include 'Source/functions.php';
$fullWidth = $argv[1];
$fullHeight = $argv[2];
$scaleFactorX = $fullWidth / 1920.0;
$scaleFactorY = $fullHeight / 1080.0;

$title = get_title($fullWidth, $fullHeight);
titleIds = 0005000010143400,0005000010143600,0005000010143500
name = "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD - <?=$title?>"
version = 2

[TextureRedefine] #0x01a, super sampling
formats  = 0x01a
overwriteRelativeLodBias = -16 # 

[TextureRedefine] # game rendering resolution
width = 1920
height = 1080
formatsExcluded = 0x41A # exclude the intro background texture
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*1920)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*1080)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # Shadow projection
width = 960
height = 540
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*960*2)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*540*2)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # shadow blur, Bloom pyarmid start
width = 480
height = 270
#formatsExcluded = 0x816 # uncomment for original large bloom
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*480*2)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorX*270*2)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # gamepad rendering resolution
width = 854
height = 480
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*854*2)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*480*2)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # last shadow blur. Bloom pyramid 2
width = 240
height = 135
#formatsExcluded = 0x816 # uncomment for original large bloom
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*240*2)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*135*2)?> 

[TextureRedefine] #  Bloom pyramid 3
width = 120
height = 67
#formatsExcluded = 0x816 # uncomment for original large bloom
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*120*2)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*67*2)?> 

[TextureRedefine] #  Bloom pyramid 4 last step
width = 60
height = 33
#formatsExcluded = 0x816 # uncomment for original large bloom
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*60*2)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*33*2)?> 

[TextureRedefine] #Shadows
width = 1024
height = 1024
formats = 0x005
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorY)*2048?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY)*2048?>