Crementif 306da0b802
Update every graphic pack to V4
Since it's not possible to update 300+ shaders manually and automation was possible, I thought that I'd take the honor and create a script that's able to automatically convert all of the shaders to be cross-compatible with Vulkan. And change the graphic pack versions to version 4 of course.

Also, the script has some nifty testing code which compiled every shader as OpenGL and Vulkan, but for that see the details that I've written below.

**Here's the script that I've made to do all of this. No manual edits were needed:**
2019-11-29 04:36:05 +01:00
2019-11-29 04:36:05 +01:00

# Information
# by SkalFate
# ----------------------

Example Preset :

// Changing it here doesn't do anything, this is for demonstration. Change it in rules.txt file instead.

name = Custom Preset
$aurared = 1
$auragreen = 1
$aurablue = 1
$auraopacity = 1

# (aurafog) -- Fog over Ganons Aura.
# ------------ 0 = disabled , 1 = Enabled

# (auraopacity) -- How opaque do you want the color strenght to be.
# ---------------- 0 = Transparent , Values from 1x to 100x

# (aurared, auragreen, aurablue ) = RGB - Red, Green, Blue - allows for chaning the color of the Aura.
# ------ Values are multiplied so if you want to lower use [0.01 - 1.0], or if you want to go higher go from [1.0 - X.X]