include 'Source/functions.php';
$fullWidth = $argv[1];
$fullHeight = $argv[2];
$scaleFactorX = $fullWidth / 1280.0;
$scaleFactorY = $fullHeight / 720.0;

$title = get_title($fullWidth, $fullHeight);
titleIds = 0000050000101B0400,00050000101B0500
name = "Star Fox Zero - <?=$title?>"
version = 2

[TextureRedefine] # tv
width = 1280
height = 720
formatsExcluded = 0x41A # exclude the intro background texture 
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*1280)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*720)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # tv 2 (cockpit view)
width = 1152
height = 720
formatsExcluded = 0x41A # exclude the intro background texture 
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*1280)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*720)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # half-res alpha (TV)
width = 640
height = 360   
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*640)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*360)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # Half-width
width = 640
height = 480
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*640)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*480)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # quarter-res alpha (TV+gamepad)
width = 320
height = 180
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*320)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*180)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # gamepad
width = 854
height = 480
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*1280)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*720)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # gamepad 2 (cockpit view)
width = 680
height = 480
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*1280)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*720)?> 

[TextureRedefine] # half-res alpha (gamepad)
width = 427
height = 240
formatsExcluded = 0x41A,0x431 # exclude obvious textures
overwriteWidth = <?=round($scaleFactorX*640)?> 
overwriteHeight = <?=round($scaleFactorY*360)?>