moduleMatches = 0x785CA8A9
#Default as of 0.51 - Limit logic/2d animation to 30 fps Less timing issues, more jitter  
#0x100D0604 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 # GUI animations 
0x100CFAE8 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 # GUI animations *                                    
0x10059514 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 #Title screen cutscene -
0x100144F0 = .float 0.1	# controller acceleration 
0x10171070 = .float 2.0 	# arbitrary 2.0 float 
0x1017117C = .float 0.5 # .5 float
_halfRate =  0x10171070 
_fullRate = 0x1017117C
0x027370B8 =  lis   r11, _halfRate@ha # Double updateEventParam cutscene
0x027370C4 =  lfs   f1, _halfRate@l(r11) #  -
0x027A0180 =  lis   r10, _fullRate@ha # half SyncFrame cinematic cutscene, fixes timing issues with cinematic cutscenes -
0x027A0184 =  lfs   f1, _fullRate@l(r10) #  but introduces  Shake and stutter issue. CODE XREF: ev::CEvtManager::startPage((float,bool))+6C j -

0x025F149C =  lis   r12, _fullRate@h       ###   Move__11CfSceneTaskFv      #Filter CPU, 30 fps logic                                       
0x025F14A4 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r12)  ###  Move__11CfSceneTaskFv       #                                            
0x02768064 =  lis   r8, _fullRate@ha  #  sync in game cut scene 
0x02768068 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r8) #       
0x0273BBD0 =  lis   r7, _fullRate@ha  # sync elevator, vehicles  etc
0x0273BBD4 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r7) # �

# swapInterval 60
0x02FCEB9C = li r3, 1  

moduleMatches = 0x7672271D
#Default as of 0.51 - Limit logic/2d animation to 30 fps Less timing issues, more jitter  
#0x100D0604 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 # GUI animations *                  
#0x1005989C = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 #Title screen cutscene -
#0x10014528 = .float 0.1	# controller acceleration -
#0x10171980 = .float 2.0 	# arbitrary 2.0 float 

0x100D0070 = .float 0.5
0x1005989C = .float 0.5 
0x10014528 = .float 0.1
0x10171570 = .float 2.0 

_halfRate = 0x10171570 
_fullRate = 0x100D0070
0x0273802C =  lis   r11, _halfRate@ha # Double updateEventParam cutscene, ver
0x02738038 =  lfs   f1, _halfRate@l(r11) #  -
0x027A1120 =  lis   r10, _fullRate@ha # half SyncFrame cinematic cutscene, fixes timing issues with cinematic cutscenes -
0x027A1124 =  lfs   f1, _fullRate@l(r10) #  but introduces  Shake and stutter issue. CODE XREF: ev::CEvtManager::startPage((float,bool))+6C j -

0x025F1F78 =  lis   r12, _fullRate@h       ###   Move__11CfSceneTaskFv      #Filter CPU, 30 fps logic                                       
0x025F1F80 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r12)  ###  Move__11CfSceneTaskFv       #                                            
0x02768FD4 =  lis   r8, _fullRate@ha  #  sync in game cut scene 
0x02768FD8 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r8) #       
0x0273CB44 =  lis   r7, _fullRate@ha  # sync elevator, vehicles  etc
0x0273CB48 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r7) # �

# swapInterval 60
0x02FD3F5C= li r3, 1  

moduleMatches = 0x218F6E07, 0xF882D5CF
#Default as of 0.51 - Limit logic/2d animation to 30 fps Less timing issues  
0x100D03E8 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 # GUI animations *                  
0x100598E4 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 #Title screen cutscene -
0x10014528 = .float 0.05	# controller acceleration -
0x10171980 = .float 2.0 	# arbitrary 2.0 float 

_halfRate =  0x10171980 
_fullRate = 0x100D03E8
0x027398B4 =  lis   r11, _halfRate@ha # Double updateEventParam cutscene -
0x027398C0 =  lfs   f1, _halfRate@l(r11) #  -
0x027A33D8 =  lis   r10, _fullRate@ha # half SyncFrame cinematic cutscene, fixes timing issues with cinematic cutscenes -
0x027A33DC =  lfs   f1, _fullRate@l(r10) #  but introduces  Shake and stutter issue. CODE XREF: ev::CEvtManager::startPage((float,bool))+6Cj -

