[Planes60FPSVer0] moduleMatches = 0x6968CE40 0X021BE7DC = li r3,1 # GX2SetSwapInterval sets 60FPS in game # Code Cave codeCaveSize = 0x20 # = Last used instruction + 0x04 (4xINSTRUCTIONS in HEX) # Set 60fps timer for cutscenes _CutScene60fps = 0x00000000 0x00000000 = lis r11,0x100A # Load upper half of byte location 0x00000004 = lbz r3,0x180F(r11) # load lower half (offset) 0X100A180F (byte switches between 0/1) 0x00000008 = cmpwi r3, 0 # Compare these two numbers 0x0000000C = bne .+0x0C # Jump to 3 instructions below if the comparison above is true 0x00000010 = srwi r11, r12, 3 # 60FPS 0x00000014 = blr 0x00000018 = srwi r11, r12, 2 # 30FPS 0x0000001C = blr 0x020C25A4 = bla _CutScene60fps # Jump to the code cave code