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meta-title: "Downloads | Cemu Graphic Packs"
meta-description: "Largest graphic pack source for Cemu that modify or scale games."
{% comment %} The javascript is designed to be infinitely scaleable. Just copy-pasting the announcement works. {% endcomment %}
<div id="cemu-version-announcement" class="jumbotron notification" hidden>
<h2>Cemu 1.14.0 graphic packs are here!</h2>
<p>With the texture cache rework, the graphic packs required a rework for all of our "resolution packs".</p>
<p>Just bare with us while we rework the missing 1.14.0 graphic packs. Reporting on issues is very helpful!</p>
<p class="lead">
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="confirmNotification('cemu-version-announcement');" role="button">Okay!</a>
<div id="remove-all-gfx-packs" class="jumbotron notification" hidden>
<h3>Remove all your graphic packs before</h3>
<p class="lead">
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="confirmNotification('remove-all-gfx-packs');" role="button">Okay!</a>
{% comment %} Get the latest release zip {% endcomment %}
{% capture newReleaseVersion %} {{ site.github.latest_release.assets[0].browser_download_url | slice: 71, 3}} {% endcapture %}
{% assign newReleaseVersion = newReleaseVersion | plus:1 %}
<div id="download-gfx-panel" class="jumbotron">
<p>Choose the right download for the Cemu version that you'll use.</p>
<p style="font-size: 16px; color: red; font-weight: bold;">Remove your previous graphic packs before installing/updating each time you install your graphic packs or you might run into issues!</p>
<div class="lead">
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" target="_self" href="https://github.com/slashiee/cemu_graphic_packs/releases/download/Travis{{ newReleaseVersion }}/graphicPacks{{ newReleaseVersion }}.zip" role="button">Cemu 1.14.0 (version 3)</a>
<span class="dropdown">
<a id="dropdown-version-button" data-target="#" class="btn btn-default btn-lg" role="button" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Older versions<span class="caret"></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdown-version-button">
<li><a href="https://github.com/slashiee/cemu_graphic_packs/releases/download/Travis100/graphicPacks100_Uncommon.zip">Cemu 1.8.0 through 1.13.2 (version 2)</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/slashiee/cemu_graphic_packs/releases/download/1/graphicPacks.zip">Cemu 1.7.0 through 1.7.5 (version 1)</a></li>
{% comment %}
Possible todo's:
- https://gitreports.com/ (anonymous github issues so that users can report issues).
- Add/extract additional information from the graphic pack (like showing additional packs besides resolution packs).
{% endcomment %}
<div id="game-list" class="panel panel-info panel-default version3-only">
<div class="panel-heading">List of graphic pack supported titles</div>
<ul class="list-group">
{% for gameTitle in site.data.GameTitles %}
<li class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center" {% if gameTitle.version3 == false %}hidden{% endif %}>
<a href="{{gameTitle.compatLink}}">{{ gameTitle.title }}</a>
<span class="badge badge-primary">{{ gameTitle.nativeRes }}p</span>
{% if gameTitle.version3 == true %}
<span class="label label-success version-label">Cemu 1.14.0</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="panel-footer">
<a id="see-more-footer" href="javascript:document.getElementById('game-list').classList.remove('version3-only');">Also see < Cemu 1.13.2 graphic packs...</a>
<a id="see-less-footer" href="javascript:document.getElementById('game-list').classList.add('version3-only');">Only show Cemu 1.14.0 graphic packs...</a>
{% comment %} Show github contributors {% endcomment %}
<div id="contributor-list">
<div class="page-header">
<h3>These graphic packs are made by these contributors!</h3>
{% tablerow contributor in site.github.contributors cols:9 %}
<a class="contributor-tooltip" href="https://github.com/slashiee/cemu_graphic_packs/commits?author={{contributor.login}}">
<span class="contributor-tooltip-text">{{contributor.login}}<div style="color: red;">{{contributor.contributions}} Commits</div></span>
<img src="{{contributor.avatar_url}}" alt="{{contributor.login}}'s avatar" class="thumbnail">
{% endtablerow %}
</div> |