#version 420 #extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable // shader d936195db0dd8e7d //crossfade exposure //Xenoblade FX //Version 0.01Beta //Shader Dumped from 1.01 //Shader Edits by Jamie // //ToneMapping #define Bleach 0.3 //Default is 0.0 #define exposure 1.25 //Default is 1.0 #define defog 0.000 //Default is 0.0 //How much of the overall color you want removed form the values of FogColor. #define FogColor vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) //Color you want to Add or Remove 0.25 would add .25 percent of that color 1.25 would remove .25 percent of the color." //VibrancePass #define Vibrance 0.15 //"Intelligently saturates (or desaturates if you use negative values) the pixels depending on their original saturation."; #define VibranceRGBBalance vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) //"A per channel multiplier to the Vibrance strength so you can give more boost to certain colors over others."; //Lift Gamma Gain #define RGB_Lift vec3(1.05, 1.05, 1.05) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue. #define RGB_Gamma vec3(0.70, 0.70, 0.70) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue #define RGB_Gain vec3(1.05, 1.05, 1.05) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue //Note that a value of 1.0 is a neutral setting that leave the color unchanged. //Curves #define Contrast 0.50 //[-1.0, 1.0] The amount of contrast you want //LumaShapening #define sharp_strength 0.25 //[0.10 to 3.00] Strength of the sharpening Default is 0.65 #define sharp_clamp 0.085 //[0.000 to 1.000] Limits maximum amount of sharpening a pixel recieves - Default is 0.035 //Advanced sharpening settings #define offset_bias 1.0 //[0.0 to 6.0] Offset bias adjusts the radius of the sampling pattern. //Fake High Dynamic Range. #define HDRPower 1.70 // 0.0 to 8.0 "Raising this seems to make the effect stronger and also darker , Default 1.30." #define radius1 0.793 // 0.0 to 8.0 "Default 0.793 , will affect FX." #define radius2 0.87 // 0.0 to 8.0 "Default 0.87 , will affect FX." //########################################################### //Do not edit under this line. uniform ivec4 uf_remappedPS[1]; layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D textureUnitPS0;// Tex0 addr 0xf470a000 res 1280x720x1 dim 1 tm: 4 format 0816 compSel: 0 1 2 5 mipView: 0x0 (num 0x1) sliceView: 0x0 (num 0x1) Sampler0 ClampX/Y/Z: 2 2 2 border: 0 layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler3D textureUnitPS1;// Tex1 addr 0x26032000 res 16x16x16 dim 2 tm: 7 format 001a compSel: 0 1 2 3 mipView: 0x0 (num 0x1) sliceView: 0x0 (num 0x10) Sampler1 ClampX/Y/Z: 2 2 2 border: 0 layout(binding = 2) uniform sampler3D textureUnitPS2;// Tex2 addr 0x2603b000 res 16x16x16 dim 2 tm: 7 format 001a compSel: 0 1 2 3 mipView: 0x0 (num 0x1) sliceView: 0x0 (num 0x10) Sampler2 ClampX/Y/Z: 2 2 2 border: 0 layout(location = 0) in vec4 passParameterSem0; layout(location = 0) out vec4 passPixelColor0; uniform vec2 uf_fragCoordScale; int clampFI32(int v) { if( v == 0x7FFFFFFF ) return floatBitsToInt(1.0); else if( v == 0xFFFFFFFF ) return floatBitsToInt(0.0); return floatBitsToInt(clamp(intBitsToFloat(v), 0.0, 1.0)); } float mul_nonIEEE(float a, float b){ return min(a*b,min(abs(a)*3.40282347E+38F,abs(b)*3.40282347E+38F)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //ToneMapping vec3 TonemapPass(vec3 inputColor) { vec3 color = inputColor; color = clamp(color - defog * FogColor * 2.55, 0.0, 1.0); // defog color *= exposure / (1.0 + color / exposure); const vec3 coefLuma = vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722); float lum = dot(coefLuma, color); float L = clamp(10.0 * (lum - 0.45), 0.0, 1.0); vec3 A2 = Bleach * color; vec3 result1 = 2.0f * color * lum; vec3 result2 = 1.0f - 2.0f * (1.0f - lum) * (1.0f - color); vec3 newColor = mix(result1, result2, L); vec3 mixRGB = A2 * newColor; color += ((1.0f - A2) * mixRGB); vec3 middlegray = vec3(dot(color, vec3(1.0 / 3.0))); vec3 diffcolor = color - middlegray; float sat = 0.0; color = (color + diffcolor * sat) / (1 + (diffcolor * sat)); // saturation return color; } //LumaShapening #define px (1.0/1280.0*uf_fragCoordScale.x) #define py (1.0/720.0*uf_fragCoordScale.y) #define