#0x02707478  =  lis       r7, _tmp@ha      # ALT  calcAdxSkip__Q2_2ev13CFrameManagerFv                                                                                     
#0x0270747C  =  lfs       f1, _tmp@l(r7)   #   calcAdxSkip__Q2_2ev13CFrameManagerFv      
#0x02707660  =  lis       r9, _tmp@ha       #  calcCpuSkip__Q2_2ev13CFrameManagerFv   # SLOW down scene                                                                                  
#0x02707668  =  lfs       f31, _tmp@l(r9)   #  calcCpuSkip__Q2_2ev13CFrameManagerFv   

0x025F299C =  lis   r12, _fullRate@h       ###   Move__11CfSceneTaskFv      #Filter CPU, 30 fps logic                                       
0x025F29A4 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r12)  ###  Move__11CfSceneTaskFv       #                                            
0x0276A85C =  lis   r8, _fullRate@ha  #  sync in game cut scene 
0x0276A860 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r8) #       
0x0273E3CC =  lis   r7, _fullRate@ha  # sync elevator, vehicles  etc
0x0273E3D0 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r7) # �

# swapInterval 60
0x02FD8A94 = li r3, 1  

moduleMatches = 0x30B6E091

#Default as of 0.51 - Limit logic/2d animation to 30 fps Less timing issues  
0x100D03D0 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 # GUI animations                   
0x100598E4 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 #Title screen cutscene
0x10014528 = .float 0.05	# controller acceleration
0x10171980 = .float 2.0 	# arbitrary 2.0 float 
_halfRate =  0x10171980 
_fullRate = 0x100D03D0

0x027398B4 =  lis   r11, _halfRate@ha # Double updateEventParam cutscene
0x027398C0 =  lfs   f1, _halfRate@l(r11) # 
0x027A33D8 =  lis   r10, _fullRate@ha # half SyncFrame cinematic cutscene, fixes timing issues with cinematic cutscenes 
0x027A33DC =  lfs   f1, _fullRate@l(r10) #  but introduces  Shake and stutter issue. 
0x025F299C =  lis   r12, _fullRate@h       ###   Move__11CfSceneTaskFv      #Filter CPU, 30 fps logic                                       
0x025F29A4 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r12)  ###  Move__11CfSceneTaskFv       #                                            
0x0276A85C =  lis   r8, _fullRate@ha  #  sync in game cut scene 
0x0276A860 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r8) #       
0x0273E3CC =  lis   r7, _fullRate@ha  # sync elevator, vehicles  etc
0x0273E3D0 =  lfs   f31, _fullRate@l(r7) # �

#Disabled, original per feature approach, severe timing issues
#0x101231F0 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 # ingame animation timing 
#0x100D03D0 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 # GUI animations                   
#0x100598E4 = .float 0.5 	# .float 1.0 #Title screen cutscene
#0x1003C3A0 = .float 15.0      	# .float 30.0   fight 3d animations
#0x1000F7A8 = .float 0.1 	# RegistDamage_ButtonChallenge
#0x10014528 = .float 0.05 	# controller acceleration                
#0x100211D8 = .float 15.0  	# .float 30.0 fade in 
#0x10034804 = .float 15.0  	# .float 30.0 bullets 
#0x10035D84 = .float 15.0  	#  walk acceleration
#0x1003C3A0 = .float 15.0  	# arts frame to sec
#0x10012368 = .float 45.0  	# respawn                                          
#0x10012644 = .float 15.0  	# soulvoice
#0x1000C448 = .float 15.0	# init battle                  
#0x1000CB90 = .float 15.0  	# init battle
#0x1003E538 = .float 0.33333335  #birds, falling leaves
#0x10171980 = .float 2.0 	# arbitrary 2.0 float 
#0x100955F0 = .float 60.0 	# 30.0  Create avatar cam rotation 

#0x101123B4 = .float 0.03333335 #    .float 0.016666668 superfast  (vsync)
#0x10035D7C = .float 0.25 	# .float 1.0  fast run   
#0x10035E00 = .float 2.0  	# jump high.float 0.5    
#0x10190C7C = .float 0.75 	# master FOV 
#0x10012368 = .float 45.0  	# seconds  before respawn "cheat"

# swapInterval 60
0x02FD8A34 = li r3, 1  

#SNESticleNGCVERIONPP71Copyright - Sardu you magnificent bastard, we salute you!