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Cemu Graphic Packs
{{ site.description }}
Automatic installation instructions (recommended)
Use Cemu's built-in graphic packs downloader (a feature added in Cemu 1.15.1) to automatically retrieve the newest graphic packs from our repository.
Manual installation instructions
Remove all of your graphic packs first, then move all of the folders from a downloaded .zip below to the graphicPacks folder from your Cemu folder.
Select the download for your Cemu version
Cemu 1.21.0 and newer (version 6)
Or view a list with all supported games...
Known Compatibility Status:
The game is upscaled from p.
Ultrawide resolutions are supported
No ultrawide resolutions are supported
Graphic packs fully support OpenGL and Vulkan. (version 4)
Graphic packs fully support OpenGL, though some graphic pack functionality might work on Vulkan. (version 3)
No graphic packs for Cemu 1.14.0 and higher, but there are graphic packs for Cemu 1.8.0 through 1.13.2 available. (version 2)
Frequently Asked Questions
{% assign ordered = site.FAQ | sort: "order" %}
{% for question in ordered %}
{{ question.slug }}?
{{ question.output }}
{%- endfor %}
Past versions
Version |
Time |
Title |
{% comment %}Description | {% endcomment %}
Download |
{% for releaseIndex in (0..3) %}
{{ site.github.releases[releaseIndex].name | split: "V" | shift }} |
{{ site.github.releases[releaseIndex].body | split: "###" | shift | first | split: "```" | pop | first }} |
{% comment %}{{ site.github.releases[releaseIndex].body | split: "```" | shift | first }} | {% endcomment %}
{% endfor %}
View even older releases |
Our contributors
{% for contributor in site.github.contributors %}

{% endfor %}