layout: page
use-site-title: true
- "/css/index.css"
- "/js/index.js"
meta-title: "Downloads | Cemu Graphic Packs"
meta-description: "Largest graphic pack source for Cemu that modify or scale games."
{% comment %} The javascript is designed to be infinitely scaleable. Just copy-pasting the announcement works. {% endcomment %}
Cemu 1.14.0 graphic packs are here!
With the texture cache rework, the graphic packs required a rework for all of our "resolution packs".
Just bare with us while we rework the missing 1.14.0 graphic packs. Reporting on issues is very helpful!
{% comment %} Get the latest release zip {% endcomment %}
{% capture newReleaseVersion %} {{ site.github.latest_release.assets[0].browser_download_url | slice: 71, 3}} {% endcapture %}
{% assign newReleaseVersion = newReleaseVersion | plus:1 %}
{% comment %}
Possible todo's:
- https://gitreports.com/ (anonymous github issues so that users can report issues).
- Add/extract additional information from the graphic pack (like showing additional packs besides resolution packs).
{% endcomment %}
List of graphic pack supported titles
{% for gameTitle in site.data.GameTitles %}
{{ gameTitle.title }}
{{ gameTitle.nativeRes }}p
{% if gameTitle.version3 == true %}
Cemu 1.14.0
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}