[Definition] titleIds = 00050000101C9300,00050000101C9400,00050000101C9500 name = "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - NVIDIA Fluid Artifacts Workaround" version = 2 # This pack fixes blocky artifacts found on fluids like lava and water. # However, this pack does cause tile transition issues which don't appear to smooth over. # If you experience these issues, it's recommended to enable this pack. Otherwise, don't. # This bug (and graphic pack) only affects GPU's from the Maxwell or Pascal generation (roughly everything above GTX 700). # Images of issue: # https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/207547103726010368/372217955741597706/unknown.png # https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/207547103726010368/372220915012075520/unknown.png # Image of tile transition issue: # https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/292733452590120961/433019304955609098/unknown.png # This graphic pack is made as an easy to install alternative to this fix by Flocker: # https://www.reddit.com/r/cemu/comments/6qwmon/got_blocky_artifacts_in_lava_water_and_other/ # The difference is that this fix reduces it, while it doesn't have the tile transition issue. # It also requires an external program and might reset itself on a driver installation (unlikely).