<?php $width = $argv[1]; $height = $argv[2]; $aspect = $width / (float)$height; $ratioAdjust = $aspect/(16/9); if (round($aspect*100.0) == 178) exit(1); $aspect = number_format((float)$aspect, 3, '.', ''); ?> [MK8AspectVer1] moduleMatches = 0x2A2DC82C 0x10097D94 = .float <?=$aspect?> 0x100F3430 = .float <?=$aspect?> #aspect scaling codeCaveSize = 0x18 _scaleAspect = 0x00000004 0x00000000 = .float <?=$ratioAdjust?> _scaleAddr = 0x00000000 0x00000004 = fdivs f9, f13, f12 0x00000008 = lis r7, _scaleAddr@ha 0x0000000C = lfs f12, _scaleAddr@l(r7) 0x00000010 = fmuls f7, f9, f12 0x00000014 = blr #replace math with branch 0x02416760 = bla _scaleAspect [MK8AspectVer2] moduleMatches = 0x62A5F023 0x1009E9DC = .float <?=$aspect?> 0x100FC030 = .float <?=$aspect?> #aspect scaling codeCaveSize = 0x18 _scaleAspect = 0x00000004 0x00000000 = .float <?=$ratioAdjust?> _scaleAddr = 0x00000000 0x00000004 = fdivs f9, f13, f12 0x00000008 = lis r7, _scaleAddr@ha 0x0000000C = lfs f12, _scaleAddr@l(r7) 0x00000010 = fmuls f7, f9, f12 0x00000014 = blr #replace math with branch 0x024376D4 = bla _scaleAspect [MK8AspectVer3] moduleMatches = 0xBA6B1E20 0x100AC25C = .float <?=$aspect?> 0x1010A730 = .float <?=$aspect?> #aspect scaling codeCaveSize = 0x18 _scaleAspect = 0x00000004 0x00000000 = .float <?=$ratioAdjust?> _scaleAddr = 0x00000000 0x00000004 = fdivs f9, f13, f12 0x00000008 = lis r7, _scaleAddr@ha 0x0000000C = lfs f12, _scaleAddr@l(r7) 0x00000010 = fmuls f7, f9, f12 0x00000014 = blr #replace math with branch 0x024642E8 = bla _scaleAspect [MK8AspectVer4] moduleMatches = 0x1D398493 0x100C359C = .float <?=$aspect?> 0x10121D30 = .float <?=$aspect?> #aspect scaling codeCaveSize = 0x18 _scaleAspect = 0x00000004 0x00000000 = .float <?=$ratioAdjust?> _scaleAddr = 0x00000000 0x00000004 = fdivs f9, f13, f12 0x00000008 = lis r7, _scaleAddr@ha 0x0000000C = lfs f12, _scaleAddr@l(r7) 0x00000010 = fmuls f7, f9, f12 0x00000014 = blr #replace math with branch 0x024AEBEC = bla _scaleAspect [MK8AspectVer4_1] moduleMatches = 0xD09700CE 0x100C359C = .float <?=$aspect?> 0x10121E30 = .float <?=$aspect?> #aspect scaling codeCaveSize = 0x18 _scaleAspect = 0x00000004 0x00000000 = .float <?=$ratioAdjust?> _scaleAddr = 0x00000000 0x00000004 = fdivs f9, f13, f12 0x00000008 = lis r7, _scaleAddr@ha 0x0000000C = lfs f12, _scaleAddr@l(r7) 0x00000010 = fmuls f7, f9, f12 0x00000014 = blr #replace math with branch 0x024AEBEC = bla _scaleAspect