--- anchor_link: customize-packs order: 99 --- This might be slightly technical, so carefully follow these steps. If you use the build-in downloader, follow the extra steps in this guide. If you use the manual installation, just skip those steps. 1. Open the resolution pack folder, which follows the following name convention `ShortTitle_Resolution`, for example `MarioKart8_Resolution`. 2. Open the `rules.txt` file in notepad or something similar and find the following text (this is for 720p games, but 1080p will only have some changes in values): [Preset] name = 1280x720 (Default) $width = 1280 $height = 720 $gameWidth = 1280 $gameHeight = 720 3. Now, change the `$width` and `$height` to the resolution you want and pick the default preset! **Though, graphic packs and some resolutions aren't compatible so choosing common monitor resolutions is recommended.**