#version 430 #extension GL_ARB_texture_gather : enable #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable // shader fdf33c607cd1d737 //Radial blur replacement // start of shader inputs/outputs, predetermined by Cemu. Do not touch #ifdef VULKAN #define ATTR_LAYOUT(__vkSet, __location) layout(set = __vkSet, location = __location) #define UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(set = __vkSet, binding = __vkLocation, std140) #define TEXTURE_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(set = __vkSet, binding = __vkLocation) #define GET_FRAGCOORD() vec4(gl_FragCoord.xy*uf_fragCoordScale.xy,gl_FragCoord.zw) #else #define ATTR_LAYOUT(__vkSet, __location) layout(location = __location) #define UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(binding = __glLocation, std140) #define TEXTURE_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(binding = __glLocation) #define GET_FRAGCOORD() vec4(gl_FragCoord.xy*uf_fragCoordScale,gl_FragCoord.zw) #endif #ifdef VULKAN layout(set = 1, binding = 1) uniform ufBlock { uniform vec4 uf_fragCoordScale; }; #else uniform vec2 uf_fragCoordScale; #endif TEXTURE_LAYOUT(0, 1, 0) uniform sampler2D textureUnitPS0; layout(location = 0) in vec4 passParameterSem0; layout(location = 1) in vec4 passParameterSem1; layout(location = 2) in vec4 passParameterSem2; layout(location = 3) in vec4 passParameterSem3; layout(location = 0) out vec4 passPixelColor0; // end of shader inputs/outputs const float blurStart = $blurStart; const float blurWidth = $blurWidth; const int nsamples = $nrOfPasses ; //original had aprox 8 at 640x240 int clampFI32(int v) { if( v == 0x7FFFFFFF ) return floatBitsToInt(1.0); else if( v == 0xFFFFFFFF ) return floatBitsToInt(0.0); return floatBitsToInt(clamp(intBitsToFloat(v), 0.0, 1.0)); } float mul_nonIEEE(float a, float b){ if( a == 0.0 || b == 0.0 ) return 0.0; return a*b; } void main() { vec4 R0f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R1f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R2f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R3f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R4f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R5f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R6f = vec4(0.0); vec4 R7f = vec4(0.0); vec4 colour = vec4(0.0); vec2 center = vec2(0.5, 0.5); vec4 R123f = vec4(0.0); float backupReg0f, backupReg1f, backupReg2f, backupReg3f, backupReg4f; vec4 PV0f = vec4(0.0), PV1f = vec4(0.0); float PS0f = 0.0, PS1f = 0.0; vec4 tempf = vec4(0.0); float tempResultf; int tempResulti; ivec4 ARi = ivec4(0); bool predResult = true; vec3 cubeMapSTM; int cubeMapFaceId; R0f = passParameterSem0; R1f = passParameterSem1; R2f = passParameterSem2; R3f = passParameterSem3; vec2 coord = -1.0 + R0f.xy; vec2 ps = vec2(1.0)*uf_fragCoordScale.xy / textureSize(textureUnitPS0, 0); vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy *2.0 / textureSize(textureUnitPS0, 0); //Simle radial blur jcant0n, shadertoy.com uv -= center; float precompute = blurWidth * (1.0 / float(nsamples - 1)); for(int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) { float scale = blurStart + (float(i)* precompute); colour += texture(textureUnitPS0, uv* scale + center ); } colour /= float(nsamples); //passPixelColor0 = colour; R4f.xyz = colour.xyz; R0f.xyz = R4f.xyz; R5f.xyz = R4f.xyz; R1f.xyz = R4f.xyz; R6f.xyz = R4f.xyz; R2f.xyz = R4f.xyz; R7f.xyz = R4f.xyz; R3f.xyz = R4f.xyz; // 0 PV0f.x = R4f.y * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000); PV0f.y = R4f.x * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000); PV0f.w = R4f.z * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000); R4f.w = 1.0; PS0f = R4f.w; // 1 R123f.x = (R0f.z * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.w); PV1f.x = R123f.x; R123f.y = (R0f.y * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.x); PV1f.y = R123f.y; R123f.z = (R0f.x * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.y); PV1f.z = R123f.z; // 2 R123f.x = (R5f.z * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV1f.x); PV0f.x = R123f.x; R123f.z = (R5f.y * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV1f.y); PV0f.z = R123f.z; R123f.w = (R5f.x * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV1f.z); PV0f.w = R123f.w; // 3 R123f.x = (R1f.y * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.z); PV1f.x = R123f.x; R123f.y = (R1f.x * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.w); PV1f.y = R123f.y; R123f.w = (R1f.z * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.x); PV1f.w = R123f.w; // 4 R123f.y = (R6f.y * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV1f.x); PV0f.y = R123f.y; R123f.z = (R6f.x * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV1f.y); PV0f.z = R123f.z; R123f.w = (R6f.z * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV1f.w); PV0f.w = R123f.w; // 5 R123f.x = (R2f.x * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.z); PV1f.x = R123f.x; R123f.z = (R2f.z * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.w); PV1f.z = R123f.z; R123f.w = (R2f.y * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.y); PV1f.w = R123f.w; // 6 R123f.x = (R7f.y * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV1f.w); PV0f.x = R123f.x; R123f.y = (R7f.x * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV1f.x); PV0f.y = R123f.y; R123f.w = (R7f.z * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV1f.z); PV0f.w = R123f.w; // 7 R4f.x = (R3f.x * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.y); R4f.y = (R3f.y * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.x); R4f.z = (R3f.z * intBitsToFloat(0x3e000000) + PV0f.w); // export passPixelColor0 = vec4(R4f.x, R4f.y, R4f.z, R4f.w); }