CoefLuma vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722) float lumasharping(sampler2D tex, vec2 pos) { vec4 colorInput = texture(tex, pos); vec3 ori = colorInput.rgb; // -- Combining the strength and luma multipliers -- vec3 sharp_strength_luma = (CoefLuma * sharp_strength); // -- Gaussian filter -- // [ .25, .50, .25] [ 1 , 2 , 1 ] // [ .50, 1, .50] = [ 2 , 4 , 2 ] // [ .25, .50, .25] [ 1 , 2 , 1 ] vec3 blur_ori = texture(tex, pos + vec2(px, -py) * 0.5 * offset_bias).rgb; // South East blur_ori += texture(tex, pos + vec2(-px, -py) * 0.5 * offset_bias).rgb; // South West blur_ori += texture(tex, pos + vec2(px, py) * 0.5 * offset_bias).rgb; // North East blur_ori += texture(tex, pos + vec2(-px, py) * 0.5 * offset_bias).rgb; // North West blur_ori *= 0.25; // ( /= 4) Divide by the number of texture fetches // -- Calculate the sharpening -- vec3 sharp = ori - blur_ori; //Subtracting the blurred image from the original image // -- Adjust strength of the sharpening and clamp it-- vec4 sharp_strength_luma_clamp = vec4(sharp_strength_luma * (0.5 / sharp_clamp), 0.5); //Roll part of the clamp into the dot float sharp_luma = clamp((dot(vec4(sharp, 1.0), sharp_strength_luma_clamp)), 0.0, 1.0); //Calculate the luma, adjust the strength, scale up and clamp sharp_luma = (sharp_clamp * 2.0) * sharp_luma - sharp_clamp; //scale down return sharp_luma; } //Fake High Dynamic Range. vec3 HDRPass(sampler2D tex, vec2 pos) { vec3 color = texture(tex, pos).rgb; vec3 bloom_sum1 = texture(tex, pos + vec2(1.5, -1.5) * radius1 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum1 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(-1.5, -1.5) * radius1 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum1 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(1.5, 1.5) * radius1 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum1 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(-1.5, 1.5) * radius1 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum1 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(0.0, -2.5) * radius1 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum1 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(0.0, 2.5) * radius1 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum1 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(-2.5, 0.0) * radius1 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum1 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(2.5, 0.0) * radius1 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum1 *= 0.005; vec3 bloom_sum2 = texture(tex, pos + vec2(1.5, -1.5) * radius2 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum2 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(-1.5, -1.5) * radius2 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum2 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(1.5, 1.5) * radius2 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum2 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(-1.5, 1.5) * radius2 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum2 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(0.0, -2.5) * radius2 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum2 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(0.0, 2.5) * radius2 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum2 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(-2.5, 0.0) * radius2 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum2 += texture(tex, pos + vec2(2.5, 0.0) * radius2 * vec2(px, py)).rgb; bloom_sum2 *= 0.010; float dist = radius2 - radius1; vec3 HDR = (color + (bloom_sum2 - bloom_sum1)) * dist; vec3 blend = HDR + color; color = pow(abs(blend), vec3(abs(HDRPower))) + HDR; return color; } //Lift Gamma Gain vec3 LiftGammaGainPass(vec3 colorInput) { // -- Get input -- vec3 color = colorInput; // -- Lift -- color = color * (1.5 - 0.5 * RGB_Lift) + 0.5 * RGB_Lift - 0.5; color = clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0); //isn't strictly necessary, but doesn't cost performance. // -- Gain -- color *= RGB_Gain; // -- Gamma -- color = pow(color, 1.0 / RGB_Gamma); //Gamma // -- Return output -- return clamp(color, 0.0, 1.0); } //VibrancePass vec3 VibrancePass(vec3 color) { const vec3 coefLuma = vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722); float luma = dot(coefLuma, color); float max_color = max(color.r, max(color.g, color.b)); // Find the strongest color float min_color = min(color.r, min(color.g, color.b)); // Find the weakest color float color_saturation = max_color - min_color; // The difference between the two is the saturation // Extrapolate between luma and original by 1 + (1-saturation) - current vec3 coeffVibrance = VibranceRGBBalance * Vibrance; color = mix(vec3(luma), color, 1.0 + (coeffVibrance * (1.0 - (sign(coeffVibrance) * color_saturation)))); return color; } //Curves vec3 CurvesPass(vec3 inputColor) { vec3 colorInput = inputColor; float Contrast_blend = Contrast * 2.0; //I multiply by two to give it a strength closer to the other curves. vec3 x = colorInput.rgb; //if the curve should be applied to both Luma and Chroma x = x * (x * (1.5 - x) + 0.5); //horner form - fastest version vec3 color = x; //if the curve should be applied to both Luma and Chroma colorInput.rgb = mix(colorInput.rgb, color, Contrast_blend); //Blend by Contrast return colorInput; } void main() { vec4 R0f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R1f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R2f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R127f = vec4(0.0); float backupReg0f, backupReg1f, backupReg2f, backupReg3f, backupReg4f; vec4 PV0f = vec4(0.0), PV1f = vec4(0.0); float PS0f = 0.0, PS1f = 0.0; vec4 tempf = vec4(0.0); float tempResultf; int tempResulti; ivec4 ARi = ivec4(0); bool predResult = true; vec3 cubeMapSTM; int cubeMapFaceId; R0f = passParameterSem0; R0f.xyz = HDRPass(textureUnitPS0, passParameterSem0.xy); float smask = lumasharping(textureUnitPS0, passParameterSem0.xy); R0f.xyz += vec3(smask); //R0f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS0, R0f.xy).xyz); // -- Original shader code // 0 backupReg0f = R0f.x; PV0f.x = backupReg0f * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].x); PV0f.x = clamp(PV0f.x, 0.0, 1.0); R127f.z = R0f.z * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].x); R127f.z = clamp(R127f.z, 0.0, 1.0); R127f.w = R0f.y * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].x); R127f.w = clamp(R127f.w, 0.0, 1.0); R2f.w = 1.0; PS0f = R2f.w; // 1 tempResultf = log2(PV0f.x); if( isinf(tempResultf) == true ) tempResultf = -3.40282347E+38F; PS1f = tempResultf; // 2 R127f.x = PS1f * intBitsToFloat(0x3ee8ba2e); tempResultf = log2(R127f.w); if( isinf(tempResultf) == true ) tempResultf = -3.40282347E+38F; PS0f = tempResultf; // 3 R127f.y = PS0f * intBitsToFloat(0x3ee8ba2e); tempResultf = log2(R127f.z); if( isinf(tempResultf) == true ) tempResultf = -3.40282347E+38F; PS1f = tempResultf; // 4 R127f.w = PS1f * intBitsToFloat(0x3ee8ba2e); PS0f = exp2(R127f.x); // 5 R0f.x = (PS0f * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].z) + intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].w)); PS1f = exp2(R127f.y); // 6 R0f.y = (PS1f * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].z) + intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].w)); PS0f = exp2(R127f.w); // 7 R0f.z = (PS0f * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].z) + intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].w)); R1f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS1, vec3(R0f.x,R0f.y,R0f.z)).xyz); R0f.xyz = (texture(textureUnitPS2, vec3(R0f.x,R0f.y,R0f.z)).xyz); // 0 backupReg0f = R0f.y; backupReg1f = R0f.x; PV0f.x = R1f.z + -(R0f.z); PV0f.y = R1f.y + -(backupReg0f); PV0f.z = R1f.x + -(backupReg1f); // 1 R2f.x = (PV0f.z * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].y) + R0f.x); R2f.y = (PV0f.y * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].y) + R0f.y); R2f.z = (PV0f.x * intBitsToFloat(uf_remappedPS[0].y) + R0f.z); // -- End original shader code //passPixelColor0 = vec4(R0f.x, R0f.y, R0f.z, R0f.w); vec3 color = texture(textureUnitPS0, passParameterSem0.xy).xyz; color = TonemapPass(color); color = CurvesPass(color); color = LiftGammaGainPass(color); color = VibrancePass(color); passPixelColor0 = vec4(color, passParameterSem0.w); //passPixelColor0 = vec4(R1f.x, R1f.y, R1f.z, R1f.w); //passPixelColor0 = vec4(R2f.x, R2f.y, R2f.z, R2f.w); }