<?php function always_decimal_format($x) { return (intval($x) == $x ? number_format($x, 1, '.', '') : $x ); } function gcd($a,$b) { $a = abs($a); $b = abs($b); if( $a < $b) list($b,$a) = Array($a,$b); if( $b == 0) return $a; $r = $a % $b; while($r > 0) { $a = $b; $b = $r; $r = $a % $b; } return $b; } function simplify($num,$den) { $g = gcd($num,$den); return Array($num/$g,$den/$g); } function get_title($width, $height) { $title = $width . "x" . $height; $ratio = simplify($width, $height); if (!($ratio[0] == 16 && $ratio[1] == 9)) { if ($ratio[0] == 64 && $ratio[1] == 27) { // 64:27 is the true ratio, but 21:9 is the common approximation $title = $title . " (21:9)"; } else if ($ratio[0] == 43 && $ratio[1] == 18) { // 43:18 is the true ratio for 3440x1440, but 21:9 is the common approximation $title = $title . " (21:9)"; } else if ($ratio[0] == 7 && $ratio[1] == 3) { // 2100x900 and 4200x1800 are actual 21:9 (21*100 and 9*100) but for some reason it calculates to 7:3? $title = $title . " (21:9)"; } else if ($ratio[0] == 8 && $ratio[1] == 5) { // common sense $title = $title . " (16:10)"; } else if ($ratio[0] == 427 && $ratio[1] == 240) { // common sense return $title; } else if ($ratio[0] == 683 && $ratio[1] == 384) { // common sense return $title; } else { $title = $title . " (" . $ratio[0] .":". $ratio[1] . ")"; } } return $title; } ?>