# Aim to have fast builds # TODO: Maybe don't build the files into seperate folders and copy them after that anyway. language: php php: - 7.0 git: depth: 1 submodules: false if: branch IS master if: tag IS blank branches: only: master # Simultaneous builds for common and uncommon resolutions env: matrix: - buildType=Common - buildType=Uncommon global: - secure: "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" # GITHUB_TOKEN matrix: fast_finish: true # === Build steps === # No dependencies install: npm install -g github-release-cli@0.4.1 # No need to debug the PHP code. Keeping this enabled slows down execution. before_script: - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini script: ./build.sh after_success: # Create zip file - mkdir build - mv $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Enhancement/* build - mv $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Enthusiast/* build - mv $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Modifications/* build - mv $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Performance/* build - mv $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Quality/* build - mv $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Workaround/* build - cd build - $([ "$buildType" = "Common" ] && echo zip -o -9 -r -q "../graphicPacksCommon_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"".zip" ./* || echo zip -o -9 -r -q "../graphicPacks$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER""_Uncommon.zip" ./*) - cd .. # Create github release # The odd naming of the releases will create a more compatible order. It's intended. - | github-release upload \ --owner=slashiee \ --repo=cemu_graphic_packs \ --tag="Travis$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" \ --name="Graphic Packs: version $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" \ --body="$(git log -1 --format='Commited at %ci by **%cn** in commit %h%n### %s%n```%n%b%n```%n') $(if [ '$buildType' = 'Common' ]; then echo 'This is a prerelease with only the common resolutions.'; fi)" \ $([ "$buildType" = "Common" ] && echo "--prerelease=true" || echo "--prerelease=false") \ $([ "$buildType" = "Common" ] && echo "graphicPacksCommon_$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"".zip" || echo "graphicPacks$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER""_Uncommon.zip") # Request a new Github Pages build when all the releases are present so that the links will be updated. - if [ "$buildType" = "Uncommon" ]; then 'curl -X POST --header \"Accept: application/vnd.github.mister-fantastic-preview+json\" -u slashiee:$GITHUB_TOKEN https://api.github.com/repos/slashiee/cemu_graphic_packs/pages/builds'; fi