#version 420
#extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable
// Adjustable Bloom + Tone Mapping + Adjustable Vibrance(Contrasty)


#define adjust_bloom 1         // 0: disable, 1: enable.
const float bloomFactor = 0.7; // 1.0 is neutral [0,1+]

#define tone_mapping 1
// -1: disable, loss of bright detail/color but keep [0,1] intact
// 0: (Wii U) BotW original
// 1: ACES Filmic
//---------------"ACES Filmic","disable" Parameters-------------//
const float Exposure = 0.6;    // [0.0, 1.0+] Adjust exposure

#define post_process 0
// -1: disable
// 0: (Wii U) BotW original, only vibrance
// 1: Contrasty
//----------------"BotW original" vibrance adjust-------------//
const float satFactor = 0.25;   // 0.18 is neutral. Experimental, adjust native saturation
//---------------------"Contrasty" Parameters-----------------//
const float gamma = 0.81;      // 1.0 is neutral. Botw is already colour graded at this stage
const float exposure = 1.17;   // 1.0 is neutral
const float vibrance = 0.40;   // >0: saturate <0: desaturate
const vec3 vibrance_RGB_balance = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0); // A per channel multiplier to the Vibrance strength so you can give more boost to certain colors over others.
const float crushContrast = 0.000; // 0.0 is neutral. Use small increments, loss of shadow detail 


// shader bd8bba59e2149449 // bloom(add), tonemap, saturate
uniform ivec4 uf_remappedPS[1];
layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D textureUnitPS0; //bloom
layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D textureUnitPS1; //texture, hdr
layout(location = 0) in vec4 passParameterSem0;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 passPixelColor0;
uniform vec2 uf_fragCoordScale;

float getL601(vec3 rgb) {
	return dot(rgb,vec3(0.2989,0.5866,0.1145));

float getL709(vec3 rgb) {
	return dot(rgb,vec3(0.2126,0.7152,0.0722));

vec3 BotWToneMap(vec3 color) {
	float Lumn = getL601(color);
	vec4 exptm = 1.0 - exp(-vec4(color,Lumn));
	vec3 cpre = exptm.w / Lumn * color;
	vec3 colorldr = mix(cpre,exptm.rgb,vec3(pow(exptm.w,2.0)));//refine
	return colorldr;

vec3 ACESFilm(vec3 color) {
	color *= Exposure;
	float Lumn = getL709(color);
	vec4 tm = vec4(color,Lumn);
	tm = (tm*(2.51*tm+0.03))/(tm*(2.43*tm+0.59)+0.14); // tonemap
	vec3 cpre = tm.w / Lumn * color;
	vec3 colorldr = mix(cpre,tm.rgb,vec3(pow(tm.w,2.0)));//refine
	return colorldr;

vec3 BotWVibrance(vec3 color) {
	float avg = (color.r + color.g + color.b)/3.0;
	float maxc = max(color.r, max(color.g,color.b));
	float w = 1.0 - pow(1.0 - 2.0 * avg, 2.0);
	float weight = 1.0 + w * satFactor;
	vec3 satcolor = mix(vec3(maxc), color, weight);
	return satcolor;

vec3 ReshadeVibrance(vec3 color) {
	float max_color = max(color.r, max(color.g, color.b)); // Find the strongest color
	float min_color = min(color.r, min(color.g, color.b)); // Find the weakest color
	float luma = getL709(color);
	float color_saturation = max_color - min_color; // The difference between the two is the saturation
	vec3 coeffVibrance = vibrance_RGB_balance * vibrance;
	color = mix(vec3(luma), color, 1.0 + (coeffVibrance * (1.0 - (sign(coeffVibrance) * color_saturation))));
	return color;

vec3 Contrasty(vec3 fColour) {
	fColour = max(vec3(0.0), fColour - vec3(crushContrast));
	fColour = clamp(exposure * fColour, 0.0, 1.0);
	fColour = pow(fColour, vec3(1.0 / gamma));
	fColour = ReshadeVibrance(fColour); // reshade's identical, only a little stronger when at same setting
	return fColour;

// bad curve, see reshade curves.fx
//vec3 Contrasty2(vec3 color) {
//	color = clamp(color,0.0,1.0);
//	vec3 dark = pow(color,vec3(1.0/dark_thr));
//	vec3 bright = pow(color,vec3(1.0/bright_thr));
//	float lumn = getL709(color);
//	color = mix(dark,bright,lumn);
//	color = ReshadeVibrance(color);
//	return color;

void main()
vec3 bloom = texture(textureUnitPS0, passParameterSem0.xy).xyz;
vec3 color = texture(textureUnitPS1, passParameterSem0.xy).xyz;

#if (adjust_bloom == 1)
bloom *= bloomFactor;

color += bloom;

#if (tone_mapping == -1)
color = clamp(color*Exposure,0.0,1.0);
#elif (tone_mapping == 0)
color = BotWToneMap(color);
#elif (tone_mapping == 1)
color = ACESFilm(color);

#if (post_process == 0)
color = BotWVibrance(color);
#elif (post_process == 1)
color = Contrasty(color);

// export
passPixelColor0 = vec4(color, passParameterSem0.